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NUTRIO.<br />

totter, shake, tremble, waver; to hesitate;<br />

to tend.<br />

Nutrio, ire, ivi, and ii, iium, a. to suckle,<br />

nurse, nourish; support, maintain; lo<br />

attend to.<br />

Nutrix, Tcis, f. (nutrio), a wet-nurse, nurse;<br />

any thing that supports, nourishes, or<br />

cherishes.<br />

Nutus, us, m. (fr.pbs. vb. nuo), a nod, leek,<br />

wink: hence, will, pleasure.<br />

Njctflius, i, ra. (Nwr&iof), nightly: epiihet<br />

of Bacchus, because the Baccbanelia<br />

were celebrated by night.<br />

NyctimSnc, es, f. a daughter of Epopeus,<br />

turned into an owl by Minerva.<br />

Nympha, SB, and Nymphe, es, (yvffrn, a<br />

spouse, bride, wife; He chrysalis or nymph<br />

v\ a n insect: also, a nymph, on inferior<br />

divinity, a goddess presiding over the sen,<br />

mountains, rivers, woods, fountains, &.C.<br />

Nys-Cis, idis, f. adj. Nystan. Nymphffi<br />

iVysETdes, the nymph who nursed Bac<br />

chus on Nysa.<br />

N5seus, & and Eos, m. a surname of Bac<br />

chus, from the town or mountain Nysa.<br />

O.<br />

"Obambulo, are, fivi, atum, n. (ob and<br />

ambulo), to walk up and down, pace about,<br />

walk to and fro.<br />

Obductus, a, um, part, of Obduco, ere, xi,<br />

uctum, drawn over, covered, overspread,<br />

enveloped.<br />

"Obeo, ire, Ivi, and ii, iium, ir-reg. a. and<br />

n. (ob and eo), to go or come to, go to<br />

meet, go against; to go over, traverse; lo<br />

go round, surround, encompass, over-<br />

spread;lo undertake, perform; to undergo,<br />

Objecto, are, avi, atum, a. (freq. of obji-<br />

cio), to throw in the way of, oppose; inter-<br />

• pose; to object, upbraid with, cast in one's<br />

tilth.<br />

ObjTcio, ere, jOci, jectum, a. (ob and jacio),<br />

to throw before, throw to; offer, proffer,<br />

present; to impart, infuse; to oppose; to<br />

vlject, taunt with, cast in one's teeth, up<br />

braid, accuse.<br />

"ObTtus, us, m. (obeo), a going to, meeting,<br />

visiting; a going down, a setting; down<br />

fall, ruin; decease, death.<br />

Obllquus, a, um, adj. obliaue, awry, side<br />

long, slanting, transverse; serpentine.<br />

Oblltus, a, um, part, of Obliviscor, ci, ob-<br />

Iitus, sum, to forget, let slip from the<br />

memory.<br />

Oblivium, i, n. (obliviscort, a forgetting,<br />

forgeffulness, oblivion.<br />

Oburtus, a, um, part, of "Oburior, iri, dep.<br />

to rise up against, spring up before, to<br />

rise on a sudden, arise.<br />

Obruo, ere, ui, utum, (ob, ruo), to cover<br />

over, hide in the ground, bury, sink; op<br />

press, overwhelm, obscure.<br />

Obsccenus, a, um, adj. unlucky, inauspi<br />

cious; foul, detestable, letcd, obscene, dis<br />

gusting, shameful.<br />

Obscurus, a, um, adj. dark, darksome,<br />

356<br />

OCCURRO.<br />

shady, obscure, gloomy; obscure, hidden,<br />

unknown.<br />

Obsequium, ji, n. (obsequor), deference to<br />

another's wishes, submission, compliance,<br />

complaisance, indulgence, dutiful conduct.<br />

Obsequor, i, cutus and quutus, dep. {ob and<br />

sequor), to comply with, humor, oblige,<br />

obey, yield, submit lo.<br />

Observo, are, avi, atum, a. and n. (ob and<br />

servo), to watch, have an eye on, take no<br />

tice of; attend lo; observe, show venera<br />

tion, to venerate, revere.<br />

Obses, idis, m. and f. (ob, sedeo), a hos-<br />

l*ge.<br />

"Obsldeo, ere, edi, essum, n.and a. (oband<br />

sedeo), to nit or stay anywhere, occupy ;<br />

to i?ivest, blockade, besiege, to cover, Jill.<br />

Obsisiitur, imp. resistance is made; there<br />

is Ofqiosiliou.<br />

Obsisio, ure, sriti, etjitum, (ob, sisto), n. to<br />

place one's self in the way; lo obstruct;<br />

resist, withstand.<br />

Obsto, arc, atTii, statum, n. (ob, sto), to<br />

stand near, against, in the way; to op<br />

pose, obstruct, conflict with.<br />

ObstrCpo, ere, pui, pnum, n. (ob and<br />

strepo, to make a noise), to make a noist<br />

at, against, to or before, to din, harass<br />

with clamor, to interrupt with noise; te<br />

oppose, impede, disturb; to resound.<br />

Obstrucms, a, um, part, of Obstruo, ere,<br />

xi, ctum, a. (ob and struo), to bujld<br />

against or before; to block up, barricade,<br />

make impassable; to close up, obstruct.<br />

Obsiupeo, ere, ui, n. (ob and stupeo), to<br />

become senseless, become stupified, be<br />

struck with amazement; to be greatly as-<br />

tonislizd, to stand agape with wonder.<br />

Obtfisus, a, um, part, of Obtundor, i, usus,<br />

or tunsuB, blunted, dulled; blunt.<br />

Obverto, ere, n, sum, a. (ob and verto), to<br />

turn towards or against, turn so as to<br />

face; to turn away, turn in another di<br />

rection.<br />

Obvius, a, um, adj. (ob and via), in the way,<br />

meeting; offering itself, ready at hand,<br />

obvious, easy.<br />

Occasus, us, m. (occido), a going down,<br />

selling: hence, sunset: also, downfall,<br />

destruction.<br />

Occido, ere, cidt, casum, n. (ob, cado), to<br />

fall down; to go down, sit; to perish, to<br />

die, to be lost.<br />

Occtduus, a, um, adj. (occido), setting, going<br />

down: also, occiduous, ready to fall,<br />

perishable.<br />

Occulo, tre, ului, ultum, a. to remove from<br />

sight, cover, hide, conceal, keep secret.<br />

Occulte, adv. (oc

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