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FABULA V.<br />


Cadmus and Hermione, affected by the calamities that had happened to theij<br />

family, abandon Thebes and go into Ulyricum. Here he suspects that his<br />

afflictions have been in consequence of the dragon which he slew being<br />

sacred to some god; after which he and his wife are changed to serpents.<br />


As some learned men contend that Cadmus was a real personage, in<br />

accordance with that view, and for the sake of heroic interest, we regarded<br />

him as an historical character, in our explanations of Fables I. and II.<br />

Book HI. But the achievements of Cadmus could not have been the<br />

work of tin individual, for he is said to have led colonies into Phenicia,<br />

Cyprus, llhodcs, Thera, Thasus, Anape, and Samothracia ; to have dis<br />

covered and have wrought mines of gold and copper in Cyprus and else<br />

where ; to have founded settlements, and one hundred cities in Africa:<br />

to have established colonies in Attica, Euboea, Boeotia, and Illyrin; to have<br />

reigned in Armenia, and, after reigning at Thebes for sixty-two years, to<br />

have reigned in Illyria. Besides this, he is said to have been tne in<br />

ventor of letters.<br />

Now, all these things may be referred to a tribe, but could not have<br />

been the work of an individual. We will, therefore, regard Cadmus,<br />

(anciently written KdSfi^v,) not as a real character, but a personification<br />

of the Cadmonites, a race spoken of in the Bible, who lived near Baal<br />

Hermon, in Syria. On this account, and probably beraijse a body of<br />

Hermonians accompanied the Cadmonites to Boeotia, Hermione is alle-<br />

gorically the wife of Cadmus. The people around Baai Hennon were<br />

given to serpent-worship, and in consequence were called Hivites, from<br />

Hivia,« serpent. Ancient authors say, that in Hermon and Alount Libanus<br />

were many Batrvjua (Beth-el, house of God); these were the upright<br />

stones that formed the serpent-temples. Hence, Cadmus, who is de<br />

scribed as identical with the Taut* of the Phenicians, the Thouth of the<br />

Egyptians, and the Hermes of the Greeks, is said to have taught the<br />

worshipt of the serpent, and at last to have been changed into a serpent.<br />

As the temples used by the worshippers of the serpent were built of up<br />

right stones, disposed in the form of that reptile, it is a myth of easy ap<br />

plication to say that Cadmus was changed into a serpent. As Scinele<br />

(Sema-el, the token of God, i. e. the Rainbow), and Ino (lone, the dove],<br />

are daughters of Cadmus; and Bacchus (Noah) his grandson, it is readily<br />

perceived, that Cadmus (the Cadmonites) brought the traditions of the<br />

Deluge into Greece: as also the tradition of the serpent of Paradise,<br />

which, at first regarded as oracular, became a symbol a talisman and<br />

at length a god through the nations.<br />

* Tani is Hie firs! lhal invented letters—whom the Egyptians called Tliouth, ihe Alexandrians<br />

Tholh. but the Orceka rendered Hermes—Pmr.o ATOD L.USEBIUM.<br />

Cmlinus. ncit only a royiil epithet, liul tin epithet of Hermes.—VETUS AUCTOR APUD PIIAVORIM.M<br />

Cadmus, who is Ihe same as Hermes. SCHOUAST ON IACOPIIRON".<br />

t Tiuil consecrated the Jbrm of Ihe dragon and ofserpenls; and the P!ienici»"s and Egyptians<br />

after him dtil the snme.—EUSKBIUS, I'K.BH. EVANG., Iiib. i.. Cap. 10.<br />

The Greeks received Hie worship of Hie serpent from Ciclums.—Vosstus.<br />

286<br />

ESCIT Agenondes natam parvumque nepotem<br />

TEquoris esse deos. Luctu seneque malorum<br />

Victus, et ostentis, qua plurima viderat, exit<br />

Conditor urbe sua; tanquam fortuna locorum<br />

Non sua se premeret: longisque erratibus actus<br />

Contigit Illyricos profuga cum conjuge fines.<br />

Jamque malis annisquc graves, dum prima retractant<br />

Fata domfis, relcguntque sues sermone labores;<br />

Nuin sacer ille mca tntjectus cuspide serpens,<br />

Cadmus ait, fuerit: turn, ciini Sidone profectus<br />

Vipereos sparsi per hmnum, nova semina, denies?<br />

ducin si cura defim tain certa vindicat ira,<br />

Ipse precor scrpcns in longam porri«;ar alvum.<br />

Divit; et, ut serpens, in longam tenditur alvum:<br />

Duratasque cuti squamas increscere sentit,<br />

1. Agenoridrs. Cadmus, the son of<br />

Ape nor.<br />

4. Urtiffua. From Thebes, which he<br />

had founded.<br />

6. lllyricns. Illyriemn, now Upper .Al<br />

bania, v, as n count ry of Greece, the precise<br />

limits 'if which nre not known. It was<br />

bounded on tlie ejsM by a ratiw of moun<br />

tains that sep.ir.ites it from Tlicwwily; on<br />

the roulli by F.pirus. now Lower Aflmiiin;<br />

and on the west by Marc Harjiiaticuin.<br />

7. Malis iinnisuue p*aves: weighed<br />

down with misfortunes nnd with years.<br />

"\Vhen ape ami waul, O ill-nxilcheil pair.<br />

Show man w is made to mourn.—BIBXS.<br />

10<br />

15<br />

9. nif trrpmt. The srrpenl which he<br />

hnd sl.iin, as related in Lib. III., Fab. I.<br />

12. Vhnli-al. Cadmus is led to suppose<br />

that I he mNfiirl tines which he has suffered,<br />

have been inflicted by some deity, to whom<br />

llic serpent which he slew was sncred.<br />

13 Ijiftr fcrjieny porriftar: m ay I myself<br />

be extended, n pcrpcnl. The ophite<br />

liicrogriiin is found wherever ihc scrpcnt-<br />

worship prevailed. It appears on coins,<br />

medals, temples, and pillars, undrr vnriotta<br />

modifications, as shown in Figures 1 to 7.<br />

The fcrpent of Paradise was the original<br />

of the whole. See note on Serpentis,<br />

page 92.<br />


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