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FABULA IV.<br />


In the second, or Silver ago, the year is divided into four seasons. Men begin<br />

to know good and evil. They cultivate the earth, and build houses.<br />


This Fable has a reference to the true God, as he existed antecedent<br />

and subsequent to Creation, and his manifestation to man in Eden to the<br />

Fall, and its consequences, and to the introduction of a Mediator. Saturn<br />

is said to be the son of Heawen and Earth, and is the same as Time. The<br />

Deity, who had been before the God of eternity, and the inhabitant of<br />

heaven, when the earth was created, became its inhabitant, and was<br />

known as the god of Time. The Golden Age of the ancients not only<br />

is the first age of the world, but, in its characteristics, corresponds pre<br />

cisely to the age of innocence and felicity in Paradise. As God the<br />

Father then held converse with man, face to face, the reign of Saturn in<br />

the GoMen Age is a tradition of that event, and the succession of Jupiter<br />

to the throne adumbrates the reign of God the Son, into, whose mediatorial<br />

hands the world passed, when God the Father, offended by the transgres<br />

sion of Adam, withdrew from the earth. By an observation of the notes<br />

upon Saturn and Jupiter, in this Fable, it will be seen, by extracts from<br />

heathen writers, that ' the most holy God,' Saturn, and Kronos, are all<br />

one and the same being, and that Jupiter is a mediator. Having a tra<br />

ditional account that the Deity had removed from earth, because of the<br />

sins of man, it was natural to suppose he had retired to the remotest star.<br />

Hence he was said to be in the planet Saturn, in former times regarded<br />

the farthest distant. Jupiter, who is evidently here the Messiah, after<br />

wards revealed, in succeeding his father, is fabled to dethrone him. In<br />

relation to the swallowing of the stone Baithul (Bethel), there is some<br />

confusion, the fable appearing to have reference to Adam, as well as the<br />

Mediator who assumed his penalty. Instead of swallowing and destroy<br />

ing his son, he swallows in his stead a stone called Bethel. That is, he<br />

accepts sacrifice offered at the gate of Paradise, upon the rude stone altar<br />

Bethel, instituted by himself in view of the great atonement, when he<br />

clothed our sinful first parents with the skins of the animals that were<br />

offered ; this seems the more evident, as pai^, from which the word is<br />

derived, signifies « coat or covering of skins. When, owing to the incle<br />

mency of the air, man required shelter, skins were probably formed into<br />

a tent ; and thus, in time, peujn? (Beth), a coat or covering, came to sig<br />

nify tabernacle or tent, and eventually house. The Tabernacle (Bi-th-el,<br />

house of God) had a covering of skins. Exod. xxxv. 23. The labor,<br />

toil, vicissitudes of seasons, sickness and death, of the reign of Jupiter, all<br />

agree with the state of the world after the fall of man, when the ground<br />

and the elements were cursed for his sake, and hard necessity gave rise<br />

to the various inventions.<br />

44<br />

OSTQUAM, Saturno tencbrosa in Tartara misso, 1 i. Postqnnm,<br />

, , , ... , Saturno nns-<br />

Sub Jove munuus erat; subnt argentea proles, so , tenep<br />

Auro dt-terior, lulvo pretiosior tore. 1'aT^mmT.TiS<br />

Jupiter antiqui contraxit tempera veris: craiaubJuv-cj<br />

NOTTE.<br />

1. Saturno Saturn was the son of Corlua nnd Terra (Heaven and<br />

Earth). He obtained the empire ot the world on the condition that<br />

he brought up no male children. He determined to devour any that<br />

were born. On the birth of Jupiter, his wile, Rhea, presented him<br />

with a stone, named #im.Xos , or /JmSuXos (Bui'//,«Z«s), which he swal<br />

lowed, instead of Jupiter. lie was afterwards dclhroned by his son,<br />

end confined in Tnrtarus, which means the profundity of the carlh, or<br />

of the air. Lucian, in his treatise on Astronomy, thinks he passed<br />

into the planet Saturn, and is said to be bound in chains, as this planet<br />

moves so slow.<br />

By Saturn, they mean llmt which comprehends the course and revolution!<br />

of times nnd seasons; the Greek name of which deity implies as much, for ho<br />

is called Kpdpuf, or \p6vos. that is, u space of time- CICERO OK <strong>THE</strong> GODS.<br />

The Most Holy God is nnmed, by the Assyrians, from that particular star ol<br />

the seven by which mankind arc governed, which is moved in the highest<br />

orb. TACITUS.<br />

Ilus, or Ulns, (il or ul), who is called Saturn.<br />

Kronos was the same tlie Phenicians call II.<br />


The Syrian VN (il or ul), and the He<br />

brew SN (el, Cod} is the same, and as ai<br />

in Greek corresponds to IP., or long e; (thus<br />

ailher is enlher, or ellur). Bailhul, the stone<br />

which Saturn swallowed, is precisely Beth<br />

el, ihe stone which Jacob set up where<br />

the angels appeared to him, and upon<br />

which he offered sacrifice. Baith-ul, there<br />

fore, as used by the Syrians, means Saturn's<br />

luiuse; the IToly God's /mine; just as Beth<br />

el, in Hebrew, means God's house.<br />

Thus by my counsels.<br />

In the deep dark Tartarean tjulf inclosed,<br />

Old Saturn lies. I'BOME<strong>THE</strong>DS CHAINED.<br />

2. Tenelirnsa Tnrtara: gloomy Tartarus.<br />

It refers here to the profundity of the air.<br />

In the infernal regions, the place set apart<br />

for I he punishment of criminals guilty ol<br />

the greatest impicly. was railed "Tartarus.<br />

It was supposed by Plato, and many of the<br />

ancients, to be siluntcd in the centre of the<br />

earth. Thus in Fab. II. of Book II.<br />

Diesilit omne solum; penelratque in Tartara.<br />

OVID.<br />

With tin's the damned phosls he governcth,<br />

And furies rules, and Tartarc tempereth.<br />

SPBNUR.<br />

2. Argenlea proles: the silver race.

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