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FIBULA.<br />

Fauces, ium, [seldom found in the sing,<br />

F.<br />

faux, cis,] f. the gullet, pharynx, throat,<br />

jaws ; any narrow passage.<br />

Fabricator, oris, m. (fabrico), maker, framer, Faunus, i, m. a Faun, a guardian god of<br />

contriver, constructor.<br />

herds, woods, and fields.<br />

FabrTcatus, a, um. part. fr. fabricor, ari, Fautrix, Icis, f. (fautor, wh. fr. faveo), she<br />

dept., same as fabrico, forged, construct that favors, favorable, propitious, pro<br />

ed, built, &c.<br />

tecting.<br />

Fabrico, ore, avi, ntum, a. (faber), to make, Faveo, ere, favi, fautum, n. to favor, be<br />

construct, build, fvrge ; contrive, devise. favourably inclined to, assist.<br />

Fabula, ffi, f. (fari), a narration, narrative, avilla, ae, f. hot ashes, embers.<br />

talk, rumor, eubjict of common talk; a Fax, fScis, f. W>uu), a torch.<br />

fable.<br />

Faxo, is, it, for Faciam, Fecerim, and Fe-<br />

FiicTes, ei, f. (facio), the face, countenance ; cero. See Facio.<br />

form, appearance, shape.<br />

Fel, fellis, n. gall: any thing bitter, or<br />

Facmus, .oris, n. (facio), a great exploit, disagreeable; bitterness; anger.<br />

glorious deed : but more usually in a bad Felix, icis, adj. (feo, to bear), fruitful, pro<br />

sense, a vile action, villany, crime. ductive ; rich ; happy, fortunate ; aus<br />

Facio, ere, Eci, actum, a. and n. (fuo, to be, picious, propitious.<br />

or fio), to make, do; cause; elect : per Fera, ae, f. (properly fern, of ferus, a, um),<br />

form, commit ; practise; sustain; es scilicet bestia, a wild animal, game; a<br />

teem.<br />

monster, a beast.<br />

Factum, i, n. (facio), a thing done, action, Ferax, aeis, adj. (fero), fruitful, produc<br />

deed, acfdevement, exploit.<br />

tive, abundant.<br />

Factus, a, um, (part, of facio), made, done, Fere, adv. (fero), almost, nearly, within a<br />

performed, caused, &c.<br />

little, nigh ; about; generally, commonly.<br />

Fffix, cis, f. the leee, or dregs of wine, &c., Feretrum, i, n. (fero), a frame on which any<br />

sediment, dross, impurity.<br />

thing is carried ; a bier.<br />

Falcatus, a, um, adj. (falx), provided with Ferinus, a, um, adj. (fera), of, or belonging<br />

scythes ; hooked, like a scythe.<br />

to a wild beast.<br />

Fallax, acis, adj. (fallo), deceitful, falla Ferio, ire, (fera), a. to strike, smite, hit, cut,<br />

cious, treacherous, false.<br />

thrust, push, beat. It is deficient in the<br />

Fallo, ere, fefelli, falsum, a. and n. (ff^dXXco), perf. line.<br />

to make to fall; to deceive ; to cheat, be Feritas, ntis, f. (ferus), savageness, cruelty,<br />

guile, to escape notice ; to avoid, shun ; barbarity, in humanity : i. loci, wildnes*.<br />

to conceal.<br />

Fero, Erre, (Gr. ipl/m), perf. tuli, fr. obs. tolo,<br />

Falsus, a, um, part, (fallqj, deceived : pre that is tollo, sup. In turn, as if tlatum,<br />

tended, untrue, false; adj. deceitful, from obs. tlao (rXaw), to carry, bring,<br />

lying, treacherous.<br />

impel, urge ; produce, bear ; tolerate, en<br />

Fama, ae, f. (Qtiiai), fame, report, rumor, re dure; sustain, withstand; permit, re<br />

putation, renown, character, Iwnor. quire; take away; obtain, offer, give;<br />

Famula, a?, f. (famulus), a female servant, report.<br />

maid-servattt.<br />

Ferox, ocis, adj. (fero), fast, rapid; cou<br />

Famulus, i, m. (fr. famel, an Oscan word), rageous, brave; insolent, wild, ungo<br />

a servant, attendant.<br />

vernable ; fierce, cruel, ferocious, savage.<br />

Faris, [For is not found in any author] ari, Ferrugo, inis, f. (ferrum), the color of iron,<br />

fatus, dep. (0oa>), to say, to speak. dark blue ; rust of iron : fig. envy.<br />

Fas, n. indecl. (for), divine law, what is re Ferrum, i, n. iron; any iron instrument,<br />

ligiously right ; right, justice, equity ; particularly the sword.<br />

that which is possible.<br />

Fertffitas, atis, f. (fertilis, wh. fr. fero),<br />

Fassus, part, of fatcor.<br />

fruilfulness, fertility, abundance, rich<br />

Fastigium, ii, n. (fastus, pride), the project ness.<br />

ing point, or summit of a temple : roof Ftriila, EC, f. the shrub called fennel-giant—<br />

^pf a house; an eminc ice, hiig/tt, summit. rod, or branch of it—any branch, or staff.<br />

Fatilis, is, e, adj. (fatum), decreed, ordain FCrus, a, um, adj. (fiijrt, wild, not domestic,<br />

ed by fate, fated, fatal; calamitous, de untamed, uncultivated, savage, f tree.<br />

structive.<br />

Fervens, entis,(part. of ferveo), adj. boiling,<br />

FSteor, Cri, fassus, dep. (M"), to confess, heating, glowing, hot, ardent.<br />

own, a/knowledge ; to indicate, show. Ferveo, ere, bui, n. to ferment, be hot, burn,<br />

FattdTeus, a, um, adj. (faium and dico), boil; to glow, be angry, be vehement.<br />

fan telling,predicting, prophetic. Fervor, oris, m. (ferveo), a fermentation,<br />

Fatigo, are, fivi, a. (fr. faiiir ace. of fatis, waving, raging, violent heal.<br />

a sufficiency, and ago), to weary, tire, fa Fessus, a, um, adj. (fatiscor), wearied, fa-tigue<br />

• annoy, harass.<br />

ti»ued, tired ; enfeebled, weak, infirm.<br />

Fatum, i, n. (for, to speak), literally means Festum, i, n. a feast, a festival.<br />

a thing sniJ, especially as respects future Festus, n, um. adj. festival, festive, so<br />

dtsliny: the will of the gods; fate, des lemn, festal.<br />

tiny.<br />

Fibula, 82, f. any tiling used, for joining, or<br />

334<br />


fastening, a clasp, buckle, brooch, pin,<br />

nail, &c.<br />

Fictus, n, um, part. fr. fingo.<br />

Fides, Ei, f. (fido), confidence reposed, cre<br />

dit ; uprightness, fidelity; faith, solemn<br />

engagement.<br />

FidTssimus, a, um, sup of fidus.<br />

Fiducia, 82, f. (fido, to confide), trust, confidence,<br />

reliance; courage, self-reliance.<br />

Fidus, a, um, adj. (fido), faithful, trusty,<br />

sure, certain, safest,! be relied on.<br />

-Figo, ere, xi, xuin, a. to stick, fix, fasten ;<br />

to stick, or post up, toajjix; make fast, or<br />

jinn; appoint, establish; pierce, transfix.<br />

Figura, as, fcm. (fingo), figure, form, shape,<br />

likeness, image; kind, manner; species<br />

of animals.<br />

Filia, m, f. n daughter.<br />

Filius, ii, m. a son.<br />

Filuin, i, n. a thread, cord, fibre.<br />

Findo, ere, fidi. fissum, a. to cleave ; cut,<br />

split ; divide, separate, sceer.<br />

Finio, ire, Ivi, Tlum, a. (finis), to confine<br />

within limits, to limit, to fix by limits; to<br />

restrain, check, to determine, prescribe;<br />

to terminate, finish, etui.<br />

Finis, is, m. and sometimes f. a limit,<br />

boundary ; measure, duration, length ><br />

end, termination, conclusion : intention,<br />

design.<br />

Fimtus, a, um, part, of finio.<br />

Fingo, ere, finxi, fictum, a. to form, fashion,<br />

make ; imagine, conceive, feign, devise.<br />

Fio, £ri, factus sum, irr. n. pass, to be<br />

come; to occur, to arise; to be made, be<br />

done, be produced.<br />

Firmo, are, avi, atum, a. (firmus), to make<br />

firm, or fast ; to strengthen, secune ; to<br />

invigorate, recruit ; to confirm.<br />

Firmus, a, um, (for fidmus, fr. fido), firm,<br />

stable, not easily moved; steadfast, im<br />

movable: faithful; strong, robust;<br />

healthi/. ,<br />

Fissus, a, um, part, of findo.<br />

Fistula, EB, f. a pipe; a shepherd's pipe ; a<br />

pen made of reed.<br />

Fixus, a, um, (part, of figo), fixed: affixed,<br />

posted up: fast, immovable, unchangeable,<br />

pierced through.<br />

Flagro, are, avi, atum, n. (flo, to blow), to<br />

burn, be on fire ; to glow, flush ; trans.<br />

to love ardently; to inflame with love.<br />

Flameu, Ints, n. (flo), a blowing; a Hast,<br />

sole, breeze ; wind.<br />

Flamma, 82, f. a fame, blaze, flaming heat,<br />

fire ; ardour, passionate vehemence, (per<br />

haps fr. flo, or fr. Gr. iSXtyfia, ^Xcyu, $A6f).<br />

Fl.imnnfer, a, um, adj. (flamma and fero),<br />

bearing a flame, fiuminifcrous, flaming.<br />

Flavus, a, um. adj. yellow, gold-colored,<br />

flaxin.<br />

Flecto, ere, xi, xum, (perhaps fr. irX'*-of,<br />

pltiited), to bend, bow, turn, curve, direct.<br />

Fleo, ere, evi, etum, n. and a. (0Xcn>), to<br />

weep, shed tears ; to bewail, weep for,<br />

weep over ; to distil, trickle.<br />

FletiM, us, m. (fleo), a weeping, wailing,<br />

lamenting.<br />

Flevus, a, um, (part. fr. flecto), bent, bowed,<br />

curved-.<br />

FIGreo, ere, ui, n. (flos), to blossom, bloom,<br />

flow T ; to flourish, excel, be eminent ; to<br />

tit, ntji.-l in. '<br />

Fhs, oris, m. (fXfcj, bloom), a jlowcr, blos<br />

som; th° prime, or excellenceof any thing.<br />

riutiiw, us, m. (fluo), a f owing ; a wave.<br />

Fluidus, a, um, adj. (fluo), flowing, fluid,<br />

liifuid; soft, tender; flabby, weak; weakcnin«.<br />

Flumeii, Tnis, n. (fluo), a running of water;<br />

running water, a stream, river, copious<br />

flowing.<br />

Flrmiineus, a, um, adj. (flumen'p, being in<br />

or on a river; of a river.<br />

Fluo, ere, xi, xum, n. (irXoii, rX»,>. Atticc,<br />

0Xwj), to flow, to be fluid ; to flow oi-er,<br />

drip; to dissolve, relax; to move swiftly;<br />

to flow to, arrive at ; to spread ; to canislt,<br />

pass away.<br />

FliivTalis, e, adj. (fluvius), of, or pertaining<br />

to a river, or running water.<br />

Fltivius, i, m. (fluo), running water, a i ii-tr.<br />

FScus, i, m. (foveo), afire; aflnphce,<br />

Fceeundus. n, um, nrlj. (ob-». v'b. feri), fnatf<br />

ul, fertile, abounding, plentiful, rich.<br />

Fcedo, are, nvi, atum, a. (tceaus, a, um), to<br />

disfigure, deform ; to soil, defile, pollute;<br />

to kill; to devastate, to injure.<br />

Feed us, a, um, adj. deformed, foul, loathsome;<br />

cruel, horrible, detestable.<br />

Fcedus, eris, n. an alliance, confederacy,<br />

league ; a compact, agreement ; union,<br />

connection ; settled decree, law, order.<br />

FccmTna, se, f. (obs. feo, to produce), the fe<br />

male in all animals ; a woman, a female.<br />

FcemTneus, a, um, adj. (fcemiiia), belonging<br />

to a woman, womanly, womanish, delicate,<br />

effeminate.<br />

Fcetus, us, m. (fr. obs. vb. feo). n generat<br />

ing, producing ; offspring ; fruit, pro<br />

duce.<br />

Folium, i, n. (ifiJXXoi'), a leaf, of tree, herb,<br />

or flower ; a leaf of paper.<br />

Fons, ontis, m. a fountain, spr'mg, well :<br />

fig. cause, origin, source, (probably fans,<br />

fr. Qaivttv, to bring to light).<br />

Foramen, Tnis, n. (foro, to bore), an opening,<br />

aperture, hole. bore.<br />

Forem, es, ct, &c. (contr. for fuerem, fr.<br />

obs. fuo, $uo>, I am), equivalent toessem,<br />

esses. &c., and to fui=sem, cs. &c.<br />

Fores, um, f. a floor, eale, the folds of door,<br />

or gate ; an entrance, (perhaps fr. Kpa).<br />

Forma, ai. f. (fero), form, figure, shape ;<br />

image, picture, model ; beauty.<br />

Fonn-itus, a, um, part. fr. formo.<br />

Fornridiibllis, is, e, adj. 'foimido), dreadful,<br />

formidable.<br />

Formldo, tnis, f. fenr. tcrt-or, drear!; vene<br />

ration, awe ; timifhlii ; a'cau :e of f ar,<br />

terror, (perhaps fr. formus, hot. wh. fr.<br />

Formo, arp, avi, atum, a. (forim), to form<br />

frame, fashion, shape; instruct, train<br />

up; to effect, arrange, regulate; imagine,<br />

conceive; to represent, depict.<br />


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