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214 P. OVIDII <strong>NASO</strong>NIS LIBER III<br />

Q,ui color infectis adversi Solis ab ictu<br />

Nubibus esse solet, aut purpurese Aurora,<br />

Is fuit in vultu visse sine veste Diana.<br />

Gluse quanquam comitum turba stipata suarum,<br />

In latus obliquum tarnen adstitit; oraque retro<br />

Flexit; et, ut vellet promptas habuisse sagittas ;<br />

Gluas habuit, sic hausit aquas ; vultumque virilem<br />

Perfudit: spargensque comas ultricibus undis,<br />

Addidit hasc cladis prronuntia verba futura;:<br />

Nunc tibi me posito visam velamine narres,<br />

Si poteris narrare, licet. Nee plura minata,<br />

Dat sparse capiti vivacis cornua cervi;<br />

Dat spatium collo: summasque cacuminal aures ;<br />

Cum pedibusque manus, cum longis brachia mutat<br />

Cruribus ; et velat maculoso vellere corpus.<br />

Additus et pavor est. Fugit Autone'ius heros,<br />

Et se tarn celerem cursu miratur in ipso.<br />

Ut verb solitis sua cornua vidit in undis,<br />

Me miserum ! dicturus erat; vox nulla secuta est.<br />

[ngemuit; vox ilia fuit; lacrymseque per ora<br />

53. Solis ab iclu: by the ray of the sun.<br />

56. Turbo, slipala: surrounded by troops<br />

of her attendants.<br />

61. Cladis futures; of his approaching<br />

destruction.<br />

62. Me visam. That I havs been seen<br />

by you. The ancients believed that there<br />

was great danger in seeing any of the dei<br />

ties. They probably obtained this idea<br />

from traditions of the Old Testament, for<br />

Callimachus says the laws of Saturn esta<br />

blish this. We have shown lhat by Sa<br />

turn is to be understood Jehovah.<br />

And he Mud, Thou canst not see my face : for<br />

there shall no man see me and live.<br />

EXODUS xxiii. 20.<br />

Kptfftoi f w$£ XcyofTi rtfpoc,<br />

t TIV' aSavaroiv, OKO pii Scoff aiirds l\irrai,<br />

rovrov<br />


Even the passage which speaks of the<br />

disclosure of a part of the glory of the<br />

Deity, has its parallel in Homer, and a re<br />

semblance in a passage of Pacsanias.<br />

And I will take away mine hand, and thou<br />

shall see my back parts ; but my face shall not<br />

be seen. EXODUS xxiii. S3.<br />

*Ixvta yop itcrfiriafye iroStHv fill Kvritt&ti)v<br />

6ei' lyvuv dTTi&ros. HOMERLS ILIADOS F.<br />

It appears that the words of Homer are true,<br />

that the goils cannot be distinctly seen by men,<br />

with any good- PALSANIAS IN P'UOCIDE.<br />

64. Vwacis ccrvi: of a vivacious stag.<br />

Pliny says stags will sometimes live four<br />

hundred years. This is allogcther fabu<br />

lous.<br />

Ter binos deciesque novem super exit in annos<br />

Justa seneecenlum quos implet vita virorum:<br />

NOTjE.<br />

55<br />

60<br />

62. Nunc si poteri«<br />

narrare, licet narres<br />

me visam tibi, posito<br />

velamine.<br />

65<br />

68. Autouei'us heros<br />

fugit, et miratur in<br />

ipso cursu se esse tarn<br />

celerem.<br />

Hos novies superat vivendp garrula cornix,<br />

Et quater egreditur cornicis ssecula ccrvns.<br />

AUSOMUB.<br />

65. Summas auras: the tips of his ears.<br />

66. Cum pedibus. See Grammar, Rule<br />

xxviii. n. 9.<br />

68. Additus et pavor. Stags are the most<br />

fearful of animals.<br />

68. Auloneius heros. Actaeon, the son<br />

of Aulonoe.<br />

69. Miratur. He wonders at ihe speed<br />

of his flight, not conscious that he lias been<br />

changed into a stag.<br />

As when unconscious of the form imposed.<br />

The shouting youths and eager hounds enclosed<br />

Actrcon, who by fatal stealth surveved<br />

The naked beauties of the bathing maid. STATIUS.<br />

70. Ut cornua videt: when he saw his<br />

horns.<br />

The stag, in limpid currents, with surprise<br />

Sees cr> stal branches on his forehead rise.<br />

1'llILLirS.<br />

72. Ingemuit. The stag utters very pi<br />

teous cries when in pain.<br />

72. Vox ilia. He could not speak now;<br />

groans were the only language he could<br />

employ,<br />

72. LacryrruB. The tears which the stags<br />

shed have been witnessed by different hun<br />

ters. See the close of the note on gemit<br />

ille, line 107.<br />

To the which place, a poor sequestered stag.<br />

That from the hunter's aim had taken hurt,<br />

Did come to languish: and, indeed, my lord,<br />

The wretched animal heaved forlh such groans<br />

That their discharge did stretch his leathern con<br />

Almost to bursting; and the big round tears<br />

Coursed one another down hit innocent none<br />


Non sua fltixerunt: mens tantum pristina mansit.<br />

duid facial ? Repetatne domum et regalia tecta ? '<br />

An lateat sylvis ? Timor hoc, pudor impedit illud. 75<br />

Dum dubitat, videre canes: primusque Melampus,<br />

Ichnobatesrjue sagax latratu signa dedere;<br />

Gnossius Ichnobates, Spartana gente Melampus,<br />

Inde ruunt alii rapida velocius aura,<br />

Parnphagus, et Dorceus, et Oribasus; Arcades omnes: 80<br />

Nebrophonosque valens, et trux cum Lselape Theron,<br />

Et peclibus Pterelas, et naribus utilis Agre,<br />

Ilylseusque fero nuper percussus ab apro,<br />

Deque liipo concepta Nape, pecudesque secuta<br />

Pffimenis, et natis comitata Harpyia duobus, 85<br />

Et substricta gerens Sicyonius ilia Ladon:<br />

Et Dromas, et Canace, Stictcque, et Tigris, et Alee,<br />

Et niveis Leucon, et villis Asbolus atris,<br />

Pitevalidusque Lacon, et cursu fortis Aello,<br />

Et Thous, et Cyprio velox cum fratre Lycisce; 00<br />

Et nigram medio frontem distinctus ab albo<br />

Harpalos, et Mclaneus, hirsutaque corpore Lachne ;<br />

In piteous chase: and thus the hairy fool,<br />

Much marked of the melancholy Jaques,<br />

Stood on the extremes! verge of the swift brook,<br />

Augmenting it vvilli tears. SHAKSFEABE.<br />

73. Ora non sua; a face not his own,<br />

viz. a sing's face.<br />

73. Mens pristina. It was a melancholy<br />

aggravation of his fate that he retained his<br />

reason, and was conscious of the full weight<br />

of his affliction.<br />

74. Quid facial? Actaeon considers with<br />

himself what is the best to be done.<br />

7G. Dumdubilal. Before he has come to a<br />

conclusion, his dogs see him, and give chase.<br />

76. Melampus. Black-foot, from ptXaj,<br />

black, and if, a foot. The poet has taken<br />

up an undue space in giving the names, and<br />

enumerating the qualities of the different<br />

dogs. The reader naturally desires to<br />

haslcn on lo the catastrophe, and while a<br />

human being is aboul to be torn to pieces,<br />

has his humanity shocked by a cold detail<br />

of the stripes and spots of the dogs that are<br />

doing it.<br />

78. Jctnobates. Tracer, from i\.v°s, a<br />

track, a nd fta'uw, to go.<br />

78. Gnosiius. Gnossian. Gnosos was<br />

a celebrated city of Crete.<br />

79. 1'amplta.fus. Glutton, from i>, aH,<br />

and ^((yw, to eat.<br />

80. Dorctus. Quick-sight, from Septa,<br />

to see clearly.<br />

80. Orilasus. Ranger, or Mountain-<br />

climber, from opos, a mountain, and Paivu,<br />

to go.<br />

81. flebroplionos. Kill-buck, from "tfffts,<br />

a fawn, and Qoviw, to kill,<br />

81. Ltclape. Tempest, from XaAai//, a<br />

whirlwind.<br />

NOTjE.<br />

215<br />

7C. Dum dubitat,<br />

canes videre mm;<br />

primusque Melampus,<br />

Ichnobatesque sagax<br />

derlcie signa latratu.<br />

81. El Harpalos di-<br />

stiiictus qitand nipram<br />

frontem ub iilbo medio,<br />

81. Theron. Hunter, from &rpiwj, to<br />

hunt.<br />

82. Pterelas. Wing, from nrcfan. a wing.<br />

82. Acre. Huntress, from !iyfa, hunting.<br />

83. Ilylcsus. Rmgwood, from *Xi;, a<br />

wood.<br />

84. Nape. Forester, from ramj, a ?aui»,<br />

or forest.<br />

85. Pcemenis. Shepherdess, from -niffm,<br />

a iheplierd.<br />

85. Aafif duolus: her two whelps.<br />

85. Harpyia. Ravener, like the harpies<br />

which were ravenous birds.<br />

86. Lanon. Watch, from the serpent<br />

that guarded the apples of the Hesperides.<br />

86. Sicyonius. Of Sicyon, a city of the<br />

Peloponnesus.<br />

87. Dromas. Runner, from tpaiw, a race.<br />

87. .Canace. Yelper, from «u/a\i;, a<br />

noise.<br />

87. Slirte. Spol, from UTIITT-U, to diversify<br />

with spo's.<br />

87. Tigris. Tiger, so called because<br />

of his fierce nature.<br />

87. Alee. Strong, from nX/rij, strength ;<br />

also Elk.<br />

88. Leucon. White, irom \cvf6s, u-htle.<br />

88. A sbolus. Soot, from a

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