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ASTRUM.<br />

AVENS.<br />

of Justice, daughter of Jupiter and listen to; to perceive, heed, understand;<br />

Themis, (Gr. 'Acrpaia, wh. f. atrrpaios, star to obey.<br />

ry, bright.)<br />

Audrtus, a, um, part, (audior), heard.<br />

Astrum, i, n. (iwrpw), a constellation; a star, Auf ero, erre, abstuli.ablatum, act.(ab, fero)<br />

equivalent to Samp.<br />

to carry or tofte away, to bear off, remove,<br />

Astus, us, m. rarely used except in abla draw away, tear off.<br />

tive, guile, craft, subtlety, knavery. Augeo, ere, xi, ctum, act. (nufu), to increase,<br />

At, conj. adv. (lirup), but, yet; at least, but enlarge, exalt; to provide, adorn, dignify;<br />

yet; clad in black; foul, loathsome; sad, to enrich, promote; to extol; neut.togrow.<br />

mournful.<br />

Augur, uris, m. and f. a doomer, sootltsayer,<br />

Atque, (at, que), conj. and, as, than, but: augur: a Roman priest who foreiold<br />

after contra, aliter, secus, magis, alius, events by observation of birds.<br />

&c., than: after SBque, juxta, similis, Augurium, i, n. (augur), a divining, fore<br />

par, &c., as.<br />

telling, augury; surmise; presentiment;<br />

"Ater, tra., trum, adj. black, sable, dusky. the art of augury; the interpretation of ail<br />

"Athainantis, Tdis, i. the daughter of AtJia- omen.<br />

mas, Hetle.<br />

Auguror, Sri, dep. to foretell; conjecture,<br />

"Athamas, antis, m. Athamas, king of forebode.<br />

Thessaly, son of jEolus, husband of Ino. Augustus, i. m. the imperial title of Octa-<br />

"Allies, or o, gen., dat. and abl. o, ncc. o or vius Caesar and his successors; adj.<br />

on, m. a mountain of Macedonia, now Augustan.<br />

Monte Santo.<br />

Aula, ae, f. (aiiHi), a court, hall; palace.<br />

Atlantiades, SB, m. a male descendant of AulsBum, i, n. embroidered tiangtngs, tapes<br />

Atlas; Mercury.<br />

try, a curtain: frequently in plur. aulaea.<br />

AtlnnOfdes, um, f. pi. the daughter of Atlas, Aura, K, f. (au, avpa), a breath of air; a<br />

sing. Atlantis.<br />

gentle breeze, gale, wind, tlte airi a vapor.<br />

Atlas, antis, m. a mountain of Africa, fa Aural us, a, um, (auro), part, golden, of<br />

bled to bear up the heavens; name of a gold; gilded; decked with gold; goldking<br />

of Mauritania, father of the Pleiades colored.<br />

and Hyades; name of a giant. Aureus, a, um, adj.goWe», of gold; golden-<br />

"Atrium, i, n. (atrum, en fumo), a court, colored; beautiful, resplendent; excellent.<br />

the inner hall of a Roman house, sur Auriga, fe, m. and f. charioteer, director:<br />

rounded by covered galleries, and being fig. a pilot of a ship, (fr. obsolete au<br />

the common sitting mid eating room oi ren, a bridle, and ago.)<br />

the family.<br />

Auris, is, f. an ear.<br />

Attenuates, a, um, part, thinned, lessened; Aurora, SB, f. the morning, the dawn; the<br />

thin, slender.<br />

east: (aurea hora ? or aypioy t^a). In fa<br />

AttEnuo, are, avi, atum, act. (ad, tenuo), to ble, Aurora, the daughter of Hyperion,<br />

thin, diminish, attenuate; to enfeeble. wife of Tithonus, and mother of Memnon.<br />

Attingo, ure, tigi, tacium, act. (ad, tango), Aurum, i, n. gold; any thing made of gold;<br />

to touch, touch on, approach, reach; to lustre, splendor; gold-color.<br />

border on,<br />

Auster, tri, m. the south wind; the south.<br />

Attollo, ere, attuli, act. (ad, tollo), to lift or Australis, e, adj. southern.<br />

raise up: ehvate.<br />

Ausum, i, n. a daring, or adventuring, en<br />

AttunTtus, a, um, part, (attono), thunder terprise.<br />

struck, amazed, astounded; rapt, divinely Ausus, a, um, part, (audeo), having dared;<br />

inspired; affrighted.<br />

undertaken, attempted.<br />

Attono, are, ui, Hum, act. (ad, tono), to Aut, conj. or; or else; either.<br />

thunder-strike; to amaze, stupify; hurry Autem, con],but, yet, however; also,moreaway,<br />

astound.<br />

over.<br />

Attrano, ere, xi, ctum, act. (ad, traho), to AutonocTus, a, um, belonging to Autonoi.<br />

draw, draw towards, attract: to drag. A. heros, i. c. Actseon.<br />

Attritus, a, um, part. (attero),too ; wasted Autonue, es, f. pr. n. daughter of Cadmus,<br />

away; abraded.<br />

mother of Acteon.<br />

Auctor, 6ns, (augeo), an iricrcaser; author, Autumnus, a, urn. adj. autumnal: cube, us,<br />

creator, maker; founder, head; informant, i, m. autumn.<br />

instructor; adviser, instigator; owner. Auxiliaris, e, adj. contributing aid; aux<br />

Aucius, a, um, (augeor), part, and adj. in iliary.<br />

creased, enlarged; arlvanced, promoted. AuxTlium, i, n. (augeo), aid, assistance;<br />

Audacia, SB, f. (audax), bravery, courage, a remedy, resource.<br />

boldness; audacity, presumption. 'Avarus, a um, adj. avaricious, covetous,<br />

Audax, acis, adj. bold, confident, resolute; grctdy ; sordid.<br />

audacious, desperate, presumptuous. 'Avello, ere, li and vulsi, net. to pull away,<br />

Audens, tis, part, and adj. bold, daring, tear off.<br />

adventurous, intrepid.<br />

"AvBna, SB, f. a straw; a species of beart<br />

Audeo, ere, sus sum, act. though often grass, oats; a reed used for a pipe.<br />

used absolutely, to dare.<br />

"Avens, entis, part, (aveo), desiring, ear<br />

Audio, Ire, ivi, itum, act. (nwft), Jo hear, to nestly wishing.<br />

318<br />


'Aversitus, a, urn, part, (aversor) having<br />

shunned, rifused, abhorred.<br />

"Aversus, a, urn, part, (averto), and adj.<br />

turned away; averse.<br />

"Averlo, ere, i, sura, act. to turn aipiy,<br />

avert, withdraw; to remote; change, turn;<br />

to alienate, estrange; to put to flight.<br />

"Avidus, a, iim, (aveo), adj. eager, desir<br />

ous; greedy, hungry, voracious; covetous,<br />

avaricious.<br />

"Avis, is, f. a bird: a. Junonia, a peacock:<br />

a. dcvia, the on>l: a. fluminea, the swan.<br />

"AVItus, a, uin, adj. (avus), ancestral.<br />

"Avius, n, um, adj. (a, via), far from the<br />

road ; remote ; lonely.<br />

"Avulsus, a, um, part, (avellor), tornaway.<br />

"Avus, i, m. a grandfather; an ancestor.<br />

Axis, is, m. (ufay), an axlrtree; a car or<br />

chariot; the axis of the globe; pole of the<br />

earth; clime; the whole heaven.<br />

B.<br />

Babylonius, a, urn, adj. Babylonian, of<br />

Babylon.<br />

Bnccha, w, f. (Bacchus), a priest ess of Bac-<br />

cftus, a woman engaged in his rites.<br />

Bacchans, tis, part, raving: pi. votaries of<br />

Bacchus, a Bacchant.<br />

Bncchems, a, um, of Bacchus; of the Bac<br />

chants.<br />

Bacchius, a, um, of Bacchus.<br />

Bacchus, i, m. Bacchus, son of Jupiter and<br />

Semele, god of wine: fig. the vine; wine.<br />

Baculus, i, m. (Jiarrpov), a staff, slick, baton;<br />

a sceptre.<br />

Baltcna, ae, f. (^.iXnim), u whale; according<br />

to some, the grampus.<br />

BalGaricus, a, um, belonging to the Balearic<br />

islands, Balearean.<br />

Barba, re, f. a beard.<br />

Beatus, a, um, pnrt. (beo), blessed, happy;<br />

opul-nt; precious; making happy, charm<br />

ing; consummate, perfect; dead, departed.<br />

Bolides, SB, m. male descendants of Belus,<br />

Jielides.<br />

BClis, Tdos, f. a female descendant of Belus.<br />

Bcllicus, a, um, adj. of or belonging to war;<br />

ffrce in war.<br />

Bclliger, a, um, adj. (helium, gero), war-<br />

bearing, warlike, martial.<br />

Bellua, se, f. a great beast or fish; a mon<br />

ster; a brute.<br />

Bclliim, i, n. war; battle, fght.<br />

BBne, adv. (benus for bonus), melius, op-<br />

time, well; successfully, happily, honor<br />

ably, &c.<br />

Bjrde, es, f. pr. n. nurse of Semele.<br />

Bibo, Ere, Tbi, tbitum, act. to drink; ab<br />

sorb, imbibe, souk up.<br />

Sibulus. a, um, adj. (btbo), drinking in,<br />

absorbing moisture; bibulous.<br />

BiformiR, e, adj. (bis, forma), double-formed,<br />

double shaped.<br />

Biforis, e, adj. (bis. foris), having two folds<br />

or leav, s ; d.iublc-folding. \<br />

BTjii!;us, a. um. adj. (bis, jiigum), double- j<br />

yoked or coupled, drawn by two hones. I<br />

C^LESTIS.<br />

Bimater, atris, adj. (bis, mater), having twf<br />

mothers.<br />

Blni, as, plur. (binus, a, um, siup.) t wo by<br />

two; two or double.<br />

Bipennifer, a, um, adj. (bipennis, double-<br />

edged axe, and fero), axe-bearing.<br />

Bis, ndv. twice; on two occasions.<br />

Blandimentum, i, n. (blandior), a falter<br />

ing, soothing, hlandishm-nt, allurement.<br />

Blandior, iri, itus, dep. to flatter, sooth<br />

fawn upon, caress, wheedle.<br />

Blandltia, as, f. faltering, fawning, caress<br />

ing; a compliment, flattery.<br />

Blandus, a, um, adj. courteous, bland;<br />

fawning, bewitching, caressing; gentle,<br />

soft, fair, mild.<br />

Bceutia, ac, f. pr. n. Bieotia. a country in<br />

Greece Proper, whose principal city is<br />

Thebes.<br />

Bceotius, a, um, adj. Bceotian, of Bceotia.<br />

Bunum, i, n. a pood, a blessing: B ona,<br />

orum, goods, ejfects, property.<br />

Bonus, a, um, ndj. good: equivalent to Gr.<br />

ayados, good of its Itind.<br />

Boreas, SB, in. the north wind, Aquilo: pro<br />

perly, the north-north-east wind.<br />

Bos, bovis, m. and f. an OT, a bull, a cow.<br />

Brachiuin, i, n. (/3fa\nw), the forearm from<br />

hand to elbow; the arm; the foreleg of an<br />

animal: fig. arm or branch of a tree, of<br />

the sea, &c. &c.<br />

BrCvis, e, adj. short, small, narrow; brief,<br />

of short duratjan, transitory.<br />

Brumius, i, m. a surname of'Bacchus.<br />

Buccma, a>, f. (bucca), a horn; a trumpet;<br />

the shell of the Triton.<br />

Bustum, i, n. (buro, from uro, to burn),<br />

place of corpse-burning; the act of burn<br />

ing; the corpse; a tomb.<br />

Buxus, i, f. irffof, the boxtree, box, the wood<br />

of the boxtree; a flute.<br />

c.<br />

Cacumen, (acumen?) mis, n. peak, top,<br />

summit; extremity.<br />

Cacumino, are, avi, atum, a. to make<br />

pointed or sharp.<br />

Cadmeis, Idis, f. Cadmean; C. arcem,<br />

Thebes; a daughter or descendant of<br />

Cadmus, Semele.<br />

Cadmus, i, m. pr. n. father of Semele, &c.,<br />

son of Agenor, founder of Thebes.<br />

Cado, ere, cucidi, casum, n. to fall; to die;<br />

to set, (of the sun); fail; to full, fall<br />

out.<br />

Caductfer, (caduceus, fcro), eri, m bearing<br />

the caduceus of Mercury.<br />

CSBCUS, or Crocus, a, um, adj. blind; dark,<br />

obscure; scent, unseen; rash, headstrong.<br />

Cffidtis, (caedo), is, f. a cutting dnvm; blow;<br />

slaughter, murder; poet, blond, gore.<br />

Credo, ere, cecidi, CEGsum, a. to cut rloun,<br />

strike; slat/, destroy.<br />

Caelatus, a. um, (ca>lo), pnrt. carved in -re<br />

lief, emttassed; rmliroidered.<br />

CfeleslTs, (Cffilum), e, adj. of hmaen, celes<br />

tial; exc^llint, surpassing, vodlike.<br />

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