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'1<br />

ERECTUS.<br />

EXHALO.<br />

"Erectus, a, um, (part, of erigo), as adj. "Evenio, Tre, Eni, entum, n. (e and vemo/,<br />

erect, upriglit, elevated; self-relying, re to come out, come forth, emerge ; to ar<br />

solute; attentive, on the stretch.<br />

rive ; to prove, to come to pass, to befall.<br />

Ergo, dative of ipyw, a work), conj. "Everto, Ere, ti, eversum, a. (e, verto), to<br />

therefore, then : with a genitive, on ac turn out, drive out ; to drprive ; to tarn<br />

count of-<br />

upside down; throw down, demolish,<br />

"Erichthynius, i, m. pr. n. an early king prostrate, ruin.<br />

of Attica, said to be the son of Vulcan. "Evinco, ere, ici, icium, a. (e and vinco), to<br />

"Eridnrrms, i, m. pr. n. (Hpiiwts), t he name overcome, vanquish, surpass.<br />

of a river famous in the old legends, snid "Evoco, rire, nvi, atum, a. (e and voco), to<br />

to flow into the ocean from the north call out, call forth.<br />

west of Europe, taken by later writers, "Evohe, (more correctly Evoe), a word<br />

as Ovid, to be the Padus, or Po. shouted by the Bacchants, similar to<br />

"ErTgo, ere, exi, ctura, a. (e and rego), to Huzza! (Gr. ii>oi).<br />

raue up, set upright, erect; to inspirit, "Evulo, are, avi, ntum, n. (e, volo), to fly<br />

encourage, cheer up, arouse.<br />

out, fly forth : rush forth : to fly, or flee<br />

Erinnys, yos, f. (E/>iwC$), a Fury, the away.<br />

avejiging deity; it seems to imply the "Evolvo, ere, vi, mum, a. (e, volvo), to roll<br />

demon of all wickedness.<br />

out, tumble out; to unroll, unfold ; ex<br />

"ErTpio, Cre, ipui, eptum, a. (e, rapio), to tricate, evolve, bring out of confusion.<br />

tear out, snatch out, to rescue; to carry I. 24.<br />

of, withdraw; to pull off, drag off. Ex, or E, prep. («, £{), out of, from; accord<br />

Erratus, us, m. (erro), a wandering, stray ing to. '<br />

ing about.<br />

Exactus, a, um, part, of exigor. See Exigo.<br />

Erro, Sre, avi, Stum, n. (t/'/n>), to go astray, ExanTmatus, a, um, part, of exanimor, adj.<br />

wander about, stray.<br />

deprived of air or breath ; lifeless : also,<br />

Error, oris, m. (erro), a going astray, losing terrified.<br />

one's way, wandering; a fault, offence. Exammis, is, e, adj. (ex, anima), breathless;<br />

"Erubesco, Ere, ubui, n. (e and rubesco), to lifeless, dead, extinguished ; terrifed.<br />

grow red, redden, blush, to be ashamed. Exardeo, ere, or Exardesco, ire, arsi, n.<br />

"Erymanthis, Mis, or idos, adj. Eryman- (ex and ardesco), to grow hot, become in<br />

thian, nf Erymanthus.<br />

flamed, light up: to glow, to bum, to be<br />

"Erymantlius, or os, i, m. A mountnin inflamed, to be kindled.<br />

range in Arcadia, on the borders of Elis. Exaudio, ire, ivi, itum, a. (ex and audio),<br />

~Eryx, ycis, m. ("!> £), a mountain and to hear from a distance; to hear, hearken,<br />

city o! Sicily, where there was a famous listen.<br />

temple of Venus.<br />

Excedo, ere, essi, essum, n. (ex and cedo),<br />

Esculeus, a, um, relating to the Esculus, to depart, go from, retire : to go beyond,<br />

or lay oak, of bay oals; beechen.<br />

project, digress.<br />

Et, (m, yet, besides), conj. and; both; also, Exceptus, a, um,, part. fr. evcipio, exccpted.<br />

indeed, even.<br />

Excido, ere, ctdi, n. (ex and carlo), to fall<br />

"Ethon, onis, m. (Ai0

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