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282 P. OVIDII <strong>NASO</strong>NIS LIBER IV<br />

Nexaque vipereis distendens brachia nod is,<br />

Caesariem excussit. Motas sonuere colubras;<br />

Parsque jacens humeris; pars circum tempora lapsse<br />

Sibila dant, saniemque vomunt, linguasque coruscant.<br />

Inde duos mediis abrumpit crinibus angues; 15<br />

Pestiferaque manu raptos immisit. At illi<br />

Inoosque sinus, Athamanteosque pererrant;<br />

Inspirantque graves animas; nee vulnera membris<br />

Ulla ferunt: inens est, quas diros sentiat ictus.<br />

Attulerat secum liquidi quoque monstra veneni, 20<br />

Oris Cerberei spumas, et virus Echidna?;<br />

Erroresque vagos, cascccque oblivia mentis,<br />

Et scelus, ct lacrymas, rabiemque, et casdis amorem;<br />

Omnia trita simul: quas sanguine mista recenti<br />

Coxerat asre cavo, viridi versata cicuta. 25<br />

J 1 . Vipercis nodis : with knots of vi<br />

pers ; wilh knotted vipers.<br />

Cooruleps irnplexm crinibus angues<br />

Eumenides VIRGIL. Georgic. iv. 482.<br />

14. Linguas coruscant : make their<br />

tongues quiver ; brandish their tongues.<br />

15. Ahrumpit crinibus : tears from her<br />

hair. Virgil describes the Fury Alecto in<br />

like manner taking a serpent from her hair<br />

to wound Amata:<br />

From her blnck bloody locks the Fury shakes<br />

Her darling phigue, the favorite of tier snakes:<br />

Wilh her full lorce she threw the poisonous<br />

dnrt,<br />

And fixed it deep within Amata's heart,<br />

That, thus envenomed, she might kindle rage,<br />

And sacrifice to strife her house and husband's<br />

age. ^ENEID vii.<br />

18. Inspimnt graves animas : inspire<br />

their banclul breath. So Virgil:<br />

Unseen, unfell. Ihe fi-ry serpent skims<br />

Between her linen and her naked limbs,<br />

His baneful breath inspiring us he glides.<br />

Now like a chain around her neck he rides;<br />

Now like n fillet to her head repairs,<br />

And with his circling volumes folds her hairs.<br />

At first the silent venom slid with ease,<br />

And seized her cooler senses by degrees ;<br />

Then, ere Hi' infected mass was fired too far,<br />

In plaintive accents sue began the war.<br />

19. Rleiis. Just in proportion as mind<br />

is superior to matter, so is the spirit capa<br />

ble of more intense suffering than the body.<br />

The spirit of a man will bear his infirmity,<br />

but a wounded spirit who can bear? ^KO-<br />

VERIIS xviii. 14.<br />

20. Attulerat. Tisiphone had brought.<br />

20. jllonstra veneni : a monster of poi-<br />

eon ; a monstrous poison.<br />

21. Ec/iidnce Echidna was a monster<br />

fabled to be sprung from Clirysaor and<br />

Calltrhoe, and represented as a beautiful<br />

woman above the waist, and a serpent be<br />

low it. The word is also used to signify<br />

the Hydra, or other huge venomous ser<br />

pent. Ilesiod thus describes her :<br />

NOTJE.<br />

Zt. Quas mista re<br />

centi sanguine coxe-<br />

rat eavo cere versata<br />

viridi cicula.<br />

Another monster dread she hare anon<br />

In the deep-hollowed cavern of a rock ;<br />

Stupendous, nor in shape resembling aught<br />

Ot human, or of heavenly : monstrous, fierce,<br />

Echidna: half a nymph, with eyes of jet<br />

And beanty-blooiuing cheeks: and half, again,<br />

A speckled serpent, lernble and vast,<br />

Gorged with blood-banquets, trailing her huga<br />

folds<br />

Deep in the hollows of the blessed earth.<br />

<strong>THE</strong>OGONY.<br />

22. Errorrs. As restlessness nnd wan<br />

dering about are often characteristics of<br />

madness, they are here said to be a part<br />

of the compound.<br />

24. Omnia trita simul: all bruised to<br />

gether.<br />

25. JErecavo: in a brazen cauldron. The<br />

cauldron is said to be brazen, because brass<br />

is poisonous. Shakspeare gives a vivid<br />

account of rites practised by witches while<br />

mixing their terrible compounds in a pot.<br />

1 Wrrcn. Thrice the brinded cat hath mewed.<br />

2 WITCH. Thrice; and once the hedge-pig<br />

whined.<br />

SWITCH. Harper cries,'tis time! 'tis time!<br />

1 WITCH. Hoand about the cauldron go;<br />

In the poisoned entrails throw.—<br />

Toad, that under coldest stone,<br />

Days and nights hath thirty one<br />

Sweltered venom sleeping got,<br />

Boil them first in the charmed pot!<br />

ALL. Double, double toil and trouble;<br />

Fire, burn; anil, cauldron, bubble!<br />

2 WITCH. Fillet of a feuny snake<br />

In the cauldron boil and bake:<br />

Kye of newt, and toe of frog,<br />

Wool of bat, and tongue of dog,<br />

Adder's fork, and blind-worm's siing,<br />

Lizard's leg, and owlet's wing.<br />

For a charm of powerful trouble<br />

Like a hell-broth I»il anil bubble!<br />

ALL. Double, double toil and trouble;<br />

Fire, burn; and, cauldron, bubble!<br />

3 WITCH. Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf;<br />

Witches' mummy, maw, and gulf,<br />

Of the ravined salt-sea shark;<br />

Root of hemlock, digged j' the dark J<br />

Liver of blaspheming Jew,<br />

Gall of goat, and slips of yew,<br />

Slivered in the moon's eclipse;<br />

IV.<br />


Uumque pavent illi, vertit furiale venenum<br />

Pectus in amborum; prascordiaque intirna movit.<br />

Turn face jactnta per eundem SEepius orbem,<br />

Consequitur motos velociter ignibus ignes.<br />

Sic victrix, jussique potens, ad inania magni 30<br />

Regna redit Ditis : sumptumque recingitur anguem.<br />

Protinus yEolides media furibundus in aula<br />

Clamat, 16 comites, his retia pandite sylvis:<br />

Hie mcdb cum gemina visa est mihi prole leasna.<br />

Utque fercc, scquitur vestigia conjugis, amens: 35<br />

Deque sinu matris ridentem et parva Learchum<br />

Brachia tendentem rapit, et bis terque per auras<br />

More rotat fundcc: rigidoque infantia saxo<br />

Discutit ossa ferox. Turn denique concita mater,<br />

(Seu dolor fecit, seu sparsi causa veneni); 40<br />

Exululat; passisque fugit male Sana capillis.<br />

Teque ferens parvum nudis, Melicerta, lacertis,<br />

Evohe, Bacche, sonat. Bacchi sub nomine Juno<br />

Risit: et, Hos usus prsestet tibi, dixit, alumnus.<br />

Imminct asquoribus scopulus; pars ima cavatur 45<br />

FJuctibus, ct tectas defendit ab imbribus undas:<br />

Summariget.frontemque in apertum porrigit sequor.<br />

Occupat hunc (vires insania fecerat), Ino:<br />

Seque super pontum, nullo tardata timore,<br />

Mittit, onusque suum: percussa recanduit unda.<br />

At Venus immeritaB neptis miserata labores,<br />

Nose of Turk, and Tartar's lips;<br />

Finger of a birth-strangled babe,<br />

Ditch-delivered by a drab.<br />

Make the gruel thick and slab.<br />

Add thereto a tiger's chandron<br />

For Ihc ingredients of our cauldron.<br />

ALL. Double, double toil and trouble;<br />

Fire, burn ; and, cauldron, bubble !<br />

MACBETH, Actiir. Sc. 1.<br />

25. Versata cicuta : stirred with hem<br />

lock. The hemlock was a deadly poison,<br />

nnd, hence, employed in this place. It is<br />

said to be viridis, because the poison is in<br />

the juice, and, consequently, more abun<br />

dant when it is green.<br />

2G. Furiale venenum: the poison that ex<br />

cites to madness.<br />

29. Consequitttr ignibus. The Fury<br />

whirls her torch so as to form a circle of<br />

flame, and thus confuse the eyes of the be<br />

holder.<br />

30. Inania repna : the empty realms;<br />

the shadowy realms.<br />

32. JEolirtei. Athamas, the son of JEo-<br />

lus.<br />

34. Gemina prole: with her twin off<br />

spring.<br />

34. LetBTia. It was a common error<br />

for persons under the Bacchic influence<br />

to mistake others for wild-beasts. Thus<br />

Agave nnd Autonoe took Pentheus to be<br />

NOT^E.<br />

283<br />

2G. Dumqne illi pa-<br />

vent ; vertit furiale<br />

venenum in pectus<br />

amborum.<br />

48. Ino occupat<br />

hunc, (tnim insauia<br />

fecerat vires,) lardft-<br />

taque nullo timore<br />

mittitse.<br />

a wild-boar. In modern times, on the con<br />

trary, we are accustomed to regard as the<br />

beast the person who is under the Bacchic<br />

impulse.<br />

36. Kidentem Learchum. Learchus, the<br />

son of Athamas and Ino. slain by his fa<br />

ther. It increases the horror of the cir<br />

cumstances, that the innocent child, all<br />

unconscious of its fate, smiles upon its<br />

inhuman murderer.<br />

42. Melicerta. Another son of Alba-<br />

mas and Ino.<br />

43. Juno nsit. Juno laughed to hear<br />

Ino call on the name of Bacchus, her fos<br />

ter-child, who had been the cause of her<br />

calamities.<br />

44. Hosnsiis: these advantages; these<br />

fruits. This is spoken in irony.<br />

45. Jmminet cequonbui: o'erhangs the<br />

sea. The dreadful summit of the cliff<br />

That beetles o'er his base into the sea.<br />


50. Onus suum: her burden, viz. Meli<br />

certa, whom she was carrying.<br />

50. Eecanduit : became white again ;<br />

was white with foam.<br />

51. Neptis: her grand-daughter. Ino<br />

was the daughter of Harmonta, who was<br />

born of Venus by Mars.

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