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fchnobates, la, m. (IxmffonK), Tracer, the Illyricus, a, um, adj. Illyrian, of Illyricum.<br />

name of one of Action's dogs. "Imago, mis, f. (as if im'ilagp, fr. imitor, or<br />

Ictus, a, um, (part, of ico, ere, ici, ictum, a. fr. an obs. verb, imor), an image, likeness,<br />

to strike), struck, beaten.<br />

figure, shajK.<br />

ictus, us, m. (ico), a stroke, How, thrust, Imber, bris, m. (fyi.S/»j), rain, a storm or<br />

slab, cast; a beat in counting musical shower of rain, pelting rain, rain with<br />

time.<br />

thunder; fig. a shower, a showery hail:<br />

"Idffius, a, um, of, or belonging to Ida, a;, f. rainwater; rain-cloud: water, spray.<br />

a mountain in Phrygia : also, a moun Imbutus, a, um, part, of imbuo, ere, ui,<br />

tain in Sicily, where Jupiter was con (ipl3ita, to stuff in], to fill, especially with<br />

cealed.<br />

moisture; to wet, soak, steep, saturate,<br />

"Idem, Cadem, Mem, (is, dem), pro. tlie imbue; to slain, color, scent; lo taint,<br />

same, just that, just the.<br />

inficl.<br />

^eo, conj. therefore, for that cause. "Imitamen, mis n. (imitor), an 'imitation,<br />

Idoneus, o, um, adj. fit, meet, proper, con likeness, resemblance; the act of imi<br />

venient, suitable.<br />

tating.<br />

Ignarus, a, um, adj. (in and gnarus, l;now- "Imftans, part. pres. of Imitor, ari, atus, tc<br />

ing), ignorant, unskilled, not experienced nnilate, copy, try lo resemble, counterfeit,<br />

in; unacquainted with, unmindful, for resemble.<br />

getful : unknown.<br />

IiiimadfO, ere, or Immadesco, ure, pf. ui, n.<br />

Jgiiavus, a, inn, adj. (in and gnavus, active) (in, madeo), to become moist ; to be inly<br />

inactive, inuol nt, slat/if ill, sluggish; das moistened, to be soaked.<br />

tardly, spiritless ; unproductive, unfrnit Immanis, is, e, adj. (derived by Macrobius<br />

ful; making indolent or sluggish.<br />

fr. in and nianis or manus, good, which<br />

Igneus, a, um, adj. (ignis), fiery, burning; last probably from paw, to desire), mon<br />

glowing, hot, ardent, fervent.<br />

strous, inhuman, wild, cruel, fierce;<br />

Ignifer, a, um, adj. (ignis and fcro), bearing enormous, immense; astonishing, won<br />

or bringing fire, fiery.<br />

drous.<br />

IgnYgena, oe, m. (ignis and geno), fire-born, Immedicabilis, e, adj. (in, medicabilis), in<br />

son of fire—Bacchus, so called because curable.<br />

his moilier, when pregnant with him, Immensus, a, um, adj. (in, mensus), un<br />

was struck by lightning, but the child measured, immeasurable, boundless, vast,<br />

saved.<br />

immense, endless.<br />

Igmgenus, a, um, adj. (ignis and gcno, or Immergo, ere, ersi, ersum, a. (in and mer<br />

gigno), producing fire.<br />

go), lo plunge into, immerse, dip, sink.<br />

Igmpcs, 'edis, adj. (ignis and pes), fiery- Immuritus, a, um, adj. (in and meritUB;,<br />

fouted, that is, exceedingly swift. both active and passive signification<br />

Ignis, is, m.fire; light, fiame, heat; love. active, innocent, that has not deserved—<br />

Ignore, are, avi, alum, a. and n. (ignarus), passive, unmerited, undeserved.<br />

to be ignorant of, not to know, have no Immmeo, ere, ui, n. (in, mineo), to project<br />

knowledge of; not to recognise.<br />

near, impend, overhang, be suspended<br />

Ignotus, a, um, (part. fr. ignosco), as adj. over : to be intent upon, be eager for, on<br />

unknown, strange: actively, tiot know the watch for.<br />

ing, unacquainted with, ignorant. Immistus, or Immixtus, a, um, (part, of<br />

"Ilex, Tcis, f. a peculiar species of oak ; the immisceo), to mix in, mingle, intermix.<br />

holm-oak ; an evergreen oak'.<br />

Immitis, e, adj. (in and mitis), sour; cruel,<br />

"Ilia, ium, ibus, n. pi. the bowels, guts, en remorseless.<br />

trails, intestines, (lie loins, flank, abdomen. linmitto, ere, Tsi, issiun, a. (in, roitto), to<br />

"tlion, or Ilium, ii, n. the city Troy. send in, discharge at, or against, let<br />

Iliac, ndv. that way, thither.<br />

loose, let drop.<br />

Illo, a, iid, gen. ms, dem. pron. lie, she, that, Immotup, a, um, adj. (in, and moms), un<br />

plu. they, those, referring to something moved, undisturbed, still, 'stedfasl, un<br />

preceding.<br />

shaken, unaltered.<br />

Illic, adv. there, in that place.<br />

Immunis, e, adj. (in, munus), exempt from<br />

Illimis, is, e, adj. (in and limns), free from a public office or burden ; bearing no part<br />

mud or slime, clear, pure.<br />

in ; unconcerned in : nnlaxed, unforced,<br />

Illinc, adv. (perhaps from illic) from that free; bringing no gift; receiving no<br />

place, thence ; from that quartet. gift.<br />

Illuc, adv. (illic), ikither, to that place. Immurmuro, are, 6vi, n. (in and munnuro),<br />

Illudens, part. pres. of Illudo, ere, usi, to murmur in, murmur against, murmur<br />

usum, n. and a. lo play with, sport with, at; murmur.<br />

jest with, mock, deride, jeer, trick, de 'Imo and Immo, adv. yes, yea (seriously<br />

ceive.<br />

or ironically), truly; yes,forsooth; nay<br />

Iliustris, is, e, adj. (in and lustro), Jilha rather.<br />

with light, clear, bright, re plendent, lu ImpXtiens, entis, adj. (in and patiens), that<br />

minous ; evident, conspicuous, perspicu will not or cannot bear, unable to endure,<br />

ous, lucid; eminent, distinguished, illus impatient under, averse to, not yielding<br />

trious<br />

to: ungovernable, immoderate.<br />

340<br />

IMPEDIO.<br />


Impe'dio, ire, ivi, and ii, itum, a. (in and I thwarting, grievous, vexatious, oppres<br />

pes, thus properly of the feet), to entan- ' sive ; cruel, savage, ruthless.<br />

gle, hamper, bind, shackle. Hence, to mpressus, a, um, (part, of imprimo,)<br />

cmliarrass, perplex, place in difficulty: pressed in, stamped in, impressed, thrust<br />

to tioi'na around, clasp, encircle; to in, infixed.<br />

hinder, restrain, impede, obstruct, pre Improbus, a, um, adj. (in and probus), not<br />

vent, stop.<br />

good, bad, improper, worthless; dishonest,<br />

Impcllo, ere, iili, pulsum, a. (in and pello), wicked, depraved, malicious.<br />

to push or press into or against, to thrust Imprudens, entis, adj. (in and prudens), not<br />

forward, to impel, propel; to strike, as foreseeing, not anticipating; unaware,<br />

sail ; urge on, incite, instigate; to throw unconscious, unknowing, inexperienced<br />

down, overthrow.<br />

in; ignorant, unwise; improvident, im<br />

Impensior, oris, comp. of impensus, adj. prudent.<br />

(properly part, of impendo, to expend), Impubis, e, adj. (in and pubes), unbearded,<br />

dtar, high-priced; burdensome, earnest, beardless, not having yet attained the age<br />

greater, urgent.<br />

of puberty.<br />

Imperfectus, a, um, adj. (in and perfectus), ImpulsuS, us, m. (impello), o setting in<br />

imperfect, incomplete, unfinished.<br />

motion, propelling; impulse, force, im<br />

Imperium, ii, n. (impero), an order, com pression.<br />

mand, injunction ; power, control ; chief Impiine, adv. (impunis, unpunished), with<br />

rule, sovereignly, sway, dominion, go out punishment, or penalty, with impu<br />

vernment.<br />

nity ; safely, without risk.<br />

Impero, arc, nvi, atum, n. and a. (in and Impfito, are, avi, atum, a. (in and puto), to<br />

paro), to command, order, direct ; enjoin, enter in the reckoning, charge to the ac<br />

give orders for; to rule over, govern, count ; charge, impute, ascribe, lay th6<br />

control.<br />

fault to.<br />

ImpSs, etis, m. (in and peto), impetus; force, "Imus, a, um, adj. (contraction for infimus,<br />

impetuosity.<br />

sup. of inferus), lowest, undermost, inmost,<br />

Impetus, us, m. (impeto), an attack, as deepest.<br />

sault, shock ; effort, exertion ; force, im In, separable prep. (Greek i», in), with an<br />

petus, pressure, energy; impulse, impe ace. implies motion to, or progress to<br />

tuosity, vehemence, rapidity ; enthusiasm, wards, into, to, unto, upon, on, towards,<br />

ardor, inspiration.<br />

for, against, according to, until, through:<br />

Impexus, a, um, adj. (in and pexus), un with an abl. denotes rest or condition or<br />

combed, neglected; rude, rustic, uncouth. action in. In, on, bye, within, among.<br />

Impietas, alls, f. (impius), impiety, irreli- In composition it is sometimes intensigion,<br />

wickedness; unnatural conduct, sin, tive, sometimes means variously into,<br />

crime.<br />

upon, against, in, over. IN, an tnsep.<br />

Imptger, gra, grum, adj. (in and piger), prep, prefixed only to nouns and partici<br />

energetic, diligent, industrious, active, ples, has a sense negative of that of the<br />

strenuous, alert, prompt, brisk.<br />

simple word with which it is united.<br />

Impius, a, um, adj. (in, pius), impious, un "Inachis, Tdis, adj. Inachian, of the river<br />

godly, accursed, abandoned; unnatural, Intichus.<br />

unpatriotic.<br />

"Inachis, idis, as f. noun, lo, daughter of<br />

ImpldcabTlis, e, adj. (in and placabilis), in- Inaclms.<br />

appeasable, implacable, irreconcilable, in "Inachus, i, m. son of Oceanus and Tethys,<br />

exorable.<br />

a river-god, and founder of Argos; he<br />

Impleo, ere, evi, etum, a. (in and pleo, obs. was father to Phoroneus and lo. Also<br />

vb.), to fill, stuff full ; to satiate, glut ; the river Inachus, called after the pre<br />

to impregnate; to distend; swell; of ceding, and flowing through Argolis.^by<br />

time, to complete, finish : of number, to Argos, into the Sinus Argolicus.<br />

fit up: to'fulfil, discharge, be adequate "Inlcmdes, is, m. patronymic from Inachus.<br />

to, satisfy.<br />

Epaphus, grandson of Inachus; Perseus,<br />

Implico, are, avi, atum, and ui, itnm, a. grandson of Acrisiui, king of Argos, and<br />

(in and plico), to fold into, fold within ; descendant from Inachus.<br />

enfold, enwrap, entwine, encircle, em "Inffiqiialis, e, adj. (in, isqualis), uneven, dis<br />

brace, grasp, clasp ; encumber, entangle, similar, unequal; inconstant, irregular,<br />

intertwine, embarrass : implant, infuse. changeable.<br />

Impluo, ere, ui, n. and mostly impersonal, "Inamabilis, e, adj. (in and amabilis), not<br />

(in and pluo), to rain upo-n, rain into, wet worthy of love, unlovely, unloveable, dis<br />

with a shower as of rain ; besprinkle. agreeable, OlIlOHS.<br />

Impuno, ere, sui, usitum, act. (tn, pono), to 1nrmi8, e, adj. (iWu, iVau, to empty,) empty,<br />

place in, into, upon : impose, enjoin, in- void, wanting something which must be<br />

fiicl, set over, assign.<br />

supplied from the context.<br />

Importiinus, a, um, adj. (in and portunus, "ImnTter, adv. (inanis), emptily, vai?ily, idly.<br />

favorable, wh. fr. obs. poro, lo carry), fruitlessly, uselessly, without reason.<br />

unfavorable, unseasonable, ill adapted, "Inaratus, a, um, (in, aratus), imploughed,<br />

inconvenient, inopportune; troublesotne. UHlilled, uncultivated.<br />

311<br />

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