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II<br />

232 P. OVIDII <strong>NASO</strong>NIS LIBER 111<br />

Quern neque pastores, neque pastas monte capellse<br />

Contigerant, aliudve pecus; quern nulla volucris,<br />

Nee fera turbarat, nee lapsus ab arbore ramus.<br />

Gramen erat circa, quod proximus humor alebat; 10<br />

Sylvaque, sole lacum passura tepescere nullo.<br />

Hie puer, et studio venandi lassus et eestu,<br />

Procubuit; faciemque loci, fontenique secutus.<br />

Dumque sitim sedure cupit; sitis altera crevit.<br />

Dumque bibit, VISSB correptus imagine formse, 1 5<br />

Rem sine corpore amat; corpus putat esse, quod umbra est.<br />

Adstupet ipse sibi; vultuque immotus eodem<br />

Haeret, ut e Pario formatum marmore signum.<br />

Special humi positus geminum, sua lumina, sidus,<br />

Et dignos Baccho, dignos et Apolline crines; 20<br />

Impubesque genas, et eburnea colla, decusque<br />

Oris, et in niveo mistum candore ruborem;<br />

Cunctaque miratur, quibus est mirabilis ipse.<br />

Se cupit imprudens: et, qni probat, ipse probatur:'<br />

Dumque petit, petitur; pariterque incendit, et ardet. 25<br />

Irritd fallaci quoties dedit oscula fonti!<br />

In mediis, quoties visum captantia colluin,<br />

Brachia mersit aquis; nee se deprendit in illis!<br />

Gluid vidoat, nescit; sed, quod videt, uritur illo:<br />

his image. It was in a quiet and seques<br />

tered spot, and had never been troubled<br />

before.<br />

Through the wild and devious solitude<br />

Ho threaded the ma/e. alone.<br />

To a lake, that fringed with underwood,<br />

Like the eye of the forest shone.<br />

He parted the branches waving o'er<br />

The glassy water's brink,<br />

Ne'er parted, save by the fawn, before,<br />

As ii glided through, to drink.<br />


6. Argcnteut: silvery; bright as silver.<br />

Ovid, in his Epistles, has another beautiful<br />

description of a fountain :<br />

A fount there is, whose silver waters show,<br />

Clear as a glass, the shining sand* below;<br />

A flowery lotus spreads its arms above,<br />

Shades all the banks, and seems iisclf a grove :<br />

Eternnl greens the mossy margin grace.<br />

AVutched by the s> Ivan genius of the place<br />

SAPMIO TO PH io\.<br />

12. Slndio venandi: with the engage<br />

ments of hunting.<br />

13. Faciem foci scculus: having followed<br />

witjt ftt's eyes the appeiranre of the place ;<br />

being charmed with the appearance of the<br />

place.<br />

11. Silim sedare: to slake his thirst. So<br />

Lucretius:<br />

Et eednre shim prius est, quarn pocula natam.<br />

14. Sitis allera: a different thirst, viz.<br />

the love of himself.<br />

1C. Sim sine corpore: a thing without a<br />

12. Puer Insaus et<br />

studio venandi. et fcs-<br />

tu, procubuit hie, se<br />

cutus faciemque loci,<br />

foutemque.<br />

19. Fositus humi,<br />

special sua lumina,<br />

geminum sidus, et<br />

crines dignos Bacclio,<br />

dignos et Apolline.<br />

body; a ihing without substance, viz. the<br />

shadow of himself.<br />

18. Pario marmore. The best and whitest<br />

marble was obtained from Paros, an island<br />

in the jEgean.<br />

18. Haret : he remains fixed.<br />

And leaves the semblance of n lover, fixed<br />

In melancholy siie, with head declined,<br />

And love-dejected eyes. THOMSON.<br />

18. Signum: a figure; a statue.<br />

19. Humi positus: thrown upon the<br />

ground.<br />

Straj s. in heart-thrilling meditation lost,<br />

Indulging all to love: or on ike bank<br />

Thrown, amid droopi.ig lilies, swells the breeze<br />

AVitu sighs unceasing, and the brook with tears.<br />

THOMSON.<br />

20. flignos Bacclio. His hair would have<br />

graced Bacchus or Apollo. Tlte poets de-<br />

fiitht to dwell upon the beauty of the hair<br />

of tho.sc deities.<br />

Solis neternft est Phccfio Gacchoque joventa;<br />

Kt decet iniousus crinis uirumque deurn.<br />

TlBULLrjS.<br />

21. fmpubts getias: beardless cheeks.<br />

2t. Probat. A s the lover and the be<br />

loved arc one and the same person, the<br />

poet lias, with address, represented the<br />

circumstance, by employing the same verb<br />

in different voices; the active voice being<br />

beautifully expressive of the male charac<br />

ter, while the passive voice corresponds<br />

in its nature to the female.<br />

23. Accendit et ardet: inflames, and is<br />

inflamed.<br />


Alque oculos idem, qui decipil, incilal, error. 30<br />

Credule, quid fruslra simulacra fugacia capias?<br />

Quod pelis, esl nusquam: quod amas, averlere, perdes.<br />

Isla repercussae, cjuam cernis, imaginis umbra esl.<br />

Nil habel isla sui. Tecuin venilque, manelque;<br />

Tecum discedel; si tu discedere possis. 35<br />

Non ilium Cereris, non ilium cura quielis,<br />

Abslrahere mde potesl. Sed, opaca fusus in herba,<br />

Special inexplelo mendacem lumine formam:<br />

Perque oculos peril ipse sues. Paulumque levatus,<br />

Ad circumslanles tendens sua brachia sylvas:<br />

Ecquis, i'o sylvas, crudelius, inquit, amavil?<br />

Scilis enim, el mullis lalebra opportuna fuistis.<br />

Ecquem, cum veslras lot aganlur sascula vitas,<br />

Glui sic labueril, longo merainistis in asvo?<br />

Et placet, el video; sed quod videoque, placetque,<br />

Non lainen invenio: lanlus lenet error amanlem.<br />

duoque magis doleam; nee nos mare separal ingens.<br />

Nee via, nee monies, nee clausis mocnia porlis;<br />

31. Simulacra fugacia: fleeting images.<br />

32. Avtrtere: be turned away. The verb<br />

is in the imperative mood, passive voice.<br />

33. Repercussce imagiuis: of your re<br />

flected image.<br />

34. Nil habet sui: has nothing of itself;<br />

has no reality. Milton, in describing Eve<br />

at the fountain, has imitated this passage<br />

of our poet:<br />

That day loft remember, when from sleep<br />

I first awuked, and found myself reposed<br />

Under a shade on flowers; much wondering<br />

where.<br />

And what I was whence thiiher brought, and<br />

how.<br />

Not distant far from thence a murmuring sound<br />

Of waters issued from a cave, and spread<br />

Into a liquid plain, then stood unmoved.<br />

Purr us the expanse of heaven: I thiiher went<br />

AVith unexperienced though*, and lain me down<br />

On the green bunk, to look into the clear<br />

Smooth lake, that to me seemed another eky. "<br />

As 1 bent down to look, just opposite<br />

A shape within tlie watery gleam appeared,<br />

Uenrling to look ou me : I started back,<br />

It storied back; hut pleased I soon returned.<br />

Vleased it returned as soou, with answering<br />

looks<br />

Df sympathy and love: there I had fixed<br />

Vline e> es till now. and pined with vnin. desire,<br />

Had not a voice thus warned me: u What thou<br />

seest,<br />

What there thou seest, fair creature, is thyself;<br />

With thee it came and goes; but follow me,<br />

And I will bring thee wnere no shadow stays<br />

Thy coining, and thy soft embraces, he<br />

Whose imnge thou nn; him ihou shall enjoy<br />

Inseparably ihine. to him shall bear<br />

Multitudes like thyself, and thence he called<br />

Mother of human race. AYliat could I do,<br />

Hut follow straight, invisibly thus led.<br />

Till 1 espied thee. fuir indeed, mid tall,<br />

Uniler a plnnuiiu? yet, inrihoughi. less fair,<br />

Less winning soft, If ss ammbly mild.<br />

Than thai smooih watery imuge : hack I turned;<br />

Thou following, criedstaloud; Return, fair Eve'<br />

30<br />

40<br />

30. Atque idem er<br />

ror qui decipit oculos,<br />

incitat cox.<br />

36. Non cure Cere<br />

ris ilium, non cura<br />

quietis polest abstrti-<br />

here ilium inde.<br />

43. Cum totssecula<br />

vestrae viue apantur,<br />

meimnislis er quern in<br />

M r longo sevo qui titbuerit<br />

«c?<br />

Whom fliest thou ? whom Ihou flica., of him<br />

thou art,<br />

His flesh, his bone; to give tliee being I lent<br />

Out of my side to thee, nearest my heart,<br />

Substantial life, to have thee by my side<br />

Henceforth an individual solace dear.<br />

PARADISE Losr.<br />

36. Cura Cereris: a regard for food.<br />

Ceres, the goddess of corn, is here put, by<br />

metonymy, for food made of corn. Ceres<br />

wns the daughter of Saturn and Vesta.<br />

She had a beautiful daughter by Jupiter,<br />

named Proserpine, who was carried away<br />

by Pluto, as she was gathering flowers at<br />

Ennn, in Sicily. Disconsolate at her loss,<br />

ehe lit two torches, and travelled over the<br />

whole world in search of her daughter.<br />

Having leni'ned the fate of Proserpine, she<br />

went up to heaven in a chariot drawn by<br />

two dragons, and besought Jupiter to cause<br />

her restoration; with which request he<br />

complied, on condition that she had not<br />

eaten any thing in the infernal regions.<br />

She had, however, tasted some pome<br />

granates, which rendered her constant stay<br />

on earih conlrary to the fates. Jupiter<br />

then ordered Proserpine to remain six<br />

months of the year with Pluto, and the<br />

rest of the year with her mother, upon<br />

earth. She was the same as the Egyptian<br />

Isis.<br />

37. Fusus : thrown carelessly. This<br />

word expresses a perfect abandonment of<br />

pel-son.<br />

38. fu explclo lumine: with unsatisfied eye.<br />

42. I^alibra opporluna: a convenient re<br />

treat. Many had come thiiher to nourish,<br />

amid tls shades, an unfortunate passion.<br />

Sudden he starts,<br />

Phook from his lender trance, and resilcss runs<br />

To glimmering shades and sympathetic glooms<br />


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