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Pentheus, the son of Echion and Agave, endeavors to prevent the Thetans<br />

from paying respect to Bacchus. He orders his servants to seize the pre<br />

tended deity; and bring him before him. They cannot find Bacchus, but re<br />

turn with AcKtes, his chief priest, whom they have captured.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> orgies of Bacchus were the same as the mysterious rites of Osiris,<br />

with such alterations and additions as suited the corrupt tastes of those<br />

among whom they were introduced ; for we are expressly told by Diodorus<br />

Siculus, that " Osiris is the same person that the Greeks call Dionysus;"<br />

and again, " the rites of Osiris and Bacchus are the same." Now in the<br />

processions of Osiris, found sculptured on the monuments of Eg\pt, evi<br />

dent reference is made to Noah. First, a boat is carried bj priests,<br />

superintended by the pontiff clad in a leopard skin, after which arc two<br />

liieraphori with a staff, then a man with a tambourine, behind whom is<br />

a pomegranate, with the stalk bound with ivy, followed by two hicraphori<br />

bearing a staff with a jackall, then others with ivy-bound flowers. The<br />

processions of Bacchus are similar to the above, with some additions; for<br />

we find in them the tambourine, the ivy-bound thrysus, the leopard skin,<br />

the sacred basket, and sometimes the ark, containing fruit with serpents<br />

enclosed in the same. Besides these, were carried the mysterious phalli,<br />

in honor of the deity.<br />

Having before shown, that in their Bacchus, the Greeks had a con<br />

fused blending of the history of Adam and Noah, and that their cere<br />

monies were designed to commemorate early history, it is plain that the<br />

rites of Bacchus were a representation of the Fall of Man. The Bac<br />

chanals rushing' wildly along, half-clothed and covered with skins, were<br />

no inappropriate representation of our first parents, as they left Eden,<br />

clothed with the skins which God had provided them, and forced now to<br />

till the soil for a sustenance. They uttered wild and piercing' cries as<br />

they ran, and in the most sacred part of the ceremony, as they lifted the<br />

fruit from the mystic basket, or a serpent discovered itself from among<br />

the fruit, they shout Evcc! Evre ! in commemoration of the Tempter who<br />

had thus rendered agriculture and the tillage of the vine necessary. The<br />

mystic pomegranate, too, was probably said to be the fruit of temptation,<br />

as it was fair to the sight, and its name, £wa (Rhca), became the name<br />

of the productive earth, the goddess Rhea, because by eating of it the<br />

earth came to be cultivated. The fig-leaves, and the serpents in Hippa's<br />

hair, also have their antelypes in Eden. The phallus, too, which was<br />

borne in the orgies of Bacchus, was not only a sign of the fructifying<br />

principle of the earth, but had especial reference to the Fall of Alan;<br />

for it was not till after the Fall, that " Adam knew his wife."<br />

Such was the intention of the rites of Bacchus, lint corruptions had<br />

probably been introduced, and licentiousness, which induced Pentheus to<br />

resist their introduction into Thebes.<br />

238<br />

"If<br />

OGNITA res meritam vati per Acha'idas urbes<br />

Attulerat famam; nomenque erat auguris ingens.<br />

Spernit Echionides tamen hunc, ex omnibus unus<br />

Contemptor Superftm Pentheus: prsesagaquc ridel<br />

Verba senis; tenebrasque et cladcm lucis adempta;<br />

Objicit. Ille movens albentia tempora canis,<br />

Q.uam felix esses, si tu quoque luminis hujus<br />

Orbus, ait, fieres; ne Bacchia sacra videres !<br />

NOTjE.<br />

2. . Augurif: of ihe prophet. irophet. This word properly belongs belonj to a<br />

soot" thsnycr who makes his predictions from the flight of birds.<br />

No more the augur stanils in snowy shroud,<br />

To watch each timing wing nml rolling cloud. IlibTORY <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> CHUBCH.<br />

3. Ecliionides. Fenthcus, the son of Echion and Agave.<br />

What rage, what rage doia Pentlieus1 bosom fire?<br />

lie from ihe dragon-brood,<br />

Thnt started from Hie ground, derives his blood,<br />

r.urtli-ljorn Kcliiuli was ot' old liU sire. BACCH.E <strong>OF</strong> EUBIPIDES.<br />

4. Cnnltmptor snperum: a contemrjer of 5. Ttncbras: his darkness; his blind<br />

the pods. The poet inculcates a good ness.<br />

moral, by niakinp impiety to the pods the 6. Klovens aVientia: shaking his temples,<br />

cause of his punishment. A distinction white with hoary hair,<br />

should be made, however, between true j arn ir]eu cyriieiw imitantur tempera plumos.<br />

religion and superstition. OVID, Tri"! iv. Ucg. IS.<br />

He with profane coin Tripl against me ivar 8. Ne Eacchia sacra. The tnvsteries of<br />

Drives ,.>. = me ..,. from ,.«... tlie ...- lilmllons. ...... ....... in his ...^ vows -- .the heathen world were commemorations<br />

Deems me not worthy mention: for which | of t |lc ear]y history of ninn, preserved by<br />

e_ous«,<br />

To him and all the Thebans, will ] show<br />

Myeclf u god EUIUPIDES.<br />

tradition, but corrupted in many cases by<br />

the lapse of time. Thus the ceremonies

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