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224 P. OVIDII <strong>NASO</strong>NIS LIBER Til.<br />

Non tulit sethereos; donisque jugalibus arsit.<br />

Imperiectus adhuc infans genitricis ab alvo<br />

Eripitur, patrioque tener (si credere dignum est,)<br />

Insuitur femori; maternaque tempera complet.<br />

56. Arsit: she was consumed. Moore<br />

gives a graphic account of a maid blasted,<br />

in like manner, by the glory of her angelic<br />

lover:<br />

Scarce had I touched her shrinking frame,<br />

When oh, most horrible ! I felt<br />

That every spark of that pure flame<br />

Pure, while among the stars I dwelt<br />

Was now by my transgression turned<br />

Into gross, earthly fire, which burned,<br />

Burned all it touched, as fast us eye<br />

Could follow the fierce ravening flashes,<br />

Till there O God! I still ask why<br />

Purh doom was hers? I saw her lie<br />

Ulackening within my arms to ashes!<br />

LOVES <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> ANGELS.<br />

57. Imperfectus adhuc: as yet imperfect.<br />

Cadmean goddess, universal queen. ^<br />

Thee, Semele, I call, of beauteous mien;<br />

Deep-bosomed lovely flowing locks are thine,<br />

Mother of Bacchus, joyful and divine.<br />

The mighty offspring, whom Jove's thunder<br />

bright<br />

Forced immature, and frightened into fight.<br />

HYMN <strong>OF</strong> ORPHEUS TO SEMELE.<br />

57. Genilricis ab alvo : from the womb<br />

of his mother. Orpheus makes Proser<br />

pine, or the Earth, the mother of Bacchus:<br />

Mother of Bacchus, sonorous, divine.<br />

And many-formed the parent of the vine.<br />

» » » * »<br />

O vernal queen, whom grassy plains delight,<br />

Sweet to the smell, and pleasing to the sight:<br />

Whose holy form in budding fruits we view,<br />

Earth's vigorous offspring of a various hue:<br />

Espoused in aulumn, life and death alone<br />

To wretched mortals from thy power is known.<br />


The above -extract from Orpheus, who<br />

introduced into Greece most of its religious<br />

rites, and, consequently, is the best fitted<br />

to expound them, shows that Semclc, Pro<br />

serpine, and the Earth were identical. The<br />

birth of Bacchus, then, is a myth of a phy<br />

sical character. Jupiter, as the ethereal<br />

heat, or electric power, is the impregnating<br />

force of nature, and is, therefore, the fa<br />

ther of Bacchus, or the grape, by Semele,<br />

NOTJE.<br />

58. Eripitur: is snatched; is rescued.<br />

Him, as the pangs of child-birth came,<br />

While all aroundher flashed the lightning's Hame.<br />

Untimely did his mother hear,<br />

Then in the thunder's volleyed Maze expire.<br />

Hut favoring Jove, with all u father's care.<br />

Snatched his loved infant from the blasting fire,<br />

And, hid from Juno's jealous eye,<br />

Closed the young Bacchus in his thigh.<br />

BACCHUS <strong>OF</strong> EURIPIDES.<br />

59. Femori. Pliny speaks of a mountain<br />

in India named Nysa, the same that Strabo<br />

and JElian call Meros, which signifies a<br />

tliigh. The mountain was sacred to Jupi<br />

ter ; and as Bacchus was brought up there,<br />

fabulous antiquity has asserted that Bac<br />

chus was produced from the thigh of Ju<br />

piter. At Nysa in Bceotia, Deucalion's ark<br />

rested. Sec note on Parnassus, p. 76.<br />

Hear me, illustrious father, daemon famed,<br />

Great Saturn's offspring, and Sabazius named;<br />

Inserting Hacchus, bearer of the vine,<br />

And sounding god. within thy thigh divine,<br />

That when mature, he Dionysian god<br />

Might burst the bands of his concealed abode.<br />

1 IVMN <strong>OF</strong> ORPHEUS TO JUPITER SABAZIUS<br />

Euripides gives a physical interpretation<br />

of this part of the Fable, which is the true<br />

explanation of the myth.<br />

Ovros Scoict cnivfarat Sc<br />

*X1. re Sia rviirov rdyaV a<br />

Kai KtiTay£\as viv,<br />

'<br />

cof lyep^a^ij Aid;<br />

, - .<br />

ffti viv Jlprrac' IK nvpdf Ktpavviov<br />

Zfvs £if r' olupnov flpiQot avrivayiv viov,<br />

"Ilita mi/ ?StX' inffaMitv nw mipavov<br />

Bpetroi rpatbijvai <<br />

"HpO TToS* b)/jQp£t)0<br />

fJCVOV<br />

vtv<br />

Aids,<br />

cs \6yov.<br />

1ft to the £ods, though born himself a god,<br />

Is offered in libation, that through him<br />

Men may enjoy the blessings of this life :<br />

And Ihou deridest " Tide him as sewed within<br />

The thigh of Jove; I'll teach thee what this<br />

means.<br />

When Jove had snatched him from the light<br />

the earth. The mother nourishes her off- ning's flame,<br />

He hore the newhorn infant up to heaven;<br />

spring until .__.... blasted by . the fires of Jupiter, Hut Juno wished again to ca_st him down.<br />

who then assumes assumes tin the part of a mother, Then Jove, a god, against this thus contrived:<br />

and completes the maternal period; that Part of the ether which enrings the earth<br />

is, the sap and juices go up from the earth, He burst, and lodged him as a hostage there,<br />

nourishing the young Bacchus, or grape,<br />

Delivering Bacchus up from Juno's rape.<br />

In time, men fubled that within Jove's thigh<br />

until the dry ethereal heats of autumn come The god was nourished; changing thus the<br />

on, when the sap begins to return to the name.<br />

earth, the leaves fall, the vine dies, as it They formed this myth, because the god was<br />

were ; while the same heats that withered made<br />

and destroyed the mother, nourish and A ho»tnge to the goddess Juno.<br />

bring .... the .... child ....._ fo _ r-......... perfection in ... other -- In this translation, which I have made<br />

words, ripen the grape, and produce the as literal as possible, it will be seen that<br />

wine. I Bacchus is the grape, or wine, since<br />


Furtim ilium primis Ino matertera cunis<br />

Educat. Inde datum Nymphae Nysei'des antris<br />

Occuluere suis; lactisque alimenta dedere.<br />

NOTA..<br />

" lie to the gods, though born himself a god,<br />

Is offered in libation."<br />

Euripides, who was fond of indulging in<br />

conceits that depended on the use of terms<br />

of similar sound, though of different im<br />

port, has played upon the words finpoi, a<br />

thigh, and flips, a part; and as we know<br />

that Jupiter, and the ether, are one and the<br />

same, he tells us, that by the thigh of Jupi<br />

ter is to be understood n part nf the ether,<br />

expressly stating that the myth depends<br />

upon the change of name, or term, " uno/ia<br />

laranTfiaovris; thus ucpos 0"jp«s) aiBepoi;, part<br />

of the ether ; thigh of Jupiter. And, again,<br />

as heaven is often used for the sky, or<br />

open air, Jupiter may be said to take<br />

Bacchus up to heaven, after the light<br />

ning's flame has destroyed the mother;<br />

that is, after the falling of all the leaves<br />

of the vine, consequent upon the au<br />

tumnal heat, has left the grape hanging<br />

in the open air. It is a well-known fact,<br />

that the higher grapes are in the air, the<br />

better they are; and for this purpose the<br />

ancients reared them as high as possible.<br />

The grape being thus suspended between<br />

the upper air, or Jupiter, and the air near<br />

the earth, or Juno, may be said to be a<br />

hostage between them. It would thus be<br />

a division between the upper and lower<br />

air; and, hence, optpov, a hostage, and<br />

u/i%>£W7£, employed by Euripides, as given<br />

Why did Juno rejoice in the destruction<br />

of Actaeon ?<br />

What fresh cause of dislike had she<br />

against the house of Agenor?<br />

Who was Semele ?<br />

» What does Juno resolve to do f<br />

Why is Juno said to be both the wife<br />

and sister of Jupiter ?<br />

What form does the goddess assume ?<br />

What does the fictitious Beroe advise t<br />

Does Semele make the request of her<br />

lover ?<br />

What were the insignia of Jupiter I<br />

Does ho grant her request ?<br />

Why is the Styx designated the god of<br />

What effort does Jupiter make to lessen<br />

his terrible majesty ?<br />

Who was TyphcEus ?<br />

How are we to consider this fabulous<br />

demon ?<br />

With what kind of thunderbolts does<br />

Jupiter come ?<br />

What is the effect of his awful majesty<br />

on Semele?<br />

What modern poet presents us with a<br />

similar catastrophe ? 29<br />


60<br />

225<br />

above, may not only contain a double<br />

meaning with reference to iuip6s , a f/nWi,<br />

but mny further have a shadowy significa<br />

tion that turns upon /itipoi, ta divide.<br />

60. Ino. Though we interpret this fable<br />

physically, it has manv mythological refer<br />

ences to Noah. Bacchus is the son of Se<br />

mele, or the rainbow; Ino, a goddess of the<br />

sea, rears him in his cradle (amis) which<br />

is the same as boat ; lie is hid in the nir or<br />

darkness of the flood; he dwells at Nysa.<br />

Gl. Nyscides nymplitB. The nymphs of<br />

Nysa. It is a beautiful allegory, that after<br />

Bacchus, or wine, has become perfected,<br />

he is given over to the nymphs, daughters<br />

of Ocean, who give him a portion of their<br />

own native element, and moreover the<br />

nutriment of milk. The custom of dilut<br />

ing wine with water, and of making milk<br />

punch, is no doubt as old as the deity of<br />

the wine-cup himself.<br />

Nymphs, who from Ocean famed derive your<br />

birth,<br />

Who dwell in liquid caverns of the earth;<br />

Nurses of Bacchus, secret-causing powers,<br />

Fructiferous goddesses, who nourish flowers.<br />

*.****<br />

0 Nysian nymphs, insane, whom oaks delight,<br />

Lovers of spring, Pa-onian virgins bright:<br />

With Bacchus and with Ceres, hear my prayer!<br />

HYMN <strong>OF</strong> ORPIIEUS.<br />

For a burlesque of this fable, see Lucian.<br />

Was the infant of Semele destroyed by<br />

the lightning ?<br />

What disposition did Jupiter make of it I<br />

What geographical and historical facts<br />

will explain this fiction ?<br />

How many Bacchuses were there .<br />

Were the accounts of them somewhat<br />

similar ?<br />

What opinion would this favor ?<br />

Who may be regarded as the original<br />

Bacchus ?<br />

Were Osiris and Bacchus the same ?<br />

In the processions of Osiris was there an<br />

evident reference to Noah ?<br />

How did the Egyptians change the his<br />

tory of Bacchus to the allegorical Osiris ?<br />

How would they consider the paternity<br />

of the vine, after this ?<br />

Explain the fable of Bacchus, as related<br />

by Ovid ?<br />

Were Proserpine, Semele, and the<br />

Earth the same ?<br />

How do you explain Semele's death ?<br />

How do you explain the placing of Bac<br />

chus in the tliigh of Jove ?<br />

What references to Noah are to be found<br />

in this fable ?<br />


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