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8CORPIOS.<br />

SERIES.<br />

any large stone: particularly, a cliff or from edo, to eat), half-eaten, gnawed,<br />

Muff on the sen-s/iore.<br />

pa rlly-coHsumed.<br />

Scorpios, ii, m. (Gr. moprrios), a scorpion: Stimuli-us, i, m. and eemidea, ce, f. (eemi,<br />

the Scorpion, the zodiacal sign.<br />

half, dcus), a demigod.<br />

Sc^ihia, ffi, f. Scyt?a'a, the country of the Scmifer, a, um. adj. (semi, hnlf, and ferus),<br />

bcyihians in northern Europe and Asia. half-beast, on epithet of the Centaurs.<br />

Secedo, Ere, cessi, cessurn, n. (se, irisep. SemTneeis, e, adj. (semi, nex, violent death},<br />

prep, apart, and cedo), to go apart, to re half-slain, half-dead; not yet cold in<br />

tire, withdraw, retreat, sectde.<br />

death.<br />

Secerno, ere, crevi, cretum, n. (se nnd c'er- Scmlrimis, idis, f. Stmiramis, the cele<br />

no), to put apart, place asunder, separate, brated queen of Assyria, wife and suc<br />

sever, divide, distinguish.<br />

cessor of Nimis, the iounder oi Babylon.<br />

Secius, adv. comp. of adv. secus, otherwise, Stmivir, iri, m. (semi and vir), a liulfman;<br />

differently.<br />

an tfftmi-natv, womanish person.<br />

Seco, are, ui, turn, a. to cut, cut off, to Semper, adv. (seinel, per), once for all, al<br />

wound, to pain, torment; satirize: to se ways, ever, continually.<br />

parate, decide, determine; divide. Ser.ecta, IE, f. (senex), age, old age; long<br />

Sucretus, a, uni, part, from secerno, as adj. duration.<br />

separate, apart, remote, secret, solitary. Senex, gen. senis, adj. comp. senior, aged,<br />

Scculum, same as sfeculum, which pee. old, advanced in years, ancient.<br />

Secundum, adv. (secundus), after, imme Sensini, adv. (semio), by little and little,<br />

diately afier, just following: in the next imperceptibly, insensibly, gradually.<br />

or sicoml place: prep, nigh, near; by, Sensus, us, m. (seutio), sensation, feeling,<br />

alons; c/ose after; according to, in con perception, fcnse; faculty of perception;<br />

formity with.<br />

emotion, affection, passion; understand<br />

Secundus, a, um, adj. (sequor), following; ing, comprehension, idea, consciousness.<br />

Jafter the first, the second; going after, Sentemia, se, f. (sentio), opinion, thougtit,<br />

uicily or closely following ; favoring, judgmini, decision, sentence, resolution;<br />

jvorable; prosperous, successful. meaning, expression.<br />

firis, is, I. (seco), an axe, a chopping- Sentio, Tre, sensi, sum. a. to discern by the<br />

Inife.<br />

senses, perceive, fet I, experience, suffer;<br />

Securus, a, um, ndj. (se, that is, sine, cura), to observe, discern, notice, discover; to<br />

secure, undisturbed, without anxiety; not think, be of opinion, conceive, judge.<br />

to be feared.<br />

Sentis, is, in. and f. a brier, tramllc,<br />

Seciis, adv. (seco), not so, otherwise, differ t/iorn.<br />

ently.<br />

Senius, a, um, adj. (sentis, a bramble),<br />

Secutus, a, um, part of ecquor, which see. thorny, brambly, rugged, rough, unculti<br />

Sed, conj. butt not always adversative, but vated.<br />

frequently used for connection in the Separo, ore, avi, atum, a. (se and pare), to<br />

sense of now. I say, & c.<br />

separate, part, divide.<br />

Sedeo, Ere, Ddi, scssum, n. fclos, a scat), Sepes, is, f. (by sonic from cw^s, an enclo<br />

seldom a. to fit, take a seat; sit close, sure), a fence, hedge; enclosure.<br />

firm,fast; continue, abide,<br />

Sepono, Ere, iisui, ijsltum, a. (se and pono),<br />

Sedes, is, f. (sedeo or nfoj), a seat; abode, to place apart, set aside, lay by, reserve;<br />

settlement, spot; also, base, foundation,. lay aside, dismiss; to remove; to distin<br />

Scdo, fire, avi, atum, n. (perhaps sedeo), to guish.<br />

cause to settle down; to allay, appease, Septem, indec. adj. (fcrrii), seven.<br />

pacify, assuage, mitigate, soothe, alleviate, Septemfluus, a, um, adj. (septem andfluo),<br />

settle, slay, check.<br />

flowing sevenfold, having seven mouths.<br />

Seduce, ere, xi, ctum, a. (se, apart, and Septemtrio, or Septentrio, unis, m. (sep<br />

duco), to lead apurt; to put aside, appro tem and trio), pi. scptemtriones, the seven,<br />

priate; to separate, divide; to remove; to plough-oxen: hence, from resemblance,<br />

withdraw.<br />

the seven stars of the constellation Arctos ;<br />

SEges, etis, f. (perhaps fr. rim, r«ru), that the Great Bear; Charles' Wain.<br />

which is produced, young growth; stand Septem, re, n, adj. pi. (septem), distributive,<br />

ing corn, a crop.<br />

seven, seven lach.<br />

Segnis, is, e, adj. (se, for sine, and ignis), SeptTmus, a, um, adj. ord. (septem),<br />

without spiiit or energy, inactive, slow, seventh.<br />

indalenl, sluggish, heavy, lazy. SEpuIcrum, i, n. (f epelio, to inter}, a gravel<br />

Semel, adv. once.<br />

also, fig. a corpse, or the soul of the de<br />

Scmulc, cs, f. Semele, daughter of Cadmus, parted.<br />

beloved of Jupiter, and to him mother SEquor, i, quiitus and cutus, dep. (tiro^oi),<br />

of Bacchus.<br />

to come after, follow; be consequent upon;<br />

Semen, mis, n. (fr. segmen, a piece cut off to pursue; to ensue. "<br />

[qu.]), any thing that i* or may be town SCrenus, a, mn, adj. calm and clear, without<br />

or planted; seid; a shoot; first cause, clouds and ram, fair, bright, serene: fig.<br />

origin, source; offspring, progeny. cheerful, gladsome.<br />

SemCsus, a, um, adj. (semi, half, and esus, Series, ei, f. (sero, to Unit together), a row<br />

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SERIUS.<br />

SISTO.<br />

nnrnbir series, order; lineage, line of Sidonis, idis, and Sidoniffi, m, f. adj. the<br />

descent.<br />

country around Sidon, Sidonia.<br />

Serius, adv. comp. of sere or sero, later, Sidonius, a, um, adj. Sidonian, belonging<br />

more lately, too late.<br />

to Sidon: also, I heban, so called From<br />

Sermo, unis, m. (sero, to sow), any thing Cadmus, the Fhenician.<br />

spoken, a discourse; hence, a common Sidus, eris, n. ('i'Ai,-), any luminous heavenly<br />

talk, town's talk; conversation; a speech, body; the sun, moon, planet, constella<br />

ornlinn; an essay.<br />

tion, stur: fig. ornament, beauty, pride.<br />

Sero, (properly abl. of serus), adv. late, too Sigmfico, are, avi, atum, a. (signuin and<br />

late.<br />

iacio), to intimate by a sign, to give notice,<br />

Sero, ere, evi, atum, a. to sow,produce, in signify, indicate; betoken; import.<br />

troduce.<br />

Signo, are, avi, atum, a. (signum), to mark,<br />

Serpens, entis, m. and f. (serpo, to creep), a mark out; to inscribe, grave; to express;<br />

creeping animal; a serpent.<br />

to point out.<br />

Eerpo, ere, rpsi, rptum, n. (Gr. epra), to Signum, i, n. (aViij), n mark, sign; a proof;<br />

creep, crawl, slide on the telly; to move a token, a prognostic; a signalin military<br />

imperceptibly, to spread gradually. parlance, a standard; a figure, image,<br />

Sertum, li, n. (sure, to bind together), a statue; a constellation.<br />

garland, festoon.<br />

STlentium, i, n. (sileo), silence; stillness;<br />

Serus, a, um, adj. late: also, aged, slow, quietness.<br />

protracted; too late, useless.<br />

Sileo, ere, ui, n. and a. (Gr. OT'SW), to be si<br />

Servator, oris, m. (servo), a saviour, pre lent, cease to speak; to keep secret; to be<br />

server, deliverer.<br />

still or inactive.<br />

Servaturue, a, um, fut. part, servo, about to Stlex, icis, m. flint, flintstone; any hard<br />

save, preserve.<br />

stone.<br />

Servio, Ire, ivi, and ii. Hum, n. (servus), to Silva, SE, or Sylva, se, f. (i>i), a wood, forest,<br />

be a slate, act as servant, to be suhjcct to; woodlands, a grove.<br />

to serve for1, that is, be fit for, or used Silvanus, i, or Sylvanus, i, m. (sylva), the<br />

for; to gratify, indulge, please; to pay deity of the woods: pi. gods of woods, &c.<br />

attention to.<br />

Silveatris, is, e, or Sylvestris, e, adj. (sylvo),<br />

ServTtium, ii, n. (servus), slavery, servitude, full of woods, woody, growing in woods,<br />

bondage.<br />

dwelling in or belonging to woods.<br />

Servo, are, avt, atum, a. (rpCu, to guard), to STmTIis, is, e , adj. like, resembling, similar:<br />

observe, watch, wait for, guard, keep, also, probable.<br />

maintain, preserve, retain.<br />

STmiHYmus, a, um, adj. sup. of Similis.<br />

Sela, ffi, f. stiff, rough hair; bristle; an STmul, adv. (as if simili, that is, in like<br />

angling line.<br />

manner), together, at once, at the same<br />

Seu. conj. (fr. sivc), whether, or.<br />

time, as soon, as soon as.<br />

SEverus, a, urn, adj. (se and verus), sepa STmuIacrum, i, n. (simuln), a likeness, re<br />

rating the truth: hence, serious, strict, presentation, picture, image, resemblance,<br />

severe; Itarsh, cruel.<br />

fjfisy; shadow, semblance, phantom.<br />

SEvoco, are, avi, atum, n. (se and voco), to STmulo, are, avi, atum, a. (similis), to make<br />

call apart or aside, to withdraw.<br />

like, assume the appearance of; to repre<br />

Sex, adj. num. (cQ, six.<br />

sent; to imitate; to counterfeit, feign.<br />

SI, conj. if.<br />

Sincerus, a, um, adj. (as if simccrus, fr<br />

Sibilo, are, avi, atum, n. to hiss.<br />

semel, once, Mpaco, to mix: 60, once-mixed,<br />

Sibilum, i, n. and sibilus, t, m. (from the simply-mixed, or from sine cera, without<br />

sound), a hissing, whistling, whizzing. wax, as honey perfectly clean from the<br />

Sic, adv. so, thus, in like manner, in this comb), not painted, natural, genuine;<br />

way.<br />

upright, candid, sincere; pure, unmixcd;<br />

Sicco, ore, avi, atum, a. to dry, make dry; itncorrupt, sound.<br />

to drink up, empty; to milk.<br />

Sine, prep, (perhaps fr. sino), without. It<br />

Siccus, a, um, adj. dry, witluiut moisture; is sometimes put after iis case.<br />

thirsty, dry with thirst; cold, dull of feel Sinister, ra, um, adj. (sino), left, on theleft;<br />

ing.<br />

adverse, unpropilious, unfortunate, bad;<br />

Sicut, conj. (sic and uti), soas,just as, as, perverse.<br />

as if.<br />

STnistra, ffi, f. properly f. of adj. sinister.<br />

SicytJnius, a, um, adj. pertaining to the s. manus understood, the left hand, the<br />

town Sicyon, in Achaia, Sicyonian. left.<br />

Sidtreus, a, um, adj.(sidus), glitteringwilh STno, ere, slvi, sTtus, a. to permit, suffer,<br />

consultations or stars, starry; celestial, allow.<br />

divine, heavenly, beautiful, bright, lus- Slnuo, are, avi, atum, a. (sinus), to wind in<br />

troup.<br />

a serpentine form, to twist, wreathe, curve,<br />

STdo. fre, sldi and sedi, n. KW), 1o let one's bendself<br />

down, to alight, perch, descend, fettle STnus, us, m. any concave surface or semi<br />

down, to sijik down.<br />

circular hollow; a bay; a bosom; a fold,<br />

Sldon, onis, and STdonis, Tdis, f. Sidon, n the inmost part.<br />

celebrated commercial city of Phoenicia. Sisto, Ere, stiti and sttti, statum, a. nnd n.<br />

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