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26<br />


Ignea convexi vis et sine, pondere cceli<br />

Emicuit, summaque locum sibi legit in arce.<br />

Proximus est aer illi levitate, locoque :<br />

Densior his tellus, elementaque grandia traxit,<br />

Et pressa est gravitate sui. Circumfluus humor<br />

Ultima posscdit,solidumquecoercuil orbem. .<br />

Sic ubi dispositam quisquis fuit ille Deorum,<br />

NOT^E.<br />

22. Ignea vit cceli: the fiery force of the<br />

heaven. This means the aether, to which<br />

Hesiod, in like manner, assigns the highest<br />

place. The poet probably includes the<br />

sun, regarding it as a body of liquid flame,<br />

immense and imponderable.<br />

Hail, holy Light 1, offspring ofheaven's first born!<br />

Whose fountain who eliall tell ? hefore the sun,<br />

Before the heavens ihou IA ert; and at the voice<br />

Of Gqdj ns with a mantle, didst invest<br />

The rising world of water6,dark and deep.<br />

MILTON.<br />

23. Emicuil: sprung forth or shone forth.<br />

This expression conveys the idea of great<br />

celerity, and is somewhat similar to the<br />

account of the creation of light given in<br />

the Bible: " Let there be light, and there<br />

was light." And forthwith light<br />

Ethereal first of things quintessence pure,<br />

Sprung from the deep. MILTON.<br />

23. Summa in one. It is a law in phi<br />

losophy, that the heavier bodies descend,<br />

while the lighter bodies ascend till they<br />

reach a region of their own density. The<br />

eethcr being lightest, will ascend to the<br />

highest place.<br />

The fiery part ascended highest, because the<br />

lightness of its nature caused it to tend up<br />

wards. DIODORUS SICULUS.<br />

LIBER 1.<br />

sprsso aSre. Qua-<br />

postquam evolvit, que<br />

exernil creco acervo,<br />

ligavil dissociate lo-<br />

cis concord! pace. Ig-<br />

25 nea vis creli convex,<br />

et sine pondere emi-<br />

cuit, que legit %lbl<br />

locum in surrjnw<br />

arce.<br />

28. Ubi quisquis Dd»<br />

leavier elements. There is much ex<br />

iressiveness in the word iraxil.<br />

The muddy and grosser parts, together with<br />

».ie fluid, sunk down, by reason of their heavi<br />


26. Pressri est: was pressed together,<br />

.'he earth is kept together by the power<br />

)f attraction.<br />

26. Circuinjluus humor. The water flow<br />

ing around possessed the last place, or<br />

lowest place, for the surface of the water<br />

is lower than the surface of the eanh.<br />

Providence has caused many eminences and<br />

-Rvilies iu the earth, thut in these, the water, or<br />

the greatest part of it, might be received.<br />

STRABO.<br />

He the world<br />

Built on circumfluous waters calm, in wide<br />

Crystalline ocean. PARADISE LOST.<br />

And, poured round all,<br />

Old Ocean's gray and melancholy waste.<br />

BEYANT<br />

27. Solidum orJitm. The ancient philoso-<br />

)hcra generally considered the earth as a<br />

;lobe.<br />

The cone, you say, the cylinder, and the pyr<br />

amid, are more beautiful to you than the sphere.<br />

higher than the earth, the air is above the wa- *"- 1 '~~ " *.,v --=> - - - ~. .<br />

tef, and fire has the highest situation. DE NA- e,Bn be.more illiternle than to assert, as you do,<br />

-.TT, . T»i.ftT.TrM that it is doubtful whether the world is round oc<br />

It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth,<br />

..nil the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers.<br />

ISAIAH xl. 42.<br />

24. Levitate. The air is next to the How heaven on high was formed.<br />

ether in lightness, and necessarily eo in lo The earth established, Rndtegirticlthsta.<br />

cation. It is proper to say lightness here<br />

ORPHEU*.<br />

instead of weight, for the ether has jus' 28. Quisquis deorum. The Architect<br />

bcrn spoken ot as a light body.<br />

of the Universe appears to be rather an<br />

25. Dmsior: more dense, and conse " unknown god" to the poet. He evidently<br />

quently heavier.<br />

considers him of a more exalted crmrncter<br />

25. Eltnuntn. Elements are the first than the others. The heathens in general<br />

principles of which bodies are formed. The acknowledged one supreme god.<br />

ancients recognised four elcmenis, fire, air, The whol; worU a?ree in ,h 19 one "' ,,onstBI,t >g !<br />

earlli, and water, f ire is enll regarded as iaw ond opinion, that CJod is ihe suk- King ami<br />

a simple, but the others are known to he Father of all. . MAXIMUS TYRIUS.<br />

compounds. Air consists of oxygen and There are mnny vulgar gods, but ' there is but<br />

nitrogen, in the proportion of 21 parts ot one natural god. AJ.TIS<strong>THE</strong>NES,<br />

llie former to 7U of tun latter, or, as Rome There is really but one God,<br />

think, of 20 and PO. iu accordance with tht The maker of heaven nnd ertrth,<br />

And sea nnd winds SOPHOCLES.<br />

atomic theory. The compositions ot caril.<br />

are varied. Water consists of hydrogen In the fragment of Orpheus, quoted by<br />

and oxygen, in the proportions, by weight Justin Martyr, nnd by Clemcns Alexandnof<br />

1 to 8, or by volume, of 2 to 1. nus, , on the Unity of God, it is said :<br />

25. . Traxil. . The eanh, , agreeably to th He is one, self-begotten ; by him alone are all<br />

aw of •• gravity, ----.- drew j .. down .!_. with .,.:.,,.. it th .v. things thut have been made<br />


Congeriem secuit, sectamque in membra redegit.<br />

Principle terram, ne non eequalis ab omni<br />

Parte foret, magni speciem glomeravit in orbis.<br />

Turn freta diffundi, rapidisque tumescere ventis<br />

Jussit, et ambitce circumdare littora terras.<br />

Addidit et fontes, immensaque stagna, lacusque;<br />

Fluminaque obliquis cinxit declivia ripis :<br />

Q.UIB diversa locis partim sorbentur ab ipsa;<br />

29 Conceriem scm.il: cut the mass, viz.<br />

chaos. Thus abscidit, a similar term, is<br />

employed in the 17th line to express great<br />

violence in the separation of the bodies.<br />

29. In membra: into members or parts;<br />

that is, into separate elements.<br />

30. Princifio: in the beginning. Having<br />

stated the fact of the formation of the uni<br />

verse, the poet enters more particularly<br />

into the specifications of the several acts.<br />

In doing this, he uses the identical ex<br />

pression which occurs in the first verse of<br />

Genesis.<br />

30. JEtjuaJif ai omni. The earth is not<br />

exactly equal in every part, as the eleva<br />

tions and depressions show. The equa<br />

torial diameter, too, is 26 miles greater<br />

than the polar. Owing to this spheroidal<br />

figure, the eanh may be considered as con<br />

taining a sphere, the radius of which is<br />

half the polar axis, and a quantity of redund<br />

ant matter distributed over it, so as to swell<br />

out the equatorial regions. The precession<br />

of the equinoxes, and the nutation of the<br />

earth's axis, is occasioned by the attraction<br />

of the sun and moon on this redundant<br />

matter.<br />

31. Glomeravit: he rounded the earth.<br />

Glomero signifies to wind into a ball like<br />

thread The expression is not inapt, es<br />

pecially when we consider that the earth<br />

consists of successive layers.<br />

31. Magni orlis; a great globe.<br />

A glorious orb from its Creator's lionds<br />

It came, in light and loveliness arrayed,<br />

Crowned with green emerald mounts tinted w ith<br />


32. Frela. Narrow seas between two<br />

portions of land, so called from ferveHdo;<br />

here put by syncchdcche for seas in general,<br />

dc ordered the seas to be poured forth.<br />

And from the hollow of his hand<br />

Toured out the immeasurable sea.<br />

BOWER <strong>OF</strong> PAPIIOS<br />

32. Tumescere: to swell; to be puffed<br />

up.<br />

Have I not seen the sens yt/^rc? up with winds,<br />

Rage like an angr} boar chafed with sweat.<br />


33. Juttil: he commanded. This con<br />

veys the idcn of great power, and is similar<br />

to the " Deus dixil" of Moses.<br />

He spoke, and it was done ; he commanded,<br />

uid it stood fas: PSALM xxxiii. 9.<br />

NOTjE.<br />

27<br />

orum file fiii', secuit<br />

on congeriem »ic dispo-<br />

OU sitam que redegit<br />

seclam in membra.<br />

Prmcipio glomeravit<br />

terrara in speciem<br />

magni orbis, ne foret<br />

non eequalis ab onini<br />

34. Etaddidit fontes,<br />

QK queimmensa stagna,<br />

que lacus ; que cinxit<br />

deciivia flumina ob-<br />

33. A mbilce terra;. Not on all sides sur<br />

rounded as the earth is by the air, but en<br />

compassed or encircled by it.<br />

And wearing as a robe the silver sea,<br />

Seeded with jewels of resplendent is!ea.<br />


33. Circumdare. In the use of circum<br />

dare with ambitce, there is a pleonasm. This<br />

figure is of frequent occurrence in Ovid.<br />

34. Fontes, slagna, lacusque. In the<br />

enumeration of the different bodies of wa<br />

ter, there is an agreeable variety.<br />

Dim grottoes, gleaming lakes, and fountain!<br />

clear. THOMSON.<br />

34. Fonles. Fountains or springs arc<br />

formed by water that issues from crevices<br />

in the earth. The water falls on higher<br />

ground, and descending into the earth, is<br />

received in subterranean cavities, and fil<br />

trates towards the springs. Springs are<br />

distinguished as perennial, periodical, in<br />

termitting, and spouting. An intermitting<br />

fountain at Como, in Italy, rises and falla<br />

every hour; one at Colmaris, in Provence,<br />

eight times in an hour.<br />

34. Slagna. Pools are bodies of water<br />

that receive no running water, and have no<br />

visible outlet. They are situated in low<br />

marshy ground.<br />

34. Lacusque. Lakes are large bodies<br />

of water that do not communicate with the<br />

ocean. They are distinguished as follows:<br />

those that receive streams of water, and<br />

have a visible outlet; those that receive<br />

streams of water, and have no visible out<br />

let; and those that are supplied, not by<br />

running streams, but internal springs, and<br />

have a visible outlet. The first class of<br />

lakes is frceh, the second salt, and thfl<br />

third saline, or alkaline, or both.<br />

35. Flumina declivia. Rivers always<br />

occupy the lowest portions of the districts<br />

from which they derive their waters.<br />

These districts are called basins.<br />

Ilivers will not flow, except on declivity, and<br />

their sources be raised above the earth's ordi<br />

nary surface, so that they may run upon a<br />

descent. WOODWARD.<br />

36. Cinxit obliquis ripis: he bound the<br />

rivers with winding banks.<br />

He hath compassed the waters with boundi<br />

until day and night come to an end. JOB xxv<br />

10.<br />


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