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MAGUS.<br />

MEMBRA.<br />

Magus, i, m. (fmfos), a, wise and learned Materia, re, and Materies, ci, f. (mater),<br />

man, a priest and philosopher among the matter, material, that out of which any<br />

Persians: a magician, diviner.<br />

tiling is formed, elements.<br />

Maia, &, (Mala), a daughter of Atlas and Matcrnus, a, um, adj. (mater), motherly,<br />

Pleione, and mother of Mercury by maternal, of a mother.<br />

Jupiter.<br />

Matertera, ae, f. (mater), a mother's sister<br />

Majestas, atts, f. (magus, great), greatness, maternal aunt.<br />

majesty, grandeur, dignity.<br />

Matrona, 33,, f. (mater), a freeborn, respect<br />

Major, or, us, gen. oris, adj! comp. of mag- able married woman, particularly a patri<br />

nus, sup. maxTmus.<br />

cian lady; a venerable matron; honorable<br />

Male, adv. ladly, ill, wrongly, wickedly: wife, contort.<br />

comp. pejus ; sup. pessime.<br />

Maturus, a, um, adj. ripe, mature, of the<br />

Malleus, i, m. a mallet, hammer: also, an proper age.<br />

instrument for slaying the victim in sacri Ma t\it inus, a, um, adj. (from Matuta, the<br />

fice, hatchet, axe. Hence English mall. name given by the Romans to the god<br />

Male, le, lui, irr. (magis and volo), to choose dess Leucothoe: see INO), early, in the<br />

rather, to prefer.<br />

morning, belonging tooTofthe morning :<br />

Malum, i, n. any thing evil, evil, misfor m. radii, the morning sunbeams.<br />

tune; evil action, crime; disease. Mavortius, a, um, adj. (Mavors, same as<br />

Mains, a, um, adj., comp. pejor, sup. pes- Mars), of Mars, relating to Mars. Pro<br />

simus, bad, evil, wicked; baneful; biir- les Mavortias, the Thebans, because<br />

densome; unfavorable; mischievous; un sprung from the serpent sacred to or be<br />

seemly, dpformed.<br />

gotten of Mars.<br />

Mando, are, avi, atum, a. (perhaps fr. in MaxTme, adv. sup. of magis, most, in the<br />

manum do), to commit to one's cliarge, en 7iig/iest degree, remarkably, eminently.<br />

join, command; to consign, confide, in- Ma\Tmus, a, um, adj. sup. of magnus.<br />

'trust.<br />

MedTcabTfis, is, e, adj. (medicor, to heal),<br />

Mane, n. indec. the morning, morn. Also curable, that may be healed, remediable.<br />

adv. in the morning.<br />

Medicameri. mis, n. (medicor), a medicine,<br />

Maneo, ere, nsi, risuni, n. and a. (pan>, Dor. medicament, drug, remedy.<br />

jtawj), to remain; aliide; endure, continue, MSdicatus, a, um, part, from medico, medi<br />

le permanent: transitively, to await, ex cated, imbued with medicinal virtues.<br />

pect.<br />

MedTcma, se, f. (properly fern, of adj. medi-<br />

Manes, ium, m. (fr. obs. manus, good}, dii cinus, scil. ars m.), the art of physic, me<br />

manes, infernal gods: also, the shades of dicine.<br />

the dead; the abode of the dead.<br />

Medfcus, a, um, adj. (medeor, to heal),<br />

Mamfestus, a, um, adj. (fr. manus and old healing, medicinal, medical.<br />

vb. fendo), manifest, clear, distinct, appa Mcdius, a, um, adj. (from modus, lumilas<br />

rent, evident.<br />

or /*«"»{), being in the middle or midst;<br />

Mano, are, avi, atum, n. t o flow, run, mid, middle; half; intervening.<br />

triclcle, drop, distil.<br />

Mrdnn, onis, m. proper name, Medon.<br />

Manus, us, f. (/Ml>, distinctly speaking),<br />

Mero/is, h usband of Clymene, who was<br />

mother of Phaeton.<br />

Mersus, a, um. part. fr. mcrgo.<br />

MEru-j, a, nm. adj. (perhaps fi'ipw, to divide),<br />

pure, unmixed: m°re, bare, pure: naLt-d;<br />

clear, bright. Often as a subs, mcrum,<br />

sell, vitmm.<br />

Messfriiua, a, um, adj. belonging to Mit-<br />

tenia, the south-west province of Pelo<br />

ponnesus ; or, of Alessene, capital of<br />

Messenia.<br />

Mtta, £e, f. any thing of a conic or pyramidal<br />

shape; especially the pyramidal column<br />

at each end of the Roman Circus, round<br />

which the horses and chariots turned:<br />

hence, goal, extremity, place of turjimg,<br />

boundary, limit.<br />

Metior, in, mensus, seldom metitus, dep.<br />

to mete, measure, survey, take measure of:<br />

fig. to estimate, judge, value.<br />

Metuo, ere, ui, n. and a. (metus), intr. to be<br />

afraid, be in doubt, be irresolute, be anx<br />

ious: t rans. to fear, appreliejtd; to revere,<br />

stand in awe of: also, to beware of.<br />

Mulus, us, m. (perhaps fr. iiuBas, batlle-din,<br />

terror), fear, dread; awe.<br />

Meus, a, um, (l^6s, fi,

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