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REDEO.<br />

REdeo, ire, ii, and Ivi, ttum, irreg. n. (re,<br />

eo), to-return, come back; come in, accrue.<br />

RCdTgo, Cre, cgi, actum, a. (re and ago), to<br />

drive back, force back, bring back, to re<br />

duce.<br />

Redulco, ere, ui, n. (re and oleo), to emit a<br />

smell, to smell, to be redolent.<br />

Ruduco, ere, xi, ctum, a. (re and duco), to<br />

bring tack, lead back, to restore, to reduce;<br />

draw back, retract.<br />

Rcfello, ere, a. (re, fallo), to remove an illurion,<br />

to confute, refute, disprove, prove<br />

false, rebut.<br />

Icfuro, fcrre, tuli, latum, irreg. n. (re and<br />

fero), to bring back, give back, retort, re<br />

fute, repeat, renew, repay, reply, relate.<br />

Icfiigio, ere, ugi, ugTtum, a. ancfn. (re and<br />

filgio), to fee back, retreat, draw back,<br />

shrink; to fee from.<br />

Rcgnlis, e, adj. (rex), kingly, regal, royml,<br />

princely, magnificent.<br />

Regahler, adv. (regalio), royally, regally,<br />

magnificently, in a royal or regal manner.<br />

Regia. as, f. (properly tern, ot regius, soil.<br />

domus), a palace, royal residence, court.<br />

RegTmen, inis, n. (rego), that by which a<br />

thine is guided or governed, a rudder of<br />

a ship ; a guiding.<br />

Reglna, as, f. (rex), a queen, princess, lady<br />

of distinction.<br />

Rcgio, onis, f. (rego), a direction, a line; a<br />

boundary line, limit; a region, district,<br />

territory.<br />

Regius, a, um, adj. (rex), kingly, royal,<br />

princeli/, belonging to or becoming a kitig.<br />

Regna, are, avi,~alum, a. and n. (regnum),<br />

to reign, rule, have sway, to rage uncontrolltd.<br />

Regnum, i, n. (rex), sovereignty; desjiotism;<br />

a kingdom, realm.<br />

Rego, ere, xi, ctum, a. (iplyu), to direct in<br />

a straight line, to direct; to regulate,<br />

manage, guide: hence, to govern, away,<br />

rule.<br />

REjTcio, ere, tci, ectum, a. (re and jacio),<br />

to .fling back, cast in return, throwbeliind,<br />

throw away, cast off, reject, neglect.<br />

Relabor, i, psus sum, dep. (re, labor), to<br />

slide back; flow back, sail back.<br />

RElaxo, are, avi, alum, a. (re, laxo), to<br />

widen again, widen; to ease, relieve; to<br />

loose, open.<br />

REIcgo, Cre, egi, ectum, a. (re and lego),<br />

properly, t o take back again, piece by<br />

viece; to draw back; to wander orcr again;<br />

to read again, revise.<br />

KEIietus, o, um, part, of relinquo, which<br />

see.<br />

RelTgatus, a, um, part, of religo, are, avi,<br />

to bend back, to fasten, to tie, bi?td.<br />

KElinquo, ere, Iqui, ictum, a. (re, linquo),<br />

to li'five bthintl, to liace; to attandon; to<br />

omit, neglect.<br />

Remaneo, Cre, nsi, nsum, n. (re and ma-<br />

neo), to stay beliind, to remain, continue,<br />

abide; endure.<br />

Remmiscor, isei, dep. (from re and the obs.<br />

meniscor, which came irom obs. meno.<br />

308<br />

REPONO.<br />

perf. memini), to remember, to recollect;<br />

to reflect upon, consider.<br />

Remissus, a, um, part, of remitto, as adj.<br />

relaxed, languid, negligent, unguarded.<br />

Remitto, Ettere, isi, issum, a. (re and init-<br />

to), to let go back, to rend back, throw<br />

back; to send forth again, fend forth,<br />

throw up: to relax, slacken; to relieve, re<br />

lease, free; to remit, permit.<br />

Icmollesco, ere, n. (re and mollesco), to<br />

become soft agam; or, simply, to become<br />

Soft, to be softened, to rehnl.<br />

iEmoramen, Inis, n. (remorpr, to delay), a<br />

stop or hindrance, prevention, delay.<br />

femoral us, a, um, part, of remoror, ari,<br />

iitus, intrans. to tarry, delay, stay: trans.<br />

hinder, obstruct, retard.<br />

fleinutus, a, um, part. fr. removeo: as<br />

adj. remote.<br />

RCmilveo, ere, ovi, otue, a. (re, moveo), to<br />

mure back; to remove, to withdraw.<br />

Rcmiigio, Ire, gi, n. (re and mugio), to bel<br />

low again, or in reply, to bellow.<br />

Remus, i, m. (iprrpft), an oar : also used of<br />

the wings of birds, the impelling power.<br />

RCnivatus, a, um, part, (renovo, are), re-<br />

Mi wed, restored; fallowed.<br />

Reor, rcris, ratus sum, dcp. (/5fu), to reckon:<br />

hence, ratus, taken passively, reckoned,<br />

thought, considered; to suppose, believi,<br />

think.<br />

Rcpagulum, i, n. (re and pango, to fix), the<br />

fastening of a door, a bolt, bar, barrier.<br />

RCpandus, a, um, adj. (re and pandus, bent),<br />

bent back, brnt upwards, curved npu-ards.<br />

Reparabllis, is, e, adj. (reparo), that may be<br />

repaired or recovered, reparable, retrieva<br />

ble.<br />

Reparo, are, avi, Stum, (re and pare), a. t o<br />

procure again, to recover, repair, restore;<br />

rrftt, renew; refresh, recreate, revive.<br />

Rtpello, Cre, pufi, pulsum, a. (re and pello),<br />

to drive back, repel, repulse, expil; to Keep<br />

off, binder, push back; reject, refuse.<br />

Rependo, ere, di, sum, a. (re an'd pendo),<br />

to weigh lack, return the same weight; to<br />

return, repay, reward.<br />

Repente, adv. (repens. fr. para, to incline),<br />

suddenly,unau>ares,uti expect edly,hastily.<br />

REpercussus, a, um, part, of repereutio,<br />

ere, ussi, a. to strike lack, cause to re-<br />

bound, rifled.<br />

RepErio, Trc, peri, pertum, a. (re, pario), to<br />

Jind; discover; to find to be; to obtain; to<br />

devise.<br />

REpertus, a, um, part, of reperio, foam!,<br />

discovered, ascertained; acquired; in<br />

vented.<br />

RCpcto, ere, ivi, and ii, itiim, a. (re and<br />

peto), to ask again, dininndas a right; to<br />

repeat; to go back again; resume.<br />

REpleo, ere, evi, ctuin, a. (re and obs.<br />

pleo), to Jill again, replenish; to complete,<br />

supply; restore, refresh; to satiate, fill.<br />

REpono, ere, usui, osiium, a. (re, pono), to<br />

lay or place, liack or behind; to keep, re<br />

serve; to lay aside, put away; to bury; to<br />

replace, put or lay dovn again.<br />

REPORTO.<br />


RlSporto, are, avi, atum, a. (re, porto), to mcr state, put in order again; to renea,<br />

bear, bring or lead back; to report, re- repair; to give back, return.<br />

feat, relate.<br />

Resto, are, stiii, n. (re and sto), to stay o><br />

Reprmio, ere, essi, essum, a. (re and remain behind, to rimain, be left, to await;<br />

premo), to press back; repress, check, re to oppose, resist.<br />

strain, hinder.<br />

REsumptus, a, um, part. fr. resume, ere,<br />

REpugno, are, avi, atum, n (reandpugno), mpsi, a. to take up again, resume; to get<br />

to contend against, resist; to be inconsis again, recover.<br />

tent, repugnant, adverse, incompjlitle; Rrsupnius, a, um, ndj. (re and supinus),<br />

to oppose.<br />

bent backu-ards, 1,/ing on the back, face<br />

Repulsa, SB, f. (rcpello), a being unsuccess upward;jtupine, lying on one's back.<br />

ful; a repulse, denial, refusal, rejection. Kesurgo, ere, Burrcxi, surrectum, n. (re<br />

R£pulsus, a, um, part, of rcpello, which and surgo), to rise again, appear a"ain,<br />

gee.<br />

break forth again.<br />

REquies, ci and eiis, f. (re and quies), rest, REtardo. arc, avi, a. (re and tardo), to keep<br />

repose, quiet, refreshment, relaxation. back, detain, delay, impede, ictard.<br />

Requicsco, ere, evi, Stum, n. (re and quies- ROtc, is, n. a net.<br />

co), to rest, repose, sleep.<br />

Retendo, ere, di, sum and turn, a. (re and<br />

Require, ere, ism, sltum, a. (re and quooro), tcndo), to slacken that which has been<br />

to seek again; to seek for, search for, to strained.<br />

to seek, to demand.<br />

RCtento, are, avi, atum, a. (re and tento),<br />

Res, rei, f. a thing, in the most extensive to try again, attempt again, resume.<br />

signification : an action, deed; fact, real RetTceo, ere, cui, n. (re and toceo), to hold<br />

ity, &c. &c.<br />

one's peace, be silent; not to answer.<br />

Rescindo, Cre, >di, issum, a. (re and scindo), Retineo, Cre, ui, tentum, a. (re and teneo),<br />

to cut, cut off; to destroy, rend; to tear to hold back, keep back, stop, check, re<br />

open.<br />

strain, to retain, preserve, keep.<br />

Rescisco, ere, Ivi and ii, Itum, n. (re and RCtorqueo, ere, si, turn, a. (re and torqueo,,<br />

suisco or scio), to learn again, know to writhe or twist back, bend back, turn<br />

again; to ascertain, discover, detect. back; to writhe, bend. •<br />

REsEratus, a, um, part. fr. resEro, are, avi, Retracto, are, avi, atum, a. (re and tracto),<br />

a. to unbolt, unlock, unbar, throw open; to handle again, feel again ; to take in<br />

to discover, disclose; to begin.<br />

hands again, undertake again; to consi<br />

REsTdens, entis, part. pres. of resideo, ere, der aneuj, to repeat.<br />

eede, sessum. n. (re and sedeo), to sit; to Retraho, Ere, xi, ctum, a. (re and traho), to<br />

remain behind; to rest, be inactive. draw back, withdraw, to bring back, to<br />

Resflio, Ire, stlui and stlii, sultum, n. (re keep from: to rescue; to draw back: also,<br />

and salio), to leap back, to rebound, recoil, to conceal, to suppress.<br />

retire, recede.<br />

Retro, adv. behind, on the back side, back<br />

REsisto, Cre, stlti, stftum, n. (re and sisto), wards, back.<br />

to step back; to stop, stand still; remain, Retroversus, a, um, (part. fr. retroverto,<br />

continue; stand firmly, withstand, resist, ere, ti, a. to turn back), turned about,<br />

oppose.<br />

turned back.<br />

Resolve, Cre, vi, siilutum, a. (re, solvo), to Revello, ere, i, ulsum, a. (re and vello, to<br />

untie again, to unbind; to open; to dis pluck), to pull away, pluck or tear off; tear<br />

solve; to disperse; to enfeeble, to relax, up, pull open.<br />

delight; to violate.<br />

REvSrentia, SB, f. (revEreor), reverence, re<br />

REsunabilis, is, e, adj. (resono), resounding, spect; awe, dread.<br />

re-echoing.<br />

REverto, ere, ti, sum, a., and revertor, ti,<br />

Resjno, arc, avi, n. (re and sono), to sound sus sum, dep. [re and verto), to t irn<br />

again, sound back, resound, ring back; to back; return, come back.<br />

give forth a sound.<br />

Revtrosco, Cre, rui, n. (re and vireo, to be<br />

RCsunus, a, um, adj. (resono), resounding, verdant), to become green ogain, to recover<br />

re-eclwing.<br />

former youth, vigor, liveliness, to become<br />

RispTcio, ere, spcxi, spcetum, a. and n. (re young again.<br />

and specie), to look back or behind; to re REvocamen, Tnis, n. (re and voco), a calling<br />

flect on, rtcollect: to regard, respect. back, recalling; a detaining.<br />

Fesplramen, inis, n. (respire, to breathe REvuco, are, avi, atum, a. (re and voco), to<br />

back), a fetching of breath, breathing: call again, call in return: to call tack,<br />

also, the windpipe.<br />

recall, restore; to revoke, retract.<br />

Respondeo. ere, di, sum, a. (re and spon- Revulsus, a, um, part, from revello, which<br />

deo), to promise in rtturn, to promise; to see.<br />

answer, reply; to harmonize, suit; to cor Rex, egis, m. (rego), properly a ruler, go<br />

respond.<br />

vernor, director; hence, one holding sove<br />

Responsum, i, n. (respondeo), an answer, a reign power in a state or city, a king,<br />

reply.<br />

monarch, sovereign.<br />

Restituo, ere, ui, iitum, a. (re and stntuo), Rhamniisia, 33, f. properly fern, of Rhamnuto<br />

*et tip again, rejilacc, restore to itafor- sius, a, um, Ehamiius'ian: scil. dea, the<br />

47<br />

309<br />


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