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. Conf tt?or, eri, feesus, v. a. (fateor), to con to see, teJioId, -look at, observe, da-<br />

fess, avow, acknowledge, admit, own; to ceru.<br />

show, manifest, indicate.<br />

Consterno, are, avi, Stum, a. (con, sterno),<br />

Confremo, ere, ui, itum, v. r. (con and to affright, alarm, terrify, amaze, throu<br />

fremo), to make a noise together; to roar, into confusion.<br />

murmur, resound strongly or loudly. Consuetus, a, um, part, and adj. (coneu-<br />

Confundo, Ere, udi, usum, v. a. to pour to esco), accustomed, wont; usual, ordinary.<br />

gether, mingle, mix; to confuse: fig. Consultus, a, um, (part, of consuesco, to<br />

to unite, mingle, mix, in good or bad accustom one's self"), as adj. accustomed,<br />

sense ; to disturb, confound, terrify, per wont, habituated •' also, wonted, usual.<br />

plex.<br />

Consulo, ere, ui, turn, n. and a. to consult,<br />

Confusus, a, um, part. fr. confundo. deliberate, take counsel, reflect, consider.<br />

Congeries, ei, £ (congero), a heap, pile, Consultus, a, um, part, of consulo, as adj.<br />

mass, hoard.<br />

practised, experienced, skilful.<br />

Congestus, a, um, part. fr. congero, brought Consume, Ere, psi, ptum, a. (son, eumo),<br />

together, accumulated, heaped, gathered to take togetlter, take at once; devour, con<br />

together, piled on one another.<br />

sume; to wear away; to use up, spend.<br />

Conjcctus, a, urn, part. fr. conjicio, thrown Comartus, us, m. (contiugo), a touching,<br />

together, thrown, cast, flung, thrust, touch, contact; contagion.<br />

driven, placed, lodged.<br />

Contemno, ere,' empsi, emptum, a. (con,<br />

ConjiigTum, ii, n. (conjugo), a joining to temno), to hold of no account, slight, de<br />

gether, union, marriage.<br />

spise, hold of no worth or consequence;<br />

Conjux, ugie, c. a spouse; a mate: (con- to think meanly of.<br />

junx fr. con, jungo).<br />

Contemptor, oris, m. (contemno), one who<br />

ConnubTum, ii, n. (nubo), espousal, mar contemns, a despiser, scorner, scoffer at.<br />

riage.<br />

Contemptrix, tcis, f. (fr. contemptor), one<br />

Conor, ari, atus sum, v. a. to attempt, un that despises, a contemner.<br />

dertake, make effort, s'rive.<br />

Conttmptus, us, m. (contemno), contempt,<br />

Conscendo, ere, di, sum, v. a. and n. tcorn, disdain, derision.<br />

(scando), to climb or go tip, mount, as Contcmptus, a, um, part, o" contemno,<br />

cend: c. navem, to embark: c. ffiquor, to and adj. despised, scorned, contemptible,<br />

embark upon, Virg.<br />

dt spicalle.<br />

ConscTus, n, um, (scio), adj. conscious, Contendo, ere, di, turn, a. and n. (con,<br />

privy to, witness of: subet. accessory. tendo), to stretch, strain; exert, employ;<br />

Consequor, qui, secutus, v. a. and n. to fol struggle, endeavor, to strive earnestly<br />

low after, succeed, ensue; to result; to for, solicit; to compare, contrast; to draw<br />

strive to attain; to pursue.<br />

together, to tighten; to hasten, speed; to<br />

Consido, ere, edi, essum, (con and side, to contend, fght, dispute.<br />

light), v . n. to seat ourselves, to sit to Contentus, a, um, part. fr. conduce, adj.<br />

gether; to meet, hold a meeting; to light, content, satisfied.<br />

settle, take up one's abode, pilch 0. camp, Conterimnus, a, um, adj. (con and terminus,<br />

encamp; to slop, delay; to fall, fall in, a limit), bordering on, adjoining, near.<br />

fink.<br />

Contiguus, a, um, adj. near, adjoining.<br />

ConsTlmm, ii, n. (consulo), common counsel, Contingo, ere, igi, tactum, a. and n. (con,<br />

consultation, deliberation; counsel, ad tango), to touch, arrive at, reach; to of-<br />

vice; design, plan; determination, re fect, mfect with; to strike: also, to dip,<br />

solve; a council, council of war.<br />

anoint, moisten. Intrans. to happen, turn<br />

Consisto, Ere, sttti, stitum, v. n. and a. to out, to fall to.<br />

place one's self with; to stand, stand still, Contra, adv. acainst, in opposition, on the<br />

stop, make a stand, stand fust; to take a contrary; otherwise; on the other haml,<br />

post; to withstand; to consist, exist. in twain; opposite to: prep, with ace.<br />

ConsTtor, oris, m. (consero), a sower, a against, contrary to, in opposil'on to;<br />

planter.<br />

opposite to, over against.<br />

Consitus, a, um, part. f. consero, sown, Comractus, a, um, pajt. of contraho, adj.<br />

planted: C onsero, rere, sev: , situm. contracted, narrow, weak.<br />

Consoler, ari, atus, to console, comfort, so Contraho, ere, xi, ctum. (con, traho), a. to<br />

lace; to alleviate, lighten, compensate; to draw together, unite together, collect; to<br />

encourage, inspirit.<br />

contract; to tnter inlo, engage, incur; to<br />

Censors, sortis, adj. sharing, partaking of: draw in. to abridge, curtail.<br />

as subs, partner.<br />

Contrarius, a, um, (contra), opposite, over<br />

Conspectior, comp. of conspectus, visible; against; contrary, at variance with.<br />

striking, remarkable, conspicuous. Conus, i, m. (foJi'Of), cone, the apex of the<br />

Conspectus, a, um, part. fr. conspicio, as helmet, the conical part where the crest M<br />

arlj. visible; conspicuous, remarkable. inserted.<br />

See Conspicio.<br />

ConvCnio, Ire, eni, ntum, n. and a. (con,<br />

Conspecti.s, us, m. (conspicio), a seeing, venio), to come together, meet, assemble,<br />

looking, fight, view.<br />

Jlock; to go to one, visit: to agree, har<br />

CoflspTcio, ere, exi, ctum, a. (con, specie), monize, correspond.<br />

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CUBILE.<br />

Conversus, a, um, part. fr. converto, turned Coruscus, a, um, adj. quivering, tremulout,<br />

about, whirled about; changed, trans vibrating; glittering, flashing, bright,<br />

formed.<br />

coruscant.<br />

Converto, ere, ti, sum, a. (con, verto), to Corvus, i, m. a raven.<br />

turnoi whirlabout; to change, transform, Corycis, idos and Idis, f. adj. (jcupun't),<br />

convert.<br />

Corycian; dwelling in the Corycian<br />

Convexus, a, um, adj. (con, vehor), convex, cave.<br />

vaulted, arched: sometimes used for con- Corymbus, i, m. (ic«pu/j,3oj), a cluster of ivy'<br />

cavus.<br />

berries.<br />

Convieium, ii, n. (con, vox), a united noise Costa, ZB, f. a rib: fig. a side.<br />

from several sounds; loud noise, clamor; Creatus, a, um, part, of Creo, made, cre<br />

loudly expressed disapprobation; abuse, ated, &e.<br />

reproach, reviling.<br />

Credo, ere, idi, itum, n. and a. (as if Ce^<br />

Convivu, as, m. or f. (con, vivo), a constant turn, do), intrans. to trust, confide in,<br />

guest, messmate, a guest.<br />

believe: trans. to confide to, intrust, trust;<br />

Convivium, ii, n. (con, vivo), a ban to take for true, believe; to think, suppose.<br />

quet, feast, entertainment; the company Crediilus, a, um, adj. (eredo), credulous,<br />

at a feast.<br />

easy of belief, trusting, confiding.<br />

Convoco, are, avi, atum. a. (con, voco), to Cremo, are, avi, atum, a. to burn, set on<br />

call together, convene, summon, convoke. fire.<br />

Copia, ae, f. (con and ops), plenty, abun Creo, are, avi, atum, a. to make, create,<br />

dance, supply; stores; power, ample op produce; beget, bring forth; cause, afford,<br />

portunity; leave, permission, advantage. occasion; elect, appoint.<br />

Coquo, ere, coxt, coctum, a. to cook by fire, Creplto, are, n. frequentalive of crepo, as<br />

to bake; to contrive, prepare, plan. intrans. to sound, tingle, jingle, rattle,<br />

Cor, cordis1, n. (nip), the heart: used for creak; to burst, be shivered in pieces.<br />

animus, understanding, wisdom; the af Crepo, are, ui, n. and a. as active, to make<br />

fections, temper, soul.<br />

a thing sound, resound, &c.<br />

Coralium, i, n. coral, especially the red CrEpusculum, j, n. (dimin. of crepus, wh,<br />

coral.<br />

fr. KKC^OJ), twilight, evening twilight es<br />

Corneus, a, um, adj. (cornu), made of horn, pecially.<br />

horn, horny; dry as horn.<br />

Cresco, Ere, evi, etum, v. n. (creo), togrow,<br />

Cornu, n. indec. in sing., pi. ua, uum, a come forth, become visible, to be born; to<br />

horn of a beast; a projecting extremity; increase, to thrive, become great.<br />

a horn or trumpet.<br />

C ret us, a, um, part, (cresco), born, sprung,<br />

Cornum, i, n. (fr. cornus, the cornel tree, generated, &c.<br />

and lhat fr. cornu), the cornel berry. Crimen, Tms, n. (*p"';«a, judgment), reproach,<br />

Curona, 83, f. (xopuvn, fern, of wputvos, bent, accusation; -vice, crime.<br />

curved), a garland, wreathe; a crown. Crinalis, is, e, adj. (crinis), belonging to the<br />

Coronatus, a, um, part, of corono, crowned. hair, crinal, hairy.<br />

CoronEus, ei and eos, m. pr. n. Coroneus, Criuis, is, m. (Kpiw, to arrange), hairof the<br />

father of Coronis.<br />

head; a curl, a lock.<br />

Coronis, idis, f. Coronis, the daughter of Crimtus, a, um, adj. (crinis), long-haired,<br />

Coroneus, changed into a crow.<br />

having long hair.<br />

Corpus, oris, n. a body, solid substance, a Cristatus, a, um, adj. (crista), t uf'led, plumed,<br />

mass; the body; the jlesh; the person; crested.<br />

the union of several into one whole; a Crocalc, es, f. pr. n. one of Diana's attend<br />

community: (Gr. ira/wij, the .^Eolic form ant nymphs.<br />

of K°PH°S, the trunk of a tree).<br />

Croceus, a, um, adj. (crocus), of saffroli;<br />

Corrcptus, a, um, part. fr. corripior, adj. saffron-colored, yellow, or goldcn-coloreS.<br />

short.<br />

Crocus, i, m. (Kp6nos), the saffron plant; the<br />

Corrigo, Ere, exi, ectum, a. fcon and rego), saffron color.<br />

to eel right, make straight; to amend, Crucio, are, avi, atum, a. (crux), to torment,<br />

correct; to heal, remedy.<br />

torture, vex.<br />

Corripio, ere, ui, eptum, a. (con, rapio), to Crudelis, is, e, adj. (crudus), cruel, inhu<br />

catch together: to snatch or hurry away; man, savage, inexorable.<br />

to seize eagerly, to catch rapidly; to at Crucntatus, a, um, part, of cruento, tomaTte<br />

tack, seize; to chide, reprove, rebuke; to bloody: stained, dyed, or sprinkled wilk<br />

shorten, abridge.<br />

blood.<br />

Corruo, ere, ui, u. and a. (con and mo), to Cruentus, a, um, adj. (cruor), bloody; blood<br />

rush together, to fall down; trans. to thirsty, cruel, ferocious.<br />

bring to the ground, overthrow. Cruor, oris, m. (*pii s), effused blood, gort,<br />

Cortex, icis, m. and sometimes f. rind, clotted blood: also, bloodshed, murder.<br />

shell, external covering of any thing; Crus, iris, n. the leg, from the knee to the<br />

baric; cork.<br />

ankle.<br />

Corusco, are, avi, atum, n. and a. (coruscus), Cubile, is, n. (cube, to lie), a place to lie<br />

to quiver, vibrate; to glitter, flash, shine; down in; a resting-place, couch, bed; a<br />

to move rapidly, brandish.<br />

den, lair, nest.<br />

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