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II<br />

lilt<br />

24(5 P- OVIDII N ASONIS<br />

Jamque dies aderit, jamque baud procul auguror esse;<br />

Qua novus hue veniat, proles Semelei'a, Liber; 10<br />

Quern nisi templorum fueris dignatus honore;<br />

Mille lacer spargere locis: et sanguine sylvas<br />

Feedabis, matremque tuam, matrisque sorores.<br />

Evenient: neque enim dignabere numen honore;<br />

Meque sub his tenebris nimium vidisse quereris. ' 15<br />

Talia dicentem proturbat Echione nafus:<br />

Dicta fidos sequitur; responsaque vatis aguntur.<br />

Liber adest: festisque fremunt ululatibus agri:<br />

Turba ruunt; misteque viris matresque3 nurusque,<br />

Vulgusque, proceresque, ifrnota ad sacra feruntur. 20<br />

Quis furor, anguigence, proles Mavortia, vestras<br />

Attonuit mentes? Pentheus ait; serane tantum<br />

JErc repulsa valent ? et adunco tibia cornu ?<br />

Et magics fraudes? ut quos non belliger ensis,<br />

Non tuba terruerint, non strictis agmina telis; 25<br />

Fcemineae voces, et mota insania vino,<br />

connected with the Syrian goddess, and<br />

the appointments of her temple, are in-<br />

lended to preserve the history of the Flood,<br />

and are thought by Lucian to be the work<br />

of Bacchus, whom we have shown to be<br />

Noah. The mysterious phalli, there, bore<br />

the inscription of Bacchus.<br />

This ceremony, they say_, Deucalion himself<br />

ordained to he observed in the temple, as an<br />

everlasting commemoration, no less of the uni<br />

versal calamity (the Flood), than of the won<br />

derful means by which the earth again became<br />


They exhibited the first orgies (of Bacchus)<br />

around a mystic ark, and with these, the Aonian<br />

women secretly began the mysteries. CINE-<br />

GETICS <strong>OF</strong> OpPIAN.<br />

After the oath to the mysttz, we commemorated<br />

the sad necessity that reduced the earth to its<br />

chaotic state; also Saturn (Jehovah), who, after<br />

the darkness, restored earth to a serene sky.<br />

AKGONAUTICS <strong>OF</strong> ORPHEUS.<br />

The orgies of the just man (Noah), and of<br />

ths Arkite Minerva, by night. IDEM.<br />

Minerva, or the divine prudence, is said<br />

to have built the Argo or Ark. This is<br />

perfectly correspondent with God's warn<br />

ing Noah to build the ark. The follow<br />

ing have direct reference to the serpent<br />

Tempter, and to the depositing of the Ark<br />

of the Covenant in the Tabernacle which<br />

was covered with skins:<br />

Ilippa, placing a testaceous vessel on her<br />

head, and encircling the fig-kara that bind her<br />

temples with a serpent, receives Bacchus.<br />

TROCLUS rv TlMjeuM, Lib. ii.<br />

They placed the divine offspring (Bacchus) in<br />

an ark of fir, and covered it with skins.<br />

CYXEGETICS <strong>OF</strong> OPPIAN.<br />

The following, from the Greek of Phi-<br />

lostratus, relates to the serpent of Paradise,<br />

which was erect before the curse, " On<br />

thy belly thou shall crawl."<br />

The ivy creeps, and the serpents that were<br />

wet, an-1 rte thyrsi, and the trees dropping ho<br />

NO'IVE. '<br />

LIBER III.<br />

16. Natus Echione<br />

proturbat vntem di-<br />

centem talia: fides se<br />

quitur dicta, respon-<br />

saque vatis aguntur.<br />

24. Ut fccminea: vo<br />

ces, et insnnia mota<br />

viuo, gregesque ob-<br />

scccni, et mania tym<br />

pana, vincant eos quos<br />

non belliger ensis, non<br />

ney : yon would say as to those uttering wild la<br />

mentation, there was, in like manner, to them the<br />

Bacchic (ofEce) panting. ICON. LIB. i. c. 18.<br />

10. Novus Liter: the new Bacchus. The<br />

epithet Liber is an imitation of the name<br />

of Noah (rest). See note on Liber, p. 248.<br />

10. Proles Semeleia: Noah, after his<br />

egress from the Ark, may be figuratively<br />

styled ihe son of the Rainbow. Hence Bac<br />

chus, who is Noah, can with great beauty be<br />

called the son of Semele, which is Sema-el,<br />

the token of God. The Chinese say the<br />

mother of Foht (Noah), conceived on the<br />

bank of a lake, surrounded with a rainbow.<br />

Homer, in his hymn to Selene, in speaking<br />

of the iris, uses the very term, token:<br />

TiKfitap £1 /fywroij Kal aqua riTVKTtu.<br />

I do set rny bow in the cloud, and il shall be<br />

for a token of a covenant between me and ihe<br />

earth. GENESIS ix. 13.<br />

See note on Iris, page 72.<br />

16. Dieentem proturbat: spurns him as he<br />

utters such things.<br />

17. Fides sequilur: confirmation follows.<br />

17. Aguntur: are accomplished; come<br />

to pass.' \<br />

22. Peniheus ait. The speech of Pen<br />

theus is full of generous aioor and patriot<br />

ism.<br />

22. JErane are repulsa: brass resounding<br />

with brass, viz. brazen vessels beaten with<br />

brazen sticks.<br />

Pulsabunt ceribus ojra. LUCRETIUS.<br />

23. Adunco cornu: the winding horn.<br />

Sffva tene cum Berecynthip<br />

Cornu tympana. HORAT. Lib. i. Od. 18.<br />

25. Striclis agmina telis: squadrons with<br />

brandished weapons.<br />

£G. F&mineai voces: shrieks of women.<br />

Ye female troop,<br />

Whom from barbaric coasts I led with me<br />



Obsccenique greges, et inania tympana vincant?<br />

Vosne, senes, mirer; qui longa per requora vecti<br />

Hac Tyron, Me profugos posuistis sede Penates;<br />

Nunc sinitis sine Marie capi ? Vosne, acrior selas,<br />

() juvenes, propiorque mese; quos arma tenere,<br />

Non thyrsos; galeaque tegi, non fronde decebat?<br />

Este, precor, memores qua sitis Etivj-c crcati:<br />

Illiusque animos, qai multos perdidit unus,<br />

Sumite herpentis. Pro fontibus ille lacuque<br />

Interiit: at vos pro fama vincite vestra.<br />

Ille dedit leto fortes: vos pellite molles,<br />

Et patrium revocate decus. Si fata vetabant<br />

Stare diu Thebas; utinam tormenta virique<br />

Mcenia diruercnt: ferrumque, ignisque sonarent!<br />

Essemus miseri sine crimine; sorsque querenda,<br />

Non celanda foret; lacrymccque pudore carerent.<br />

At nunc a puero Thebffi capientur inermi;<br />

Quern neque bella juvant, nee tela, nee usus equorum;<br />

Sed madidus myrrha crinis, mollesque corona, 45<br />

Puipuraque, et pictis intextum vestibus aurum.<br />

Associ&tes, and attendants on my march.<br />

Resume your 1'hrygian timbrels framed by me<br />

Anil mother Rhea; round the royal house<br />

Of Penlheus let their hoarse notes roar, that<br />

Thebes<br />

May see you. BACCH E <strong>OF</strong> EURIPIDES.<br />

27. Inania tympana: hollow drums.<br />

Tympana tenta sonant palmis et cymbala circum<br />

Concave. LUCRETIUS, Li. G3G.<br />

28. Vosne scnes. Pentheus makes a<br />

etrong appeal to the aged men who had<br />

come from Tyre, and had helped to found<br />

the city of Thebes. He is described by<br />

Euripides as making a similar harangue to<br />

his grandfather Cadmus:<br />

And Cadmus, too.<br />

My mother's father, shake his Bacchic watld,<br />

Sigbt ludicrous; nor, eire, can I approve<br />

To eee your age of reason so devoid.<br />

"\Vilt tliou not shake the ivy from thy heat! ?<br />

Wilt thou not throw the thyrsus from thy hand ?<br />

BACCII.B.<br />

29. Tyron. Pentheus calls Thebes their<br />

second Tyre. So Teucer, when about lo<br />

leave Salamis, his native city, for a foreign<br />

country: Certus enim promisit Apollo,<br />

Ambiguam tcllure nova Snlamma futuram.<br />

HORAT. Lib. i. Od. vii.<br />

So ^5neas is described by Virgil:<br />

Ilium in Italiam portuns victosque Penates.<br />

^ENEID, i. 68.<br />

30. Sine Marte: without battle, by me<br />

tonymy.<br />

32. T/iyrsos. The thyrsus was a pole or<br />

»pear, enveloped with vine or ivy leaves,<br />

and was carried by Bacchus, the Satyrs,<br />

Meenades, and others who were encaged in<br />

the Bacchic rites. It was often terminated<br />

by the apple of the pine or pomegranate,<br />

as that tree was dedicated to Bacchus, or<br />

31<br />

NOT^E.<br />

30<br />

35<br />

40<br />

tuba, non<br />

slrictis telii<br />

riut?<br />

241<br />

agrniod<br />

terrua-<br />

35. Ille interiit pro<br />

fontibus lacui]ue: at<br />

vos viucite pro vestra<br />

fama.<br />

Noah, probably, because it was considered<br />

the forbidden iruit.<br />

Pampineis agitat velatam frondibus hastam.<br />

METAMOKPII. Lib. iii. Fab. 8<br />

His light spear wreathed with ivy-twine.<br />


32. Fronde. The mysta! wore myrtle,<br />

except in times of procession, when they<br />

wore ivy or vine leaves.<br />

Ipse racemiferis frontem circumdatns uvis.<br />

METAMOKPII. Lib. iii. Fab. 8.<br />

35. Pro fontibus. The serpent from<br />

which they were sprung, died in defence of<br />

his fountain, as related in the first Fable<br />

of Book III.<br />

37. Leto fort s. There is a hearty ap<br />

peal to the manly courage of the Thcbans,<br />

which is heightened by the antithesis here<br />

employed.<br />

38. .Si fata. If it be fated that Thebes<br />

must fall.<br />

39. Tormenla: engines, such as batter<br />

ing-rams, for demolition ; and balistce, and<br />

catapults, for throwing stones and beams of<br />

wood.<br />

41. Miseri sine crimine: wretched with<br />

out a crime. Having made an honorable<br />

resistance, they would not fall ingloriously.<br />

Thus Lucius, in the Roman senate:<br />

What men could do,<br />

Is done already: heaven and earth will witness,<br />

If Rome must fall, that we are innocent.<br />


45. Corona, purpuraque: garlands, and<br />

purple. The garlands with which persona<br />

were crowned, when drinking, were formed<br />

of the leaves and flowers of ivy, the rose,<br />

violet, lily, myrtle, and narcissus, to all of<br />

which peculiar properties were assigned.<br />

Hence Plutarch:<br />


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