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304 P. OVIDII <strong>NASO</strong>NIS LIBER IV,<br />

Prsecutiunt: largis satiantur odoribus ignes:<br />

Sertaque dependent tectis : lotique lyraxjue<br />

Tibiaque, et cantus, animi felicia Ia5ti<br />

Argumenta, sonant. Reseratis aurea valvis<br />

Atria tola patent, pulchroque instructa paratu;<br />

Cepheni proceres ineunt convivia regis.<br />

Postquam epulis functi, generosi muncre Bacchi<br />

DifTudere animos: cultusque habitusque locorum<br />

Q.ufflrit Abantiades. Q.ua5renti protinus unus<br />

Narrat Lyncides, moresque, habitusque virorum<br />

Q.ua5 simul edocuit, Nunc, 6 fortissime, dixit,<br />

Fare precor, Perseu, quanta virtute, quibusque<br />

Artibus abstuleris crinita draconibus ora.<br />

Narrat Abantiades gelido sub Atlante jacentem<br />

Esse locum, solida tutum munimine molis ;<br />

Cujus in introitu geminas habitasse sorores<br />

Phorcydas, unius partitas luminis usum:<br />

Id sc solerti, furtim dum traditur astu,<br />

Supposita cepisse manu: perque abdita longe,<br />

Deviaque, et sylvis horrentia saxa fragosis<br />

Gorgoneas tetigisse domos: passimque per agros,<br />

Pcrque vias vidisse hominum simulacra ferarumque<br />

In silicem ex ipsis visa conversa Medusa:<br />

Se tamen horrenda? clypei quod Iseva gerebat, 30<br />

./Ere repercusso, formam aspexisse Medusae :<br />

Dumque gravis somnus colubrasque ipsamque tenebat,<br />

Eripuisse caput collo: pennisque fugacem<br />

Pegason et fratrem matris de sanguine natos ;<br />

her husband. The torch of Love is the<br />

allegorical one that inflames the heart.<br />

Here Love his golden shafts employs, here lights<br />

His constant lamp, and waves his purple wings.<br />

MILTON.<br />

Concutit tredas geminus cupido.—SBNEC. CEo.<br />

7. Largis odoribus: with copious per<br />

fumes.<br />

8. Loti. By metonymy for instruments<br />

made of the lote tree.<br />

11. Patent: are thrown open.<br />

19. Crinita draconibus : having dragons<br />

for hair; haired with dragons.<br />

23. Phorcydas. The Phorcydes, called<br />

also Graite, were the daughters of Phorcys<br />

and Ceto. They were hoary-haired from<br />

their birth, whence they were called Graiee.<br />

They had but one eye, which was in com<br />

mon. This was stolen by Perseus. They<br />

were the guardians of the Gorgons. Their<br />

names were Pephredo (Horrifier), Enyo<br />

(Shaker), and Deino (Terrifier).<br />

23. Unius luminis. The Graioe had but<br />

a single eye among them.<br />

Till thou sholt come to the Gorgonian plains<br />

Of Cistbene, where dwell the swan-like forms<br />

Of Phorcys' daughters, bent and white with age;<br />

One common eye have these, one common tooth,<br />

NOT^E.<br />

10<br />

15<br />

20<br />

25 25. Per lota long*<br />

abdita, deviaque, at<br />

saxa horrentia frago<br />

sis silvis.<br />

And never does the sun with cheerful ray<br />

Visit them darkling, nor the moon's pale orb<br />

That silvers o'er the night.<br />


27. Gorgoneas domos: the habitations<br />

of the Gorgons; where the three Gorgons,<br />

Medusa, Enryale, and Stheno lived. Me<br />

dusa alone was mortal.<br />

The Gorgons nigh,<br />

Their sisters there, spread their broad wings<br />

and wreathe<br />

Their horrid hair with serpents, fiends abhorred,<br />

Whom never mortal could behold, and live.<br />


And Gorgous dwelling on the brink of night<br />

Beyond the sounding main; where, silver-<br />

voiced,<br />

Th' Hesperian maidens in their wotches sing;<br />

Euryale, and Slheno, and Medusa.<br />

Sad is her lot, since mortal; but the two<br />

Immortiil and of undecaying youlh.<br />

Yet her alone the blue ha red god of waves<br />

Enfolded, on the tender meadow-grass,<br />

And bedded flowers of spring.<br />

HESKIOD'S <strong>THE</strong>OOONT.<br />

34. Pegason. A winged horse, which,<br />

like his brother Chrysaor, sprang from the<br />

blood of Medusa, at the time Perseus<br />

severed her head from her body when<br />

asleep. On seeing the light, he immedi<br />


Addidit et longi non falsa pericula cursfis: 35<br />

Q.ua3 freta, quas terras sub se vidisset ab alto;<br />

Et qua? jactatis tetigisset sidera pennis.<br />

Ante expectatum tacuit tamen, excipit unus<br />

Ex numero procerum, quarens, cur sola sororum<br />

Gesserit alternis iministos -crinibus angues. 40<br />

Hospes ait, quoniam scitaris digna relatu,<br />

Accipe qusesiti causam. Clarissima forma,<br />

Multorumque fuit spes invidiosa procorum<br />

Ilia, nee in tola conspectior ulla capillis<br />

Pars fuit; inveni, qui se vidisse reierrent. 45<br />

Hanc pelagi rector templo vitiasse Minerva?<br />

Dicitur: aversa est, et castos segide vultus<br />

Nata Jovis texit. Neve hoc impune fuisset;<br />

Gorgoneum turpes crinem mutavit in hydros.<br />

Nunc quoque ut attonitos formidine terreat hostes, 50<br />

Pectore in adverse, quos fecit, sustinet angues.<br />

ately fled to Mount Helicon, on which, by<br />

» stroke of his loot, he produced ihe foun<br />

tain Hippocrene, which was sacred to the<br />

Muses.<br />

When Perseus smote<br />

Her neck, and snatched the severed bleeding<br />

head,<br />

The great Chryeaor then leaped into life,<br />

And 1'egasus the steed, who, born beside<br />

Old Nilus' fountains, thence derived a name.<br />

For a thrilling description of a spectral<br />

horse, I would reler the reader to " The<br />

Buccaneer," a powerful poem, by Richard<br />

H. Dana, Esq., of Cambridge, Mass.<br />

What did Perseus do after his conquest<br />

of the monster ?<br />

To which of the gods did he assign the<br />

principal altar?<br />

What took place after this ?<br />

At the feast, what request was made of<br />

Perseus ?<br />

Where did he say the Graia3 resided?<br />

What was there peculiar about them ?<br />

Who were the guards of the Gorgons?<br />

Where did the Gorgons reside, according<br />

to Ovid ?<br />

Where does Hesiod say they resided ?<br />

How did Perseus look on Medusa wilh-<br />

out being changed to stone ?<br />

39<br />

NOTJE.<br />


43. Ilia fuit clarissi-<br />

rna_forrnfl, spesque in<br />

vidiosa multorurn pro<br />

corum j nee ulla pars<br />

in ea lota, fuil con<br />

spectior capillis.<br />

35. Non falsa pericula : the real dan<br />

gers. Slheno and Euryale pursued him<br />

after he had cut off the head of Medusa.<br />

38. Ante expectatum: before he was ex<br />

pected to stop. This is the charm of all<br />

relating of stories, to stop before the audi<br />

ence is weary.<br />

39. Sola sororum. Why Medusa alone<br />

of the sisters ?<br />

51. Sustinet angues. Minerva bears the<br />

Gorgon's head on her shield. It is some<br />

times found in the lorica that encases her<br />

breast.<br />

What sprung from the blood of Medusa t<br />

Why was the hair of Medusa turned<br />

into serpents ?<br />

By the Graiae, whom are we to under<br />

stand ?<br />

How arc they said to have one eye ?<br />

How did Perseus steal it ?<br />

By the Gorgons, what are we to under<br />

stand ?<br />

Give the names of the three, and their<br />

explanation ?<br />

How may Perseus be said to cut off the<br />

head of Medusa ?<br />

How will we interpret the springing of<br />

Pegasus and Qhrysaor from her blood t

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