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ANTRUM.<br />

ARCTOS.<br />

ifformer times, antique; past, goneby, adapted; apt, apposite, suitable, conve<br />

former; honest, loyal, old-fashioned, nient.<br />

venerable.<br />

'Apud, prep, with ace us. at, close by, next<br />

Antrum, i, n. (OUT/W*), a Iwllow, a grot, or to, near, with, by, in, among ; before, in<br />

cave, used only in poetry.<br />

pretence of.<br />

"Anus, us, (and uis, Ter.), f. an old woman, "Aqua, as, fi (from Celtic, ach), water ; A .<br />

or wife, (of the Sibyl, Hor.), adj. old, in perennis, running water; waters, the sea,<br />

years.<br />

&.C., rain.<br />

AnxTus, a, um, (ango), careful, anxious, "AquatTciis, a, um, adj. (aqua), of the water,<br />

disturbed, restless; apprehensive, solid- aquatic, water, watery, moist, rainy.<br />

tons; causing anxiety, disquieting. "AquTIa, ae, (gen. ai', Cic), f. an Eagle, a<br />

"Aunts, Tdis, f. Aonian, poet, for Kantian, name given to one of the constellations;<br />

(female), in pi. des, the Muses, as dwell also the Roman standard.<br />

ers on Helicon.<br />

"AquTlo, onis, m. (aquila), north wind;<br />

"Aomus, a, um, poet. Bceotian: A. vir, same as Greek Boreas; and, properly,<br />

Hercules, born at Thebes; A. juvenis, a wind from N. N. East. In mythol.,<br />

Hippomeiies; A. dcus, Bacchus: also, husbancTof Orithyia, and father of Ca<br />

pertaining to the Pluses.<br />

lais and Zetcs.<br />

"Apenmnus, (Apennin), the mountain chain "Aquusus, a, um, or comp. asimus, aup.<br />

which traverses the length of Italy, the watery; rainy, bringing rain: mater a.<br />

Apennines.<br />

T/ietis.<br />

"Aper, pri, m. (tdrpos), boar, a wild hog; "Ara, as, (o!pw), f. orig. any elevation of<br />

brnwn.<br />

earth, stone, &c., an altar; the Altar, a<br />

"AperTo, ire, ui, turn, act. (ab, pario), to constellation.<br />

open; uncover, lay bare; make visible, "Aranea, as, (dpoya), a spider; spider's web,<br />

display, show, make accessible, unveil, cobweb; weblike down of tne willow.<br />

reveal, explain.<br />

_ Plinv-<br />

"Apertus, a, um, part, (apcrio), adj. open ; "Aratrum, i. 11. (aro), a plough.<br />

free from trees or woodt; wide, unbound "ArbTter, tri, m. (ar or adand beto), to<br />

ed ; uncovered, bare; unclouded; clear, walk, to go; a witness, an eye, or ear<br />

plain ; hottest.<br />

witness; arbitrator, judge, overseer, mas<br />

Apidanus, i, m. Apidanus, a river of ter, lord, arbiter.<br />

Achaia, that joins the Enipeus near Arbitritim, Ti, n. (arbiter), the being present<br />

Fharsalus, ana flows wiih it into the at; judgment or sentence of an arbitra<br />

Peniius.<br />

tor ; a determination, decision; will,<br />

"Apollineus, a, um. Apollinean, belong choice, disposition, privilege.<br />

ing to Apollo; A. urbs, Deloa; A. vates, "Arbor or "Arbos, ons, f. a tree ; Peliaa a.<br />

Orpheus; A. ara, prophetic art and me the ship Argos; generally, any thing<br />

dicine.<br />

made of wood, as a mast, an oar, &.c.<br />

"Apollo, Tnis, m. Apollo, son of Jupiter Arbcireua, a, um, (arbor), of, or belonging<br />

and Latona, god of the Sun, of prophecy, to a tree, tree ; treelike.<br />

medicine, poetry, and music.<br />

Arbustum, i, n. (arbos), a tree-planting;<br />

Appareo, (adp.), ere, ui, Ttum, neut. to come plantation, thicket, orchard of trees for<br />

to light, appear, show one's self, or itself; vines to.trail on, vineyard; shrubbery.<br />

be evident, clear.<br />

Arbiitcus, a, um, adj. (arbutus), of the ar-<br />

Appello, are, avi, atum, act. to call, name, bute, or strawberry tree.<br />

term, designate; to address, speak to; Arcadia, as, f. pr. n. A rcadia, a mountain<br />

call on, invoke ; to appeal.<br />

ous country in the centre of Peloponnesus,<br />

ApplTco, (adp.), fire, ui and avi, Ttum and whose inhabitants were noted for sim<br />

atum, act. to lay on, apply, bring, or put plicity and innocence of life and manners.<br />

near, approach ; drive, direct, steer. Arcanus, a, um, adj. (arceo), secret, hid<br />

Apporrectua, a, um, (ad, porrigo), stretched den, mysterious, mystic, arcane; actively,<br />

along, near by, stretched out, extended concealing.<br />

near.<br />

Areas, adis, m. a descendant of Areas, an<br />

ApposTtus, a, um, part, (appono), lying on, Arcadian ; also, as an adj. A. tyrannua,<br />

or near, contiguous, adjacent; well adapt Lycaon ; A . bipennifer, Ancaus.<br />

ed; bent upon.<br />

Areas, adis, m. pr. n. A reas, son of Jupi-<br />

"Apricus, a, um, adj. (apericus), set out in ter and Callisto, and ancestor of the Ar<br />

the sun, exposed to the sun; tunny, cadians.<br />

lovitig the sunshine ; warm.<br />

Arceo, cere, cui, ctum, or turn, act. (lipncal,<br />

Aptatua, a, um, part, aptor), fitted to, to keep, or ward off, keep at a distance,<br />

adapted, adjusted to ; prepared.<br />

drive of, prevent; restrain, hold, con<br />

Apte, adv. ius, comp. issTme, aup. (aptus), tain ; save, protect.<br />

lightly, closely, compactly; but, more ArcTtenens, (also arquitenens), entis (arcus,<br />

usually, fitly, aptly, property, becom teneo), the bow-holding: epith. of Apollo.<br />

ingly.<br />

Arctos, or Arctus, (apxrut), i, f. the double<br />

Aptiia, a, um, part, and adj. (apo or apio), constellation of the greater andlets Bear;<br />

fastened, dependent, connected; fitted, the ntrth-pole, north.<br />

316<br />

ARCTUS.<br />

\STRJEA..<br />

Arctus, ior, adj. (arceo), narrow, small, the shoulder, mostly of brutes ; shoulderconfined;<br />

difficult, afflictive.<br />

blade, fore-quarter, shoulder, arm, side.<br />

Arcus, and, anciently, Arquus, us, and i, "Aro, are, avi, atum, a. and n. (dpSw), to<br />

m. and f. a bow ; the rainbow ; an arch, plough; to till, cultivate : arare lilt us, to<br />

vault, semicircle, arc of a circle; any labor in vain.<br />

thing curved or arched; arcus Hsemo- Arreptus, a, um, (adr.) part, (arripio),<br />

nius, the sign of the zodiac, Sagitta seized, &c.<br />

rius.<br />

Arrideo, ere, si sum, a. and n. (ad, rideo),<br />

Ardens, tis, part, and adj. lardeo), burning, to nnile, to smile upon ; to approve.<br />

glowing, hot, fiery, bright, ardent, violent, Arripio, (adr.) ipiii, eptum, to snatch, seize<br />

strongly desirous.<br />

upon, take away, pluck, catch; to attack,<br />

Ardco, ere, si, sum, neut. and act. to be in invade, take forcible possession of; to<br />

fames, blaze, take fire, to burn; glow, drag to court, arrest.<br />

glitter, fash, sparkle, shine; in/lame; Ars, tis, @pa, apriw, or apsri]), f. an art,<br />

love, desire, burn with love, be enamored, faculty, quality; means, method, way;<br />

be eager.<br />

contrivance, skill, ability, dexterity;<br />

Ardesco, ere, neut. incept, to begin to burn, science, profession, occupation; strata<br />

to begin to glow.<br />

gem.<br />

Arduus, a, um, adj. high, steep, deep; hard, Arsurus, a, um, part, (ardeo), about to<br />

difficult, arduous; erect, stately, tall; of burn, &.C.<br />

ten used in the aense of raising one's Artus, us, m. and pi. uum, (npSpw), the<br />

self, rising.<br />

joints; limbs, members; the body.<br />

"Arena, ffi, f. (area), sand, grit, gravel; vArundo, (har.), dTnis, f. a reed, cane; shaft,<br />

sandy place; soil, earth; sea-coast, arrow, pipe.<br />

shore; the place of contest in the amphi Arvum, i, n. a field, ploughed but not sown;<br />

theatre ; place of contest, arena.<br />

a fallow jield; arable land, glebe; afeld,<br />

"Arenosus, a, um, adj. full of sand, sandy. a plain; a region, country; the world.<br />

"Areo, ere, ui, neut. to be dry, withered, Arx, arcis, p. (arceo), any high place,<br />

dried up, parched ; to be dry with thirst, heighlh; a citadel, temple, palace; Heaven.<br />

to be thirsty, to thirst.<br />

A i-x may also be derived from axpa, the<br />

Argenteus, a, um, adj. silvery, of silver; summit, such being alwaya fixed on for<br />

adorned with silver; silver-colored, bright the citadel of a place.<br />

as silver.<br />

Asbolus, i, m. (u

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