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40<br />


Montibus in liquidas pinus descenderat undas:<br />

Nullaque mortales, prater stia, Itttora norant.<br />

Nondum pracipites cingebant oppida fossa? ;<br />

Non tuba direct!, non asris cornua flexi,<br />

Non gales, non ensis erant: sine militis usu<br />

6. Peregriaum orbem . a foreign orb. The<br />

whole is here put, by synecdoche, for a<br />

part of the "world.<br />

7. Pinus. The pine is a mountain tree<br />

used for ship-building. It is here put, by a<br />

figure, for a ship. Virgil, speaking of the<br />

return of the golden age, says, commerce<br />

will cease :<br />

Nee nautica piniis<br />

Mutubit merces Jk-LOGUE iv.<br />

Daut utile hgnum<br />

Navigiis pinos. GEOKGICOV ii<br />

7. Descenderal undas. The first attempt<br />

nt ship-building was, doubtless, the linter<br />

or canoe, hollowed out of a single tree. It<br />

is thought that the first hint of navigation<br />

may have been afforded by the fulling of an<br />

older tree, decayed and hollowed with age,<br />

from the river side into the woter.<br />

Tune alnos priinum fluvil sensere cavatas.<br />

GtoRGlc i.<br />

Tlie first rude plough man made to turn the<br />

soil; the first rude »ixe of stone with which he<br />

felled the stalwart pins; the first rude canoe he<br />

scooped from its trunk to cross the river, which<br />

knpt him from greener fields, were each a hu-<br />

nuin facully, flint brought wiitiin his reach a<br />

] li> sical comfort he never cnjo> ed before.<br />


8. Mortales: mortals; men. Koraul for<br />

noveraal, by syncope. See Groin, p. 1!I5.<br />

9. Pracipiles fossa : steep ditches did<br />

not ns yet enclose towns. A periphrasis<br />

to express the fact that there were no<br />

towns, for even houses were not built till<br />

the Silver age. It is remarkable that IIv-<br />

ginus, referring to this period, ond that of<br />

ihc succeeding age, speaks of one univer-<br />

sn] language, and of its after-confusion,<br />

and the consequent division of the people.<br />

The confusion of tongues was consequent<br />

on the building of one of the first cities.<br />

Go to. let us build us a city, and a tower<br />

whose lop may reach unto heaven. GEVKSIS<br />

z>. 4.<br />

Homines ante secula multa sine oppidis ]eg:-<br />

liusque vitatn exegerunt sub imperio Jevis, Bed<br />

una hngua loqucutcs. HYGIM, Fab. 14.J.<br />

10. Non liitia. There were no instru<br />

ments of martial music to stir the courage<br />

of the soldiers.<br />

At tuha terribili eonitu taratuntura dixit.<br />

KfMUS.<br />

fl're ciere viros, Martemque accenderu<br />

caniu. Viaou,.<br />

The shrill trump.<br />

The »pirit-stirring drum, the cur-piercing fife.<br />

SlIAKSl'EARE.<br />

10. Dirccli. The tulm, or trumpet, was<br />

employed in war for signals of every kind;<br />

also ai games, festivals, and at funeral<br />

NOT..E.<br />

10<br />

LIBER 1.<br />

csesa suis montibus,<br />

noiidiim descenderat<br />

in liqwdas undas, ul<br />

viseret peregrinum<br />

U. Pr.ucmites fossil!<br />

nonduin cingefoant op-<br />

pida; non tuba di<br />

rect! seris, non cornun<br />

rites. It was a long, straight tube, increas<br />

ing in diameter, and terminating in a bell-<br />

shaped mouth, which was often ornamented<br />

with the figure of some animal. The Zient into a spiral shnpe at the mouth.<br />

It was generally used by cavalry, and<br />

emitted a harsh, shrill sound.<br />

ID. Cortina flexi. The horn, anciently<br />

made of horn, but afterwards of brass, was<br />

curved in the shape of a C, with a .cross-<br />

piece. It was an octave lower than the<br />

titlm, and was generally used to sound the<br />

clafsicum.<br />

Sonuit rcflexo classicum cornu. SENECA.<br />

11. Sine militis: without the use of sol<br />

diery. There were no wars nor battles.<br />

To a reflecting and humane mind, and es<br />

pecially to one influenced by Christian<br />

principles, few things can be more revolt<br />

ing than standing armies; men kept for the<br />

very purpose of destroying life.<br />

O who are these?<br />

Death's minister?, not men! who thus deal death<br />

InhuuiMiily to men. and multiply<br />

Ten thousand-fold the sin of him who slew<br />

His brother. MILTON.<br />

11. Nun golefc. Helmets were at first<br />

formed of the skins of beasts, as is now<br />

the cnee among the American Indians. The<br />

hair was generally left on, and the teeth of<br />

FABULA ill.<br />


MoIIia secure peragebant otia gentcs.<br />

Ipsa quoque immunis rastroque intacta, nee ullis<br />

Saucia vomeribus, per se dabat omnia tellus;<br />

Contentique cibis, nnllo cogente, creatis,<br />

Arbuteos fetus, monlanaque fragra legebant,<br />

Cornaque, et in duris ham-ntia mora rubetis ;<br />

Eu quce deciderant patula Jovis arbore, glandes.<br />

the animal were generally turned po as to<br />

threaten ihe enemy. See plate, Fab. I.,<br />

Lib. III. Afterwards, they were made of<br />

brass and iron. The principal parts of the<br />

helmet are the circular portion, the cone,<br />

or central part, which receives the plume,<br />

and the cheek-pieces, attached to the hel-<br />

iret by hinges. See plate, Fab. VI., Lib. I.<br />

11. JVb/i eitsis. The ancient sword hud<br />

a broad two-edged blade, which was nearly<br />

of equal width from hilt to point. The<br />

first swords were made of bronze ; after<br />

wards, they were made of iron. The Ro<br />

man sword was generally much larger than<br />

the Greek. They were worn around the<br />

body by a belt, generally on the left side,<br />

but sometimes on the right.<br />

12. Perogebant: passed, or enjoyed soft<br />

tranquillity.<br />

Nor yet injurious act. nor surly deed,<br />

VVag known among those happy sons of heaven;<br />

For reason and benevolence were law.<br />

THOMSON.<br />

13. Immunis : the free earth ; without<br />

tillage, or the gift of seed.<br />

13. IRustro: untouched by the harrow, an<br />

instrument used to .break clods, and pul<br />

verize them after ploughing.<br />

14. Saucia: wounded. The bosom of the<br />

forth opened by the ploughshare, is figura<br />

tively said to be wounded.<br />

Adunci vnlnera oratri<br />

Rastroruinque fero. OVID, Lib. ii.<br />

On the return of the golden age, as de<br />

scribed by Virgil, the earth will not require<br />

tillage.<br />

Non rastros patietur humus, non vinea falcem.<br />

ECLOGUE iv.<br />

14. Per se: of itself; spontaneously.<br />

'EoflXo/t TTttfTa<br />

v^ qv Kapirov, 6'zQEfic {/ c&opof apov vpa<br />

pdril, TTo^\6v rf Kal Sift^ovof. — HOMER.<br />

14. Omnia : all things ; all necessary<br />

sustenance. The use of flesh was then<br />

unknown. This agrees with the Biblical<br />

account; for, the permission to eat flesh was<br />

not given till after the flood.<br />

6<br />

NOT IE.<br />

15<br />

41<br />

flexi, non galeoe, non<br />

ensis erant: secure<br />

gentes peragebant<br />

molJia otia sine usu<br />

militis.<br />

15. Content! scibis<br />

creatis, nulJo cogente<br />

legebant arbuteos fe<br />

tus, que montana<br />

fragra, que corna, et<br />

mora hacrcntia in<br />

The food of man<br />

While yet he lived in innocence, and toW<br />

A length of goklen years; unfleshed in blood.<br />

THOMSON.<br />

Sub Saturno, id est. in anreo seculo, cum om<br />

nia humus fundcret nullum comedisse carnes,<br />

sed universes vixisse frngibus et pomis qute<br />

spoute terra gignebat DIC.BAIICIHJS.<br />

At vetus ilia rctas, cui fecimus aurea nomcn<br />

Fretibus arboreis, et quas humus educat herbis<br />

Fortunata fuit, nee poHuit ora cruore.<br />

METAMOBPH. xv.<br />

15. Contenii: content; satisfied with the<br />

productions of the earth.<br />

Rich in content, in Nature's bounty rich j<br />

In herbs and fruits. THOMSON.<br />

15. Cibis: with food provided without<br />

toil. Like Adam and Eve, they were naked.<br />

God himself, their keeper, fed them, as man, a<br />

more divine animal, pastures the races lower<br />

than himself. Naked and without covering,<br />

living in the open air, they partook of varied<br />

food. PLATO.<br />

The first men lived very hardy, before the<br />

conveniences of life were found put, being ac<br />

customed to go naked, and wanting dwelling!<br />

and fires. DIODORCS SICULUS.<br />

15. Nallo cogenti: no one compelling.<br />

The fruits of the earth were voluntary, not<br />

extorted by tillage.<br />

Ipsaque tellus<br />

Omnia libenus, nullo pof ceute, ferebat. VIBGIL.<br />

16. A rbuteos foetus: the fruit of the ar<br />

butus. It grows on a low tree, and ripens<br />

in winter. In appearance it resembles a<br />

strawberry.<br />

17. Montana fraga: mountain straw<br />

berries. These are the common straw<br />

berries.<br />

Humi nascefttia fraga. VIRGIL.<br />

17. Coma: cornels; the fruit of the<br />

cornel, or wild-cherry.<br />

17. Duris rubetis: the rough bramble<br />

hedges.<br />

18. Jovis arbore. The different gods had<br />

particular trees, or shrubs, which were<br />

sacred' to them. The oak was sacred tc-<br />

Jupiter; the laurel to Apollo; the beech<br />

to Mars; the vine to Bacchus; the cypress<br />

to Pluto; the purslain- to Mercury; the<br />

poplar to Hercules; the pine to Pan; the<br />

olive to Minerva; the myrtle to Venus;<br />

the saffron to Ceres; the narcissus to Pro<br />

serpine ; the palm to the Muses ; the aldei<br />

to the Eumcnidcs; the garlic to the Lares<br />


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