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In generis socios odium. Subit ecce priori<br />

Causa recens ; gravidarnque dolet de semine rnagni<br />

Esse Jovis Semelen. Turn lingiiain ad jurgia solvit:<br />

Profeci quid enim toties per jurgia? dixit. 10<br />

Ipsa petenda mihi est : ipsam, si maxima Juno<br />

Rite vocor, perdam; si me gemrnantia dextra<br />

Sceptra tenere decet ; si sum regina, Jovisque<br />

Et soror, et conjux; certe soror. At pnto furto<br />

14. At puto Semelm<br />

.. e esse contentam turto:<br />

Contentam; et thalami brevis est injuria nostri. 15 et injuria nostri thalami<br />

est brevis.<br />

Concipit ; et mater, quod vix mihi contigit uni,<br />

De Jove vult fieri : tanta est fiducia formse.<br />

Fallat earn faxo: nee sim Saturnia, si non<br />

Ab Jove mersa suo Stygias penetrarit in undas.<br />

Surgit ab his solio, fulvaque recondita nube 20<br />

9. Semelen. Semele, the daughter of Look up to the refulgent heaven above.<br />

Cadmus and Hcrmione.<br />

Which all men cull unanimously Jove.<br />

9. Ad jureia: for quarrels. As Juno<br />

ENNIUS<br />

is the lower air, her querulousness may be So the Greek poet:<br />

fabled of its turbulent agitation.<br />

Opyj rdv iiil/ov, r6fS> aireipov ai$cpa,<br />

11. Ipsa petenda est. Juno determines Kol y ijv iript% £%ov$' vypaTs tv dyitaXats<br />

Tuvrov v6m^t Zqva, rivo1 flyov Qc6v.<br />

to lay violent hands upon her.<br />


12. Gemmantia fceptra: the jewelled<br />

The earth is surrounded on all sides by the<br />

sceplre.<br />

air which we breathe, (the word is originally<br />

13. .Re-Tine. The Queen of Heaven Greek, but by frequent use is now Latinizrd.)<br />

here proudly asserts her dignity. A part The air is encompassed hy the boundless ether<br />

of the language which she employs is (aether), which consists of the fires above. This<br />

identical with a speech which she makes word we borrow also; for we use cbther in La<br />

tin as well as air; though Tacuvius thus ex<br />

in Virgil:<br />

presses it:<br />

Ast ego qao3 incedo retina Jovisque Hoc quod memoro, nostri ccclum. Graii perhi-<br />

Kt soror et conjux. ^LNEID i. 46.<br />

hent setliera. Cic. DE NATURA DEOHUM.<br />

O royal Juno, of majestic mien,<br />

It will be seen here, that Jupiter is de<br />

^Grinl-formed, ilivine, Jove's blessed queen.<br />

Throned in the bosom of celestial air. signated by different ancient authors, as<br />

UYMX <strong>OF</strong> ORPHEUS TO JUNO. the upper air, the ether, the sJcy, or heaven,<br />

1-1. Soror el conjux. Juno was fabled<br />

the celestial heal, the firet above. Sic., of<br />

to be the sister and wife of Jupiter from<br />

which we shall make especial use in inter<br />

the following considerations as given by<br />

preting this Fable.<br />

different ancient authors:<br />

14. Certe soror. On account of the<br />

adulteries of Jupiter, she thinks that she<br />

Natural philosophers intend Jupiter to be con<br />

sidered as the ether (xtlier), that is, the celes<br />

can hardly lay claim to the title of wife,<br />

tial heat (ignis), but Juno, as the air (aer); and but is certainly his sister. So Seneca:<br />

because these elements are similar in rarity, Soror Tonantis ? hoc enim solum<br />

tliey have said that they are brother and sister ,' Mihi rclictum nomen est. HERCULES FURENS<br />

and since Juno, that is tlie air, lies beneath the<br />

ether (aether), the name of husband is properly 1C. Quod vix. Juno had but four chil<br />

given to the superincumbent element. SEBVIUS. dren, Mars, Vulcan, Lucina, and Hebe.<br />

In like manner Macrobius says:<br />

18. Fallat faxo: I will cause that he<br />

deceive her.<br />

Juno is said to be both sister and wife of Jusr.<br />

But Juno is the air (aor). and is called<br />

18. Nee sim Saturnia: nor may I be<br />

C sister, because the air is produced from the the daughter of Saturn. This form of ex<br />

same first principle? as the sky (ccelum), and is pression is often used by the poets.<br />

called his wife, because the nir is subjacent to Non Hercule is sim. qui sum, nisi hnnc injurinm,<br />

the sky. SOMKIUM SCIPIOMS, Lib. i. cap. 7. Neqne ultus pulchre fucro. PLAUICS.<br />

Cicero gives the same mythological ac Nee sum mulier, iiec oinnino spiro, nisi earn<br />

count :<br />

pessum de tnntis opibus ejecero APULEIUS'S<br />


The air, as the Stoics affirm, which lies be<br />

tween the sea and heaven, is consecrated under 19. Si non penetrarit: if she shall not<br />

the nome of Juno, which is called the sister and descend.<br />

wife of Jupiter, because it resembles the ether 20. Peconditanvte: concealed by a cloud;<br />

tether), and is in close conjunction ,with it.<br />

JTiey have made it feminine, and attributed it to enwrapped by a cloud. The gods gene<br />

Juno, because nothing could be softer. rally clothed themselves and others in a<br />

DE NATUHA DKOBUM, Lib. ii. cloud, when they wished them to be invi<br />

Limen adit Semeles; nee nubes ante removit,<br />

Quam sirnulavit anum: posuitque ad tempora canos:<br />

Sulcavitque cutem rugis: et curva trementi<br />

Membra tulit passu; vocem quoque fecit anilem.<br />

Ipsaque fit Beroe, Semeles Epidauria nutrix.<br />

Ergo ubi, captato sermone, diuque loquendo,<br />

Ad nomen venere Jovis; suspirat; et Opto,<br />

Jupiter ut sit, ait; metuo tamen omnia. Multi<br />

Nomine divorum thalamos initirc pudicos.<br />

Nee tamen esse Jovem satis est: det pignus amoris;<br />

Si modo verus is est: quantusque et qualis ab alta<br />

Junom- excipitur; tantus, talisque rogato<br />

Det tibi complexus; suaque ante insignia sumat.<br />

Talibus ignaram Juno Cadmeida dictis<br />

Formarat. Rogat ilia Jovem sine nomine munus:<br />

NOTJE.<br />

25<br />

221<br />

22. Posuitque canoi<br />

caphlos nd tempora;<br />

siilcavitque cutem ru<br />

gis; et luljt curva<br />

membra trementi pas<br />

su.<br />

30 30. Tamen nee est<br />

satis etttn esse Jovem.<br />

Is, si modo est verufl,<br />

det pignus amoris.<br />

sible. Thus Venus withdraws the cloud I Tuta freqnensque vin per amici fallere nomen:<br />

which envelopes the warring gods at Troy, Tula frequensque, licet, sit vin, erimen haliet.<br />

and shows them to tineas:<br />

ART. AMAT.<br />

Narnque omnem, qure nunc obducta tuenti Byron, with bitter sarcasm, used to ex<br />

Mortalcs hebetat yisus tibi, et hnmida circam claim : " Save me from my friends ! and I<br />

Caligat, ntitem eripiam. jENElD ii. 004. will take care of my enemies."<br />

And, again, where she enwraps in a 27. Ad nomen venere. They came to the<br />

cloud JEneas and Achates on their way to name of Jupiter. Lovers are wont to<br />

Carthage:<br />

mention those who are supreme in their<br />

At Venus obscuro gradientes aSre sepsit, thoughts.<br />

lit multo nebula? circum Dea fudit amiclu. 29. Nomine divorum: under the names<br />

JENEID i. 411. of gods. Many were the impositions prac<br />

21. Limen: the threshold, by synec tised anciently by the heathen priesthood,<br />

doche for house.<br />

under the assumed characters of their dei<br />

22. Simulavit anum: assumed the dis ties. Paulina, a Roman lady of rank, was<br />

guise of an old woman.<br />

contaminated by a gentleman of Rome<br />

23. Sulcavit cutem: furrowed her skin. through the contrivance of the priest of<br />

This is a strong yet beautiful metaphor to Serapis, in the temple of that god, at which<br />

express the wrinkling of the face. Byron the people were so incensed that they de<br />

represents the same in a powerful man molished the temple, put the priest to<br />

ner.<br />

death, and banished the earthly lover who<br />

And o'er his clear, broad brow \vere wrought had assumed the character of an immortal.<br />

The intersected lines of thought<br />

29. Thalamos pudicos: chaste bed<br />

Those furrows which tlie burning share chambers. It was not considered un<br />

Of sorrow ploughs untimely there<br />

Scars of the lacerating mind,<br />

chaste to admit the embraces of a god.<br />

Which the soul's wnr has left behind. 30. Det pigmts amoris: let him give a<br />

PARISINA. pledge of his love. Let him evince his<br />

love by coming to you in godlike majesty.<br />

25. Ipsa Beroe. The resemblance is so<br />

31. Si modo: if lie be very Jupiter.<br />

strong, that hyperbolically she is said to<br />

be Beroe herself. Juno here assumes the<br />

Ei SI Kal wf ivcvcts ffcw vvfiifudf Iffrl Kpovittjv<br />

'EXBirw tf

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