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ACIES.<br />

ADSUM.<br />

"Acics, ei, f. (fids, a point), tharp edge, to throw towards, cast against, apply to i<br />

sharp point, the organ of sight, the ken, toplacenear, annvc, add; to apply, devote.<br />

the eye: a line of soldiers, squadron, bat ~ "Adimo, ere, emt, emptum, a. (ad and cmo).<br />

talion; an army, V**e of battle; a tattle; to take away, remove, deprive of, carry<br />

prowess, influence.<br />

off.<br />

"AeonIium, i, n. (Mnmi), a poisonous plant, "Adilus, us, m. (adeo), a going to, approach,<br />

supposed lo be akonite, monkshood, wolfs- access, entry ; a passage for entrance, a<br />

bane.<br />

pass ; liberty of access, opportunity.<br />

"AcrTsius, ii, m. Acrisius, king of the Ar- Adjuro, are, avi, atum, a. (ad and juro, to<br />

gives, son of Abas, and father of Danae. swear), to swear, solemnly swear ; swear<br />

Aetrcus, a, urn, ('AKTV, a beach, hence pr. n. by ; to conjure, adjure.<br />

Attica), of Attica, Attic, Athenian. Adjiitus, a, um, part. fr. Adjuvo, assisted,<br />

Actieon, onis, m. Aitaon, son of Aristteus aided, befriended.<br />

and Autonoe, the daughter of Cadmus, Adjuvo, are, juvi, jutum, a. (ad and juvo),<br />

changed by Diana into a stag, and torn to help, assist, aid, succour, befriend.<br />

asunder by his own dogs.<br />

Admlrabilis, is, e, adj. (admiror), admira<br />

Acturides, re, m. patronym. descendant of ble, worthy of admiration, wonderful, un<br />

Actor.<br />

usual.<br />

Actus, a, urn, part. fr. Ago, conducted, Admirans, antis, part. pres. of Admiror.<br />

led, driven ; pursued ; directed, moved ; Admiror, ari, atus, dep. (ad and miror), to<br />

done, performed ; spent, &e.<br />

wonder at greatly, to marvel; to admire,<br />

Actutum, adv. (ago), forthwith, instantly, regard with admiration, esteem, or love.<br />

anon, presently, immediately.<br />

Admissus, a, um, part, (admitto), admit<br />

"Acumen, mis, n. (acuo, to sharpen?, the ted; let loose, hurried on, swift, i. 532,<br />

sharp point, extremity of any thing : committed. Admissum, i, n. (irom pan.).<br />

sharpness, pungency of taste : acuteness, crime, fault.<br />

sagacity, acumen.<br />

Admitto, ere, rrnsi, missum, act. (ad and<br />

Aciitus, a, um, adj. (acuo, to sharpen), mitto), to send forward, send lo ; to give<br />

sharp-edged, sharp-pointed, sharp ; pun- a loose to, push forward; to admit, let<br />

gent ; shrill, penetrating; ingenious, in; hurry on, gallop.<br />

acute, guide, subtle.<br />

Admoneo, Ere, ui, itum, act. to put in mind,<br />

Ad, prep, with aec, to, unto; at, near, admonish, warn.<br />

among, by, even to, at far as, towards ; Admomtus, us, m. putting in mind;<br />

for, on account of, according to; after, counsel; admonition, reproof.<br />

with ; against. With numerals, it sig Admomtor, oris, m. (admoneo), a monitor,<br />

nifies to the number of, about.<br />

he who reminds, or admonishes ; one who<br />

Addico, ere, ixi, ctum, a. (ad and dico), to incites, or instigates.<br />

give up, make over, assign, surrender, Admotus, a, um, part, (admoveo), applied<br />

adjudge; to alienate; to resign ; to de to, laid or put on.<br />

vote, doom, condemn; to impute, as Admtjveo, ere, muvi, m5tutn, act. to move<br />

cribe.<br />

to, convey to, carry near, 7iold to, lodgenigti.<br />

Addisco, ere, -didict, a. (ad and disco), to "Aduleo, ere, ui, and evi, ultum, neut. and<br />

team ; to find out, be apprised of, hear. act. (ad and olco), n. lo smell; a. lo burn,<br />

Addo, ere, didi, ditum, a. (ad and do), to consume by fire.<br />

add; to throw in, mingle; appoint, as "Adolesco, ere, evi, ultum, neut. (ad and<br />

sign ; to place upon, put on.<br />

olesco), to grow up, to grow, increase;<br />

Adduce, ere, xi, ctum, a. (ad and duco), fig. to grow greater.<br />

to conduct to, bring, fetch: lo draw, pull; "Adopertus, a, um, part, (adoperio), co<br />

draw together, contract; to reduce; to vered, covered over, veiled; closed.<br />

induce, persuade.<br />

"Adoru, ore, avi, atum, (ad and oro), to<br />

"Ademptus, a, um, part, of Aclimo. adore, worship, revere; to pray to.<br />

Aded, (ad and eo), ndv. so, so much, so far. "AdspTcio and AspTcio, ere, Dxi, ectum,<br />

"Adeo, Ire. ivi, and ii, Ttum, n. (ad and eo), act. (ad and specio), to benold, look upon,<br />

to go lo ; come lo, approach, come near ; or at, see; lo look favorably upon; to look<br />

arrive at ; to approach hostilely, altacJc. up to, esteem.<br />

Adfatus. See Afiatus.<br />

"Adsterno and "Asternu, ere, stra\i, act. to<br />

Adfero. See Affero.<br />

strew at, or about; pass, to be cast or lie<br />

"Adhtereo, ere, trsum, n. (ad and hserco), prostrate.<br />

to stick to, adhere, grow to, grow near ; "Adsto and "Asto, are, tti, itum, neut. (ad<br />

to be near, adjacent ; to cling to, hang and sto), to stand, stand at, stand near;<br />

upon, hang about.<br />

to be at hand; astare in latus obliquum,<br />

"AdhTbco, ere, ui, itum, a. (ad and habeo), to stand on one side, to stand sideways.<br />

lo adopt, use, employ; to take, receive, "Adstrictus and A6trictus,(adstringo), bound<br />

admit; to applt/, lo lay on; lo bring, up, faftlu bound.<br />

offer, pay ; to add, join; lo treat, use. "Adsum, adessc, adfui, futurus, neut. to be<br />

"Adhuc, adv. (ad and hue), hitherto, thus present, lo be here; to be at liand. be near;<br />

far, as yet : even yet, still.<br />

to come lo, near, or among; to assist, aid,<br />

Adjtcio, tre, ect, ectum. a. (ad and jacio), attend, stand by.<br />

312<br />

ADULTER.<br />

"Adulter, i, (ad and alter, or adulor), m.<br />

an adulterer, paramour, seducer.<br />

"Adultera, ae, f. an adultress, paramour.<br />

"Adullerium, i, n. adultery, intrigue.<br />

"Aduncus, a, um, adj. (ad and uncus),<br />

curved, hooked, crooked.<br />

"Adusque (usque ad), prep, even to, unto,<br />

as fur as, unto where. A poetical word,<br />

jEneid xi. 262.<br />

"Advena, te, com. gen. (ad and venio), a<br />

stranger, a foreigner, a new-comer.<br />

"Adventus, us, m. (verb), a coming, an ar<br />

rival, approach.<br />

"Adversus, a, um, part, and adj. (ad verto),<br />

in the way, over against, opposite; ad<br />

verse, hostile ; a . limine, the front of it,<br />

opposite to you as you advance; in ad-<br />

versum, against; peetore in adverse, in<br />

front.<br />

"Adverto, ere, ti, sum, act. (ad and verto),<br />

to turn to, or towards,to aim, or steer for.<br />

./Ens, antis, m. pr. n., also "Aoiis, i, m.<br />

name of a river emptying into the Ionian<br />

sea.<br />

jEdt'S and ./Edfs, is, f. a house, habitation,<br />

dwelling ; a temple ; properly, any build<br />

ing, but in this sense usually in pi.<br />

JEgison, onis, m. pr. n. (Afyuuiw). In Ho<br />

mer, a giant, same as Briareus, having<br />

a hundred hands; but, in Ovid, a sea-<br />

god, son of Neptune.<br />

.ffiger, gra, grum, adj. weak, infirm, faint,<br />

sick ; sorrowful, sad, unhappy, despond<br />

ing ; sickening, disheartening, dismal.<br />

JEgis, idis, f. (oiy's), a goat's skin; the<br />

shield of Jupiter (Virg. JE. viii. 354) and<br />

of Minerva: in the latter case bearing<br />

on it the head of Medusa; generally,<br />

breast-plate, coat of mtiil; but, particu<br />

larly, the cegis, or shield of Minerva.<br />

Aello, us, f. (atXXa), Storm; Whirlwind,<br />

the name of a dog.<br />

^Jmula, IE, f. (prop. fern, of adj. temulus),<br />

an emulatress, imitatrefs, female rival.<br />

JEnKus, a, um, also aeni-us and aheneus,<br />

with the poets, adj. (aes), made of copper,<br />

brass, or bronze ; nf the color of copper,<br />

brass, or bronze: fig. firm, lasting, &c.<br />

^Eulides, re, m. the sonofJEolus, viz. Atha-<br />

mas, Ovid iv.<br />

Julius, a, um, adj. Pertaining to .SSoIus,<br />

god of the winds. Ovid iv. 487, belong<br />

ing to Athamas, son of ^Eolus: JEolian,<br />

belonging lollieJEolian islands; jEolian.<br />

/Equalis, is, c, adj. (requus), equal, like to,<br />

similar; equable, consistent, uniform;<br />

even, smooth, level, plain.<br />

JEquo, are, avi, atum, a. (ajquus), to level,<br />

make smooth ; to equal; to make equal.<br />

/EquCr, oris, n. (cequus), any level or smooth<br />

surface, a plain, a flat, as tequore campi,<br />

Virg., ffiquor spcculorum, Lucret.; more<br />

usually, the level surface of the sra, the<br />

sea; also, waters, generally, especially<br />

when flowing gently; aoquora ponti, the<br />

unliroken water beyond the surf, the deep,<br />

the open sea.<br />

iEquus, a, um, adj. level, smooth, plain;<br />

40<br />

AFFIXUS.<br />

equal, like; just, equitable; also, in this<br />

sense as a subs., justkf, equity ; reason<br />

I able, right, fair, moderate; honest, up-<br />

I right, favorable, friemlly, propitious;<br />

i calm, composed, unruffled; ex aequo,<br />

I equally.<br />

"Aer, aeris, m. (dr;/j) the air, atmosphere;<br />

blast, gaseous exhalation, (ii. 397), sky,<br />

It -miens, wrnfher.<br />

"Aerius and eus, a, um, a.lj. aerial, belong<br />

ing lo the air, lifted high in air ; airy,<br />

lofty : fig. vain, empty, airy.<br />

JEs, ffiris, n. ore, copper-ore, bronze. Arti<br />

cles made of ore, copper, and bronze, as<br />

tables for the inscription of laws, cymbals,<br />

trumpets, helmets, &c.<br />

JEstas, atis, f. (testus), the hot part of the<br />

year—summer—commencing, according<br />

to Varro and Columella, on the 9th of<br />

May; according to Ovid, on the 14th of<br />

May; ending, according to Varro,on the<br />

7ih August; according to Pliny and Co-<br />

lumella, August 12.<br />

./Estiio, are, avi, atum, v. n. (estue), to be<br />

very hot, boil with heat; to Jlash up,<br />

stream up, roar, as fire ; to burn, to glow,<br />

as with love or desire; to boil, as the sea,<br />

estuate, fret.<br />

JEstus, us, m. (atSw), v iolent, boiling; heat,<br />

fierce and glowing heat; summer, or hot<br />

weather ; also, cfbing and flowing of the<br />

tide, the tide.<br />

.flStas. atis, f. (contr. fr. tevttas), the time of<br />

a man's life, age, or period of life ; gene<br />

ration of men, era, age.<br />

^Sternus, a, um, (contr. fr. teviternus), eter<br />

nal, endless, perpetual, immortal; dura<br />

ble, permanent.<br />

./Eihalion, onis, m. JEthalion, one of the<br />

Tuscan sailors that attempted to carry<br />

off Bacchus.<br />

.flSther, eris, or eros, m. (aiSilp), the upper,<br />

finer air, ether; tlte sky, heaven, firma<br />

ment ; the air.<br />

^Sthereus (and tus), a, um, (aiSipioj), be<br />

longing to ether, ethereal, heavenly.<br />

JEt\nops, opis, m. an Ethiopian, adj. ElM<br />

opian, (m'ftj and oty).<br />

^Ethon, onis, m. (ofSw), Burning; JEthon,<br />

the name of one of the four horses of the<br />

sun.<br />

.flStuE, es, (poet, for .flStna), f. pr. n. JEtna.<br />

A mountain in Sicily, the workshop of<br />

Vulcan and of Cyclops.<br />

.flSvum, i, n. (oio»'), length of time, duration,<br />

eternity; mostly poetical, for anas, the<br />

time of J man's life, lifetime, age; a ge<br />

neration or age ; lime.<br />

Affatus, a, um, part, from affor.<br />

Afiecto, (adf), are, avi, atum, v. frequ.<br />

(afficio), to strive after, to long after, seek<br />

to attain, affect.<br />

Affero, erre, attuli, allatum, and adf8ro,<br />

act. (ad and fero), to bring to; to take,<br />

bring, carry ; to impart, assign ; to pro<br />

duce, cause.<br />

Affixus, a, um, firmly fixed, fastened, cling<br />

ing to, adhering.<br />

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