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VENIO.<br />

VIMEN.<br />

lion; permission, leave; forgiveness, par Vestis, is, f. (wOifr), a garment, robe, clothes,<br />

don.<br />

clothing, covering, tapestry.<br />

Venio, Tre, vOni, ventum, n. to come, come Veto, fire, ui, Ttuni.a. to will that something<br />

to, fall to, to befall, occur; to come forth, shall not be, to veto; to forbid, advise<br />

spring up.<br />

against; to prevent, oppose. Supposed<br />

Vcnor, ari, atus, dep. to hunt, chose,pursue 10 be taken from vetus, and BO 10 imply,<br />

game; to strive after, earnestly seek. leave as before, in its former state.<br />

Venter, tris, m. (Gr. iWrpa), the Mly, the Vetus, iris, adj. (cr f, a year}, that has long<br />

stomach, the ventricle; the womb. Venires, been; old, of long standing; former:<br />

the intestines.<br />

Vcieres, ancestors, ancients.<br />

Ventus, t, m. the wind: fig. the pales of Vetusias, atis, f. (vetus), antiquity, an-<br />

prosperity or blaste of adversity; empty cientness, oldncss, age; olden time; old<br />

applaitSK.<br />

friendship.<br />

Venus, eris, f. Venus, the goddess of Love Vet etustus, a, um, adj. (vetus), old, ancient,<br />

and Beauly, wife of Vulcan and moiher antique, not young.<br />

of Cupid: also, love, in a good or in a Via, a;, f. a way, road, passage: fig. means,<br />

bad sense : also, loveliness, grace, ele opportunity, method, manner.<br />

gance.<br />

Vinlor, Cris, m. (via), a traveller, passenger.<br />

Ver, tris, n. (Gr. lap-Up, strictly, Fiap-FHp), Vibro, are, avi, atum, a. and n. trans. to<br />

spring; the prime, spring-time: v. atatis, move quickly to and fro, to shake, agitate,<br />

spring-lime of life.<br />

vibrate, put in tremulous motion; brand<br />

Verber, is, n. a srourge, lash, rod; a stripe, ish, hurl, dart: intrans. to move tremu<br />

stroke, blow. The nom., dat. and ace. lously, vibrate, quiver, tremble; toglitter,<br />

sing, not met with.<br />

sparkle, flash.<br />

Verbuin, n. a word; a saying.<br />

Viclriia, as, f. (victnus), neighborhood, vici<br />

Vcre, adv. (verus), truly, verily, in truth, nity; nearness; affinity, similarity, re<br />

correctly, aright, fitly, rightly; sincerely, semblance.<br />

lioiiestly. »<br />

Vicinus, a, um, adj. (vicus, a hamlet, a<br />

VerCcundns, a, um, (vereor), adj. respect street), neighboring, living or being in<br />

ful, diffident, through respect, bashful, the neighborhood; near, alike, allied.<br />

modest; moderate.<br />

VTcis or Vix, vTcis, f. [the nom. sing, nol<br />

Vereor, eri, Tius, dep. tn fear, be afraid of; met wilh] , change, vicissitude, alterna<br />

revere, have a reverential fear of, respect, tion, reciprocal change, interchange.<br />

stand in awe of; to fear, apprehend. Vic'or, Cris, m. (vinco), a conqueror, victor:<br />

Vero, adv. in truth, indeed, truly, certain as an adj. victorious.<br />

ly; yes, certainly, by all means: conj. Victoria, as, f. (victor), victory, conquest:<br />

Int.<br />

the goddess of victory.<br />

Versa, are, avi, atum, a. (freq. of verto), Victrix, Tcis, f. (victor), a conqitcress, she<br />

to turn often, turn about, roll; drive that is victorious: as an adj. victorious.<br />

about; exercise, agitate; to guide, direct; Victus, a, um, part. fr. vinco, conquered,<br />

to revolve, consider, ponder; to overthrow, overthrown, tramphd on, despised.<br />

destroy.<br />

Victus, us, m. (vivo), icay of living, life;<br />

Vertex, Tcis, m. (verto), strictly, that which foorl, sustenance, victuals; in a general<br />

is turned about; the extremity round senge, support and comfort of the body.<br />

which a thing turns ; the crown of the Video, ere, Tdi, Tsum, a. and n. (i

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