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PUGNO.<br />

Pngno, are, avi, atum, n. (pugna), to fight,<br />

engage, contend, resist; to beat variance,<br />

inconsistent.<br />

Pugnus, i, m. a fist: hence, a handful.<br />

Pulclier, ra, rum, adj. comp. pulchnor, sup.<br />

pulchiorimus, (properly of many colors,<br />

rroAvvpcoj), beautiful, fair, handsome; ex<br />

cellent, noble, gloriot's.<br />

Pullus, a, um, adj. (Gr. ireMiif), black, dark,<br />

blackish, dusky: hence, sad, mournful.<br />

Pulmo, onis, m. (Gr. m/ci^&w), the lungs.<br />

Pulso, are, avi, alum, a. (freq. of Pello, to<br />

strike, push forward, impel, propel; beat<br />

at or on; to disturb, agitate.<br />

Pulsus, a, um, part, of Pello, which see.<br />

PulvCriilcntus, a, um, ndj. (pulvis), full of<br />

dust, dusty, covered with dust; hence,<br />

attended with or acquired by toil.<br />

Pulvis, eris, m. and f. dust, powder: fig. the<br />

field for wrestling, fencing, &c.; earth,<br />

soil.<br />

Puincx, Tcis, m. a pumice stone; any soft<br />

or brittle stone.<br />

Pfimcus, a, um, adj. Carthaginian; red<br />

dish, purple.<br />

Puppis, is, f. the stern of a ship, the poop:<br />

fig. the whole ship.<br />

Purpura, ie, (Gr. Tropipipa), the shellfish from<br />

whiclt wasobtaincdlhepurpledye; pnrple.<br />

Purpiireus, a, um, ndj. (purpura), nf purple,<br />

purple-colored, purple: sometimes dark<br />

ish, reddish, violtt; clad in purple: also,<br />

Inaiitiful.<br />

Piirus, a, um, adj. pure, clean, free from<br />

flth, free from sin or crime: in its natu<br />

ral state, naked, simple, inartificial, un<br />

adorned, unmJxed.<br />

Puto, nre, avi, atum, a. to clean, especially<br />

with respect to trees: to clear, adjust;<br />

to count, reckon; to account, suppose,<br />

think, esteem.<br />

Pylius, n, um, adj. Pylian, of or belonging<br />

to Pylos, a town of the Peloponnesus:<br />

three towns of that name vied for ihe<br />

honor of being the birth-place of Nes<br />

tor; most probably that in Messenia,<br />

now Naxarino.<br />

Pjrumus, i, m. proper name, Pyramns.<br />

Pyroeis, entis, m. (nrpfeif, fiery), name given<br />

to one of Sol's horses: also, the planet<br />

Mars.<br />

Pyropus, i, m. (mipax6{, fire-colored), Pyro-<br />

pe, mixture of brass and gold ; a pre<br />

cious stone, carbuncle.<br />

I'yrrha, 83, f. (mtffa, flame-colored, fiery).<br />

Pyrrha, daughter of Epimetheus, and<br />

wife of Deucalion.<br />

Pythius, n, um, ndj. (Python), Pythian.<br />

Pxthon, onis, m. a monstrous serpent near<br />

Delphi, slain by Apollo, who was said<br />

to have been thence called Pythius,<br />

Pythian.<br />

d.<br />

Quil, adv. (strictly abl. fern, of qui, scil.<br />

parte), where, wheresoever; whither: how,<br />

oy what means.<br />

SGQ<br />


QuadrTjugus, a, um, adj. (quatuor and ju-<br />

gum), four horses yoked abreast to one<br />

chariot.<br />

Quadrupes, edis, adj. (quatuor and pes),<br />

fourfooted: as a subst. a quadruped;<br />

horse, slag, &c.<br />

Quajro, Cre, slvi, situm, a. to seek, look for;<br />

to seek for, strive to procure; seek and not<br />

find, miss; to gain, acquire, to ask, in<br />

quire; to investigate.<br />

QusesTtus, a, um, part, of Qusero, sought<br />

after, &c. Quaesitum, i, n. an inquiry,<br />

question.<br />

Qunlis, is, e, adj. of what kind, what sort!<br />

such as, of such kind.<br />

QuJim, adv. and conj. how; how much; as :<br />

after comp. than: after sup. very, or as,<br />

as possible.<br />

Quamvis, conj. nnd ndv. (quam and vis,<br />

second person of Volo), as much as you<br />

will, however much, never so; although.<br />

Quanquain, conj. although, though indeed.<br />

Quanto, adv. [properly abl. of quantus],<br />

by how much, by as muc-h.<br />

Quantum, adv. [properly neuter of qnan-<br />

tus,] how much, as much as.<br />

Quantus, a, um, adj. how great, how much:<br />

tantuni, quantum, as much as, as.<br />

Quarc, conj. and adv. (qua and re), by<br />

which, whereby; for what reason 1 on what<br />

account 1 wherefore 1 therefore, on which<br />

account, for which reason, wherefore.<br />

Quartus, a, um, adj. (rcrnproj), fourth.<br />

Quater, adv. (quatuor), four times.<br />

Quatio, ere, quassum, [the perfect quassl<br />

is not met with,] to shake, toss, move<br />

violently; to affect, agitate; harass, vex;<br />

to shatter, break in pieces.<br />

Quatuor, indec. num. adj. four.<br />

Que, conj. enc. (perhaps fr. re, to which it<br />

seems nearly equiv.) and, placed after<br />

the word which in sense follows it.<br />

Queo, ire, Ivi and ii, ilum, irreg. n. I can,<br />

am able.<br />

Quercus, us, f. the oak, oak tree.<br />

Querela, as. f. (fr. queror), a lament, com<br />

plaint, plaint.<br />

Queror, i, estus, dep. to lament, complain,<br />

utter complainingly, to wail.<br />

Questus, us, m. (queror), a complaining,<br />

lamentation, wail, complaint.<br />

Qui, quae, quod, pron. who, which, what;<br />

both relative and interrogative, but gene<br />

rally ihe former.<br />

Quia, conj. old n. pi. of quid, because.<br />

Qulcunquc, (qui and cunque), pron. whoso<br />

ever, whatsoever-, whoever.<br />

Quiduin, pron. one, a certain one.<br />

QuTdem, conj. indeed: granted, 'tis true:<br />

and indeed, and that; at least, assuredly.<br />

Quies, etis, f. rest, repose, cessation from<br />

labor; quiet, peace, tranquillil >/, sletp.<br />

Quiesco, Cre, evi, Stum, n. (quies), to rest,<br />

cease, be at ease.<br />

Quillbet, quasi., quodl. or quidl., pron. (qui<br />

and libet, pleases), whoever wills, any one<br />

you please, it matters not who, tvcry one<br />

without distinction, any one.<br />

QUIN.<br />

Quin, conj. and adv. (qui and ne, not), that<br />

not, but that, indeed, really; rather, nay<br />

rather, why Hot ?<br />

Quini, £e, a.'adj. (quinque), j!»e, five each.<br />

Quinque, indec. num. (nevre), five.<br />

Qiiinquennis, is, e, adj. (quinque, anni,<br />

years), of five years, five yean olil.<br />

Quintiis, a , um.'adj. (quinque), the fifth.<br />

Quippe, eonj. indeed, in fact, to wit, inas<br />

much as; forsooth; forasmuch as.<br />

Qnis, quae, quid or quod, pron. iiiterrog.<br />

IF/iO, which, vihat.<br />

Quisqunm. quasq., quidq. or quicq., pron.<br />

(quis and quam), any, any one, any<br />

tjihi.niam, conj. (quoni for qimm jam), when,<br />

after that, now that: most frequently,<br />

since, seeing thai.<br />

Quuque, conj. also, likewise, too, as well.<br />

Quot, indcc. num. how many, at many as:<br />

in composiiion, every.<br />

Qijwties, adv. (quot), liow often, how many<br />

times.<br />

R.<br />

Rabies, ei, f. (rabio or rabo, to ravei, mad<br />

ness of beasts : also, of men, blind fury,<br />

ungovernable rcuje : fig.fury, of the sca,&c.<br />

Raccinifer, era, erum, adj. bearing cluster*.<br />

Raci'mns, i, m. (j5,if, (fayof, n berry), part of<br />

a bunch of grapes, having some berries on<br />

one stutk; n cluster.<br />

Radio, are. avi, alum, n. and a. (radius),<br />

inirans. t o emit rays, throw forth beams,<br />

radiate, shine: trans. to illuminate,<br />

brighten, enlighten, illume.<br />

Rldius, ii, m. (by some, from i>a$fos. a rod),<br />

a TO I, staff; a radius; hence, spoke of a<br />

trJinl; a rny of light, a sunbeam.<br />

R.ldix, icis, t. [lr. pi-a, (i root, or f>.i?i*, a<br />

branch, the toot nf a tree, plant, &c.:)fig.<br />

that on orfiom which any thing prows.<br />

Rainus, i, m. a branch, bouxh, arm of a tree;<br />

a branch in the ficnrative sense.<br />

RapTdus, a, um. adj. (rapio), tearing awai/,<br />

hurrying away : raptd, swift, impetuous,<br />

vehement.<br />

RapTna, te, f. (rapio), robbery, rapine, plun<br />

dering: plunder, booty, prey.<br />

Rapio, ere, ui, ptum, n. (fyT(J» H/TJTJW), to rob,<br />

plunder, carry off by force; ravish; to<br />

snatch; hurry away: part, raptus, a,<br />

REDDO.<br />

um vivitur ex rapto, they live by plun<br />

der, on things plundered*<br />

Rapto, are, avi, atum, (rapio), to rob, pil<br />

lage, -plunder, ravage; take away by force,<br />

drag away.<br />

Rnptus, us, m. (rapio), a forcible or violent<br />

lading; a, robbing, plundering; a forcible<br />

abduction.<br />

Rarus, a, um, adj. rare, thin, not close, not<br />

thick; infrequent, scarce, unusual: fig.<br />

excellent, rare.<br />

Rastrum, i, n. (rado, to scrape), in pi. iri. n.<br />

and tra, n. a toothed instrument used •«<br />

agriculture, a rake, harrow; wcedina<br />

hook, mattock, hoe, &,c.<br />

Rasus, a, um, (part, of rsdc, Ere, si, sum),<br />

shaven, scraped, scratcluj, 'orn.<br />

Raiio, onis, f. (rcor, to reckon',, t reckoning,<br />

calculation: regard, resptct; iuttrczt. be<br />

nefit ; opinion ; reason, rea^oiinft/- ness,<br />

wisdom; a measure, method, inaniu r.<br />

Rails, is, f. timbers fastened together, n<br />

flout, a raft: hence poetically, a lout or<br />

ship.<br />

Rams, a, um, part, of reor, which see.<br />

Rancus, n, um, adj. hoarse, harsh, grating,<br />

disagreeable.<br />

Rtcanaeo. ere, and RCcandesco, Cre, ui, n.<br />

(re and candco), to become white again; to<br />

bfCftnie hot again; to foam.<br />

Recede, ere, esst, essum, n. (re and cedo),<br />

to go back, fall back, retire, recede, givi<br />

ground; to depart, withdraw.<br />

Rccens, tis, adj. fresh, new; lately done,<br />

made, born, &c.<br />

Reccptus, us, m. part of recipio.<br />

Rccessus, us, m. (recede), n going back,<br />

withdrawal, retiring: a retired place, re<br />

cess, retreat.<br />

Recldo, ere, idi, Tsum, a. (re, cffido), to cut<br />

off, cut away, cut down - fig. to reduce,<br />

retrench.<br />

Recingo, ere, nxi, nctum, a. (re and cingo)<br />

to ungird, to loose.<br />

RecTpio, ere, epi, eptum, a. (re and capio),<br />

tn take again, take back, resume, recover;<br />

to draw bock, take to one's self; to re<br />

ceive; to accept, undertake.<br />

RCcondo, ere, dtdi, dilum, a. (re, condo), to<br />

put together again, lay up, hoard, stow<br />

awnii, hide.<br />

Rertor. oris, m. (rcgo, to rult), director,<br />

ruler, governor.<br />

Rectum, i, n (rcclus), right, rectitude, up<br />

rigfrlnesft, justice.<br />

Rectus, a, um, part, of rego: also adj<br />


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