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pti, /SoCAojrai, to wish), to will, wish, have a I<br />

mind, be willing, choose, desire.<br />

Volubtlis, is, e, adj. (volvo), easily rolled,<br />

rolling or turning, voluble; changeable,<br />

unstable.<br />

Volucer, ria, m. and volucris, is, f. any<br />

winged creature: both properly adj.; see<br />

next.<br />

Volucer, ia, is, e, adj. (volo, tofly),jlying,<br />

winged; light, rapid, swift; inconstant,<br />

feeble, jlcetmg.<br />

Volumen, Tnis, n. (volvo), any thing wound<br />

into a roll, a roll: hence, ns the ancients<br />

rolled up their writing, and unrolled for<br />

perusal, a writing, book, work, volume: a<br />

wreath, fold, epire: revolution, rotation.<br />

Met. 11.71.<br />

Volumes, atis, f. (volo, velle), the will, in<br />

clination, desire, with; willingness; in<br />

tention.<br />

Voluptas, atis, f. (fr volupis, delightful, wh.<br />

fr. volo, to wish), pleasure, enjoyment, de<br />

light.<br />

Voluto, are, avi, alum, a. (volvo), to roll,<br />

wind often, turn about, roll about; roll<br />

out, emit; revolve.<br />

Volvo, ere, volvi, volutum, a. to roll, wind<br />

round, roll down, unroll, open.<br />

Vomer, Eris, m. a ploughshare.<br />

Vorao, Ere, ui, ttum, n. and a. (Gr. tytbu), to<br />

vomit; discharge by vomiting, throw tip;<br />

emit, empty.<br />

Votum, i, n. (voveo), that which is vowed, or<br />

promised to a deity by vow: a vow, so<br />

lemn promise; a wish, earnest hope, fond<br />

hope.<br />

Vox, ocis, f. (Ify, a voice), the voice; a call<br />

ing out; a sound, tone: a word, words:<br />

•seech, language.<br />

386<br />

ZONA.<br />

Vulcanius, a, um, adj. pertainin« toVulcan,<br />

the lame son of Jupiter and Juno, and<br />

husband of Venus: he was god of fire,<br />

and artificer for the gods.<br />

Vulgiiris, e, adj. (vulgus), vulgar, common,<br />

usual; mean, vile.<br />

Vulgatus, a, um, part, from vulgo made<br />

public, disclosed, spread abroad, made<br />

common. Adj. common, known, well-<br />

known. ^<br />

Vulgus, i, n. or Volgus, ( :$j), Bomettmea<br />

masc. the public, people collectively and<br />

indiscriminately: hence, a number, a<br />

crowd: tht vulgar, the multitude, the<br />

rabble.<br />

Vulnero, ar», avi, atum, n. (vulnus), to<br />

wound; to njure, pain, grieve.<br />

Vulnif Icus, a, um, adj. (vulnus and facto),<br />

wounding, infixing wounds, vulnifc.<br />

Vulnus or volnus, Ens, n. a wound, hurt;<br />

a stroke, thru&t, blow; a weapon that<br />

wounds: fig. a canker, mortification:<br />

also, wound of the spirit or affections.<br />

Vultus, us, m. (perhaps volo), the human<br />

countenance, as to its expression; fea<br />

tures, aspect; the face generally.<br />

X.<br />

Xanthus, i, m. Xa7ithus, a river of TroaB.<br />

z.<br />

Zephyrus, i, m. the west wind. Zijuuas was<br />

properly the north-west wind, but is<br />

used in the former sense generally by<br />

the Latin poets.<br />

Zona, se, f. (?wnj), a belt, girdle, zones<br />

the zones of the heavens and earti<br />

<strong>THE</strong> END.<br />

PR<strong>OF</strong>ESSOR BROOKS'S<br />


THIS series of ihe GREEK and LATIN CLASSICS is on an improved plan, with peculiar adaptation<br />

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, i. :.. -,_j _ ! .., .-.. -. .u., r~i.i.._ 4 ~.L ...«- ._..._! T?-. _i._i_ ----- -- --- -'<br />

___--_-.-_ ___ . ___ ——— .. . ___ .._<br />

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