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FABULA IV.<br />


Juno, incensed at Semele as a favorite of Jupiter, resolves upon her destrao<br />

tion. Assuming the form of Beroe, she visits her, and excites suspicion of<br />

the fidelity of her lover. Semele desires Jupiter, as a proof of his affection,<br />

to oome to her attended with all his majesty; and perishes amid the ce<br />

lestial glories of the obsequious deity.<br />


<strong>THE</strong>RE are three deities of the name of Bacchus, the Indian, the<br />

Egyptian, and the Theban. Many things in relation to them are in com<br />

mon, which favor the opinion that there existed some one grand original<br />

from which the fabulous histories of these deities were framed.<br />

Osiris and Bacchus are each fabled to have taught men agriculture and<br />

the use of the grape. In the notes upon Fab. ix. Lib. i., I have shown<br />

that they are the same as Noah, who " began to be a husbandman, and<br />

planted a vineyard;" and this will further appear in the notes on the<br />

subsequent fables relative to Bacchus. But Adam was a tiller of the<br />

ground, before Noah ; and as each was the father of a world, tradition<br />

would very naturally confound them. Hence we find Bacchus described<br />

both as Adam, and Noah. Here he is plainly spoken of as Adam : * He<br />

came first into light, and was called Dionysus. This title of Bacchus<br />

signifies the divine husbandman. Again, both as Adam and Noah:<br />

2 First-born, two-fold, thrice-begotten, King Bacchus, rustic, mysterious,<br />

hidden. Allusion is here made to his three lives antediluvian, arkite,<br />

and postdiluvian; to his concealment in the ark, and to his being a husband<br />

man. Again, as Adam and Noah, with evident reference to the wander<br />

ing of the former over the earth, or of the latter on the deep : 3 1 invoke<br />

the great First-born, two-fold, wandering under the wlwle heaven. See<br />

also note on Liber, page 248. The Dionysiacs of Nonnus, a lengthy<br />

Greek poem, abound with references to the Flood. The rites of Osiris<br />

commemorate Noah ; and are said by Diodorus to be the same as those<br />

of Bacchus; but these latter refer more to the Fall of man.<br />

Probably in a later era, the symbolizing spirit of the Egyptians changed<br />

what had been a real history into an allegory, and regarded Osiris, the<br />

pristine Noah, as the Sun. A verse of Eumolpus, and one of Orpheus<br />

would intimate this. The solar orb would thus be the father of the vine,<br />

as his heat brought it into existence. The Greeks, whom Ovid has fol-<br />

'owed, enveloped the whole in a physical myth. Jupiter, as the ethereal<br />

heat, is the father of Bacchus, or the grape, by Semele, or the eaith.<br />

Bhe nourishes her infant till the sap begins to return to the earth, and<br />

the vine is blasted, when Jupiter, or the ethereal heat, brings the young<br />

leity to perfection; that is, ripens the grape.<br />

There may, however, be an historical reference to Noah enveloped in<br />

he darkness of the flood, when Bacchus is hid in the thigh of Jupiter, or<br />

he air; and again to Noah as the son of the rainbow, when Bacchus is<br />

nlled the son of Semele, which is Scma-el, the token of God.<br />

218<br />

' Jlpdro; S is (f>ao; iJXSc, AluvmrOf bro&ijSii. OKFH. HYMN.<br />

2 IIpuroyiVtH', t!i0t>ii, r[jiyovovt HaK^elov ui/axra,<br />

"Aypio*-, afprrrnv, Kf>vtf>tov. OKFH. HYM. XXIX<br />

3 ttpo>TOy6voi *aXEu> i^vJIj /*« 3vf ai&pforXayim»/. ORFH. HYM. V.<br />

UMOR in ambiguo est: aliis violcntior sequo<br />

Visa dea est: alii laudant, dignamque severa<br />

Virginitate vocant: pars invenit utraque causas.<br />

Sola Jovis conjux non tarn culpetne probetne<br />

Eloquitur, quam clade domfis ab Agenore ductse b<br />

Gaudet: et a Tyria collectum pellice transfer!<br />

NOT^E.<br />

1. Humor. The opinion of the public was divided in relation to the<br />

act of Diana in the transformation and death of Actseon.<br />

1. JEquo: than was just; than was proper.<br />

2. Severn virginitate: of austere virginity. The cold chastity of<br />

Diana, and the amorous character of Apollo, as given by Lucian, are<br />

susceptible of a beautiful physical explanation; for the Sun is a great<br />

globe of flame, while the rays of the Moon do not impart heat.<br />

VEKUS. But what is the renson that you do not wound Dinna?<br />

CUPID. Oh! her I can never come at. She is perpetually hunting in the<br />

mountains, and then is entirely taken up willi a passion of her own.<br />

VFNUS. What is that, my ftweet boy?<br />

CLTID. The passion for the chase, for the stags and fawns, which she purauei<br />

the whole day long with such vehemence, thnt she is not susceptible of any<br />

oihrr passion. For, as 10 her brother, though he, too. is an expert archer<br />

VEKUS. I understand what you mean, child; him you have shot pretty often.<br />

DIALOGUES <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> DEITIES.<br />

A beautiful moral is contained in this, I of Diana, in itself considered, as she rethat<br />

exercise and industry keep the mind joices in the ruin of the family descended<br />

pure and chaste, so th,at it is not suscepti- from Agenor.<br />

Lie of evil passions.<br />

5. Dojnus: the house, by metonymy for<br />

3. Invenit causat: finds reasons. They family.<br />

find considerations to justify their opinions. ' 6. _ 'Tyria __, pellice: f ....... the . ___ Tyrian , harlotj,<br />

4. Non tarn culjiet. Juno states that she viz. Europe the daughter of Agenor ot<br />

does not so much blame 01 approve the act Tyre.

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