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II<br />



Juno, still incensed against the house of Cadmus on account of Semele,<br />

resolves upon the ruin of Ino, one of the daughters of Cadmus. For this<br />

purpose she descends to the infernal regions, and employs one of the<br />

Furies to avenge her on Ino and her husband Athamas. who were ene<br />

mies of her deity.<br />


SOME erroneously say the account of Athamas and Ino is historical.<br />

They tell us that Athamas was the son of ^Eolus, the god of the winds,<br />

and the grandson of Deucalion; and that on the death of Themisto, his<br />

first wife, he married Ino, the daughter of Cadmus. He divorced Ino<br />

for Nephele, by whom he had Phryxus and Helle. Divorcing Nephele<br />

in her turn, he took back again Ino, and had by her Learchus and Meli-<br />

certa. Ino, wishing to destroy the children of Nephele, in order to make<br />

room for her own children, bribed the oracle of Apollo to declare, that the<br />

children of Nephele must be sacrificed to appease the anger of the gods;<br />

whereupon Athamas in a rage killed Learchus, and would have slain<br />

Ino also, had she not taken up Melicerta in her arms, and jumped with<br />

him into the sea.<br />

Now it is evident, from the etymology of the names employed here,<br />

that a confused account of the diluvial history is given. Ino, by meta<br />

thesis, Ion, is lona (the dove), and as she was the nurse of Bacchus (Noah),<br />

is the Dove of the Deluge. She was the sister of Semele (sema-el, the<br />

token of God), viz. the Rainbow. Athamas (a themis, without justice),<br />

was the race of ungodly antediluvians. He is said to be King of Thebes<br />

(theba, the ark), and was the son of .^Eolus, the god of winds, which we<br />

may suppose prevailed at the Deluge. His first wife was Themisto<br />

(Themis, justice), referring to the godliness of the early race of men.<br />

His next wife was Nephele (nephelim, giants'), referring to the daugh<br />

ters of Cain, from intermarriages with whom the " giants in those days"<br />

arose. The oracle that declares the children of Nephele (the Ncphelim)<br />

must be sacrificed to the anger of the gods, is the prophetic voice pro<br />

claiming, through Noah, the destruction of the wicked by the flood. This<br />

explanation will be pursued in the next Fable, with which this is con<br />

nected. By Juno's descent into the infernal regions, which the ancients<br />

believed to be in the centre of the earth, for the purpose of procuring a<br />

Fury to work the destruction of Ino (lona, the dove), we may understand<br />

the evoking of the vengeance of God for the destruction of man, when<br />

the bursting forth of the waters of the central abyss engulphed the world,<br />

at the breaking up of the " fountains of the great deep." The purifica<br />

tion of Juno by Iris, refers to the Rainbow that succotued.<br />

274<br />

UM vero totis Bucchi memorabilc Thebis<br />

Nniurn crat: magnasque novi matertera vires<br />

Narrat unique Dei: de totque sororibus expers<br />

Una doJoris erat, nisi quern fecere sorores.<br />

Aspicit hanc natis, thalamoque Athamantis habentem<br />

Sublimes anirnos, et alumno numine, Juno.<br />

Nee tulit: et secum, Potuit de pellice-natus<br />

Vcrtcre Masonios, jielagoque immergere, nautas,<br />

Et laceranda suce nati dare viscera matri,<br />

Et tripliccs operire novis Minyei'das alis ?<br />

Nil potent Juno, nisi inultos flere dolores ?<br />

Idque mihi satis est ? Haec una potentia nostra est ?<br />

Ipse docet quid agam ? Fas est et ab hoste doceri.<br />

Quidque furor valeat, Penthea caede satisque<br />

1. Tian ten. After the punish<br />

ment of the Miiiye'ides.<br />

2- Mtileiltrn. Ino. the sister of Semele.<br />

4. Expert tlnloiis: free from sorrow. Ino<br />

wni [lie only one of the sisters that had not<br />

met vviih some signal calamity. Autonoe<br />

li-i'l seen her son Aetceou torn in pieces by<br />

dogs, nfier his transformation ; Semele was<br />

destroyed by lightning; and Agave had<br />

torn her son Penlhcus in pieces.<br />

5. ffatis. Her sons Learchus and Me<br />

licerta.<br />

NOT^E.<br />

10<br />

C. Alumno numine. Bacchus had been<br />

the foster-child of Ino.<br />

7. Pcllice natus. Bacchus, the son of<br />

Semele.<br />

9. Lacerandu matri. She alludes to Pen<br />

tlicus, who was torn in pieces by his mo<br />

ther.<br />

13. Ipte. Bacchus himself had given<br />

Juno an example of what she ought to do.<br />

He had inspired Agave and others with<br />

madness, that had caused them unspeak<br />

able sorrow.<br />


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