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PAX.<br />

PERLUO.<br />

trepidation, leafing of the heart from fear; in the pi., a wing: flight affords; a bird;<br />

hope, joy, Sic.<br />

feathers on an arrow, and hence, an ar-<br />

Pax, ris, f. (pario, paciscor), an agreement, row: a yen.<br />

treaty; peace; favor; grace; leave. Pensum, i, n. (pendo, to weigh), a portion<br />

Pecco, are, Svi, iltuin, a. and n. to err, to sin. of wool or flax weighed out for a slave'a<br />

Pecten, Tnis, n. (pecio), a comb: a weaver's task to dress; a task.<br />

reed or sley: a wool-earn.<br />

Pcnthcus, ei, or eos, m. Pt?Meus, son of<br />

Pecio, Ere, pexi, pcxui or pectivi, pexum Echion and Agnve, and king of Thebes,<br />

and peclTtum, a. (TMTCJ), to comb, dress torn asunder by his mother and sisters<br />

the hair; to dress flax, card wool.<br />

in Bacchant fury, because he insulted<br />

Peclus, oris, n. the breast: the heart; mind, Bacchus.<br />

soul, understanding, memory.<br />

Per, prep, (irci'pu), through; fit/; by means of;<br />

Pecus, lidis, f. (irww, to cotnb), a sheep; one during; for; for sake of; by reason of.<br />

of small cattle in general. Pecus, oris, n. Pcrago, agere, egi, actum, a. (per, ago), to<br />

sheep, collectively, a herd of sheep : also, conduct, carry or go through; to accom<br />

cattle in general.<br />

plish; to spend, pass; to pierce.<br />

Pegasos or Pegasus, i, m. (Uiry&oos), a horse Percaleo, Ere, ui, n. (per and caleo), to be<br />

sprung from ihe blood of Medusa, and very warm, very hot: to grow warm or<br />

named from the springs w/Jym of ocean, hot.<br />

where she was called : represented by Pcrcenseo, ere, sui, a. (per and censeo), to<br />

laier writers as the winged horse ridden count through, count up, recount; to sur<br />

by Bellerophon when he slew Chimaera. vey, examine.<br />

Ptjor, us, adj. comp. of mains, worse. Percurro, ere, curri and cucurri, cursum,<br />

PMKgns, i, n. (ircXayn,), the tea.<br />

n. (per and curro), to run through, pott<br />

Pelion, i, n. and PElios, i, m. (ITi/Xim), a oil over, to traverse.<br />

mountain in Tltessaly.<br />

Percussus, a, um, part. fr. Perculio, beaten,<br />

Pcllex, Tcis, f. (irdXXnf, a maid), a concubine, struck, smitten.<br />

kept-mis'ress.<br />

Perculio, ere, ussi, ussum, a. (per, quatio),<br />

Pellis, is, f. the skin of a beast, the hide; a to strike, beat at, smite.<br />

pnrmcnt or covering made of skins. Perdo, ere, dtdt, Tlum, a. (per, do), to de<br />

Pello, ire, p'puli, pulsum, a. (Gr. TtXXej), to stroy, ruin; to squander, throw money; to<br />

drive or cfiase away, drive out, expel, lota. [ftrange, alien.<br />

forcibly remove; impel.<br />

Peregriniis, a, um, adj. (per, agcr), foreign,<br />

Pgnaies, tium, m. (kindred to penims), Pereo, ire, ii; (seldom ivi), Itum, n. (per,<br />

guardian deities of the stale and of fami eo), to perish, fie ruined, to die, to be des<br />

lies ; household gods : hence, the house, perately in lote widi.<br />

home.<br />

PCrerro, are, avi, fitnm, a. (per and ervo),<br />

Pendeo, ere, pEpendi, pensum, n. (pendo), to wander through, travel oner, pass<br />

to hang from, on, at, about; to be sus fhrou-gh, survey, examine.<br />

pended; to impend.<br />

Perfidus, a, um, adj. (per and fides), break<br />

Pendo, ere, pependi, pensum, a. to weigh: ing faith, faithless, perjidioue, treaclieroui,<br />

to ponder, weigh in the mind, consider; to deceitful, unsafe.<br />

value, esteem: as originally paymenls Perfringo. Ere, Egi, nctnm, (per, frangp), to<br />

were made by weighed money, to jay, break through, fhalter, shiver in pieces;<br />

discharge ; also, to pay a penalty, i . e. to infringe, violate.<br />

*vfer punishment.<br />

Perfuudo, Ere, tidi, flpum, a. (per, fundo),<br />

Peni-, adv. See Pajue.<br />

to sf rinile all ever, to wet, to mvisten ; to<br />

Peneis, Tdis, f. adj. if the river Peneus, scatter over.<br />

Peneian.<br />

PErhorresco, ere, rui, n. and 8. (per, lior-<br />

PcnEius, a, um, adj. of the river Peneus, resco), to shudder greatly, tremble all omr:<br />

Peneian.<br />

trans. to shudiler at, b in terror of, greatly<br />

Penios, i, and Penfus, i, m. (tliji'rioj), the dread.<br />

Peneus, the chief river of Thcssaly, ris Ptrieulnm, i, n. (perior, an obs. vb. fr. wh.<br />

ing in Mount Pindus, flowing through come peritus. experior, &c.), any tiling<br />

the vale of Tcmpe, and emptying inio by which experience is acquired, inftlructiun,<br />

the Thermaic Gulf: liow the Srlimbrin. lesion, warning ; trial, experiment, proof;<br />

PEnEtrale, is, n. (penetro), the recess or in- danger, risk, peril.<br />

most part of any place, as of a temple, a Perimo, ire, Cmi, emptnm, a. t" slay.<br />

palace, &c.; the hidden place, concial- Perjiirus, a, um, adj. (per and ju=), brcalting<br />

ment, secret.<br />

an oath, forswearing, one that perjures<br />

PEnttro, are, avi, atum, a. (penilue), to himself, perjured.<br />

place or thrust in; to penetrate, pirrre, Perlnceo, fre, uxi, n. (per and Inceo), same<br />

make way ittto, pass into and through; to as Pelluceo, to be seen through, be transadvance<br />

as far as, reach.<br />

jarent.<br />

PEnTtus, adv. inwardly, internally; in the Perlncidus, a, um, adj. (perluceo), trans<br />

inmost part, far wilhin; thoroughly, fully, parent, translucent, peUucid.<br />

utterly, entirely.<br />

Perluo, ere, lui, luium, a. (per and luo), to<br />

Penna, a?, f. n fiather, a quill: also, chiefly wash, bathe, wash all over.<br />

3(iO"<br />


PINETDM.<br />

Permattiresco, ere, ui, n. (per and matu- require, entreat; seek after, seekto attain; ,<br />

. resco, to ripen), to become fully ripe. to aim at, rush at, assail; direct one'*<br />

Permitto, Ere, Isi, issum, a. (per, mitio), to course to, make for.<br />

let go through, let pass, let go; send over; Phaethon, or Phaeton, ontis, m. (faMon,<br />

throw, discharge; commit, intrust; relin i. e. the luminous), properly, an epilhet<br />

quish, grant, forgive; allow, permit. of ihe Sun: P/ucthon, son ol Apollo and<br />

Permulceo, ere, Isi, Isum, Ictum, a. (per Clymene.<br />

and mulceo), to stroke, stroke smooth, ca Phaethonteus, a,um, adj. Phaelhonian,perress,<br />

charm, soothe, refresh.; appease, as taining to Phaethon.<br />

suage; to touch softly.<br />

Phnethftsa, a:, f. ( ^acflowra, fem. of *ot9(o>),<br />

Perosus, a, um, (per, osus, or odi), part, of Phacthusa, sister of Phaethon.<br />

obs. v b. thoroughly hating, deeply hating; Pharetra, a:, f. (apirfa), a quiver, a case of<br />

pass, deeply haled.<br />

arrows.<br />

PerpElior, pEti, pcssus sum, dep. (per and PharEtriitus, a, um, adj. (pharetra), equip<br />

patior), to suffer steadfastly, endure with ped with, or wearing a quiver, quivered.<br />

fortitude, abide; to bear, suffer, to expe Pfiasis, Tdis, or idos, m. a river in Colchis.<br />

rience, feel.<br />

Phiale. Es, f. (Qu&n, a driuking-cup), pr. n.<br />

PerpEtuus, a, um, adj. (per, peto, ihence applied to a nymph.<br />

strictly, going through), continuing PhTlyrci'iis, a, um, adj. pertaining to Phithroughout,<br />

continuous, unbroken, unin lyra, (pi\ifa, a linden tree), the mother of<br />

terrupted, whole, lasting, unceasing, per Chiron.<br />

manent.<br />

Phlegon, onis, m. (iy.^i), the sister of Phcebus,<br />

rescuer and subsequently nusband of Diana, the Moon: hence forniglit.<br />

Andromeda: finally, he became a con Phcebc'ius, a, um, adj. (Phccbus),.fViceW?a» F<br />

stellation.<br />

pertaining to Phaibus or Apollo.<br />

Persio, idis and Tdos, (adj. f. fr. m/auHSs), as Phccbus, i, m. (

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