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Actseon, the son of Aristams and Autonoe, overcome with heat, comes to the<br />

valley of Sargaphie, where he surprises Uiana and her nymphs bathing<br />

Covered with confusion, and resolved to prevent his relation of the acci<br />

dent, she changes him into a stag, when he is torn in piecee by his own<br />

dogs.<br />


THIS Fable most probably rests upon an historical basis, and records<br />

the destruction of Actseon for some interruption of the worship of the<br />

goddess Diana. Diodorus Siculus, lib. iv. 81, says, that he attempted to<br />

offer violence to the goddess, and was, in consequence, changed into a<br />

stag, and devoured by his own dogs; but Euripides says, he was pun<br />

ished because he boasted himself superior to Diana in hunting. Stesi-<br />

chorus relates that he was not changed into a stag, but that the goddess<br />

sewed him up in the skin of that beast, and caused his dogs to tear him<br />

to pieces. It is possible, that anciently with the worship of Diana, as<br />

with that of Minerva, the ceremony of the Bath may have existed, which<br />

Actseon with profane eyes may have witnessed; and, in consequence,<br />

been driven from the society of men. As the stag is a fearful and timo<br />

rous animal, Actseon's flight from his pursuers may have given rise to<br />

the fabulous transformation. While a wanderer from men, he may have<br />

died in solitude, and his dogs may have preyed upon his corse, and hence<br />

the fabulous dilaceration while he was alive.<br />

Again, if, after his impiety towards the goddess, he became affected<br />

with lunacy, and wandered from the society of men, it might be said he<br />

was transformed by Diana, or the Moon, into a stag, which is noted for<br />

its timidity. His dogs may have preyed upon him after death, as in the<br />

supposition above ; or, what is by no means unusual, his dogs may have<br />

gone mad during the intense heat of the canicular days, and may have<br />

torn their master to pieces. Scaliger says, that various hunters in Cor<br />

sica have been destroyed thus by their own dogs. Again, he may have<br />

been pursued by bloodhounds after his impiety towards Diana.<br />

Some would interpret this Fable morally, by supposing that Actseon,<br />

neglecting the pursuit of virtue and heroical deeds, while daily frequent<br />

ing the woods, and contending with wild beasts, is fabled to put off the<br />

nature of man, and to degenerate into a beast; when, impoverished at<br />

last by his dogs, he is said to be devoured by them. Pakephatus takes<br />

this latter view of the Fable. Others, again, are disposed to regard the<br />

destruction of Actseon by his own dogs, as an allegory, in which is set<br />

set forth the fact, that his substance was eaten up by the parasites that<br />

had caressed and fawned upon him.<br />

210<br />

AM stabant Thebse: poteras jam, Cadme, videri<br />

Exilic felix. Soceri tibi Marsque Venusque<br />

Contigerant: hue adde genus de conjuge tanta,<br />

Tot natos, natasque, et pignora cara nepotes ;<br />

Hos quoque jam juvenes. Sed scilicet ultima semper 5<br />

Expectanda dies homini: dicique beatus<br />

Ante obitum nemo, supremaque funera debet.<br />

NOTVE.<br />

1. Slalanl Thelce: Thebes stood. The city was now built.<br />

1. Cadme. The poet now addresses Cadmus, by way of apostrophe.<br />

2. Mars Vtnusque. Cadmus married Harmoma, or Hcrmione, the<br />

daughter of Venus and Mars. To grace the nuptials, all the gods of<br />

Olympus attended, and presented the bride with gifts.<br />

Yet to his arma<br />

The queen oflove consigned her beauteous daughter<br />

Ilurmonia; and from her, to crown liis joys,<br />

Sprung Polydorus. EURIPIDES.<br />

4. Tot natos.<br />

Polydore.<br />

4. Nalasque. Four daughters are men<br />

tioned. Agave, Autonoe, Semele, and Inc.<br />

4. Nepotes. The grand-children of Cad<br />

mus weie, Artrcon, the son of A utonoe and<br />

Arista?ua; Biirrlms, the son ol Semele<br />

and .Tupiier; Pentheus, the son of Agave<br />

and Echinn; and Meticerla and Learchus,<br />

by Ino and Aihamas.<br />

5. Jam juvents: now adult.<br />

5. Ultima semper. This sentiment was<br />

first uttered by Kolon to Croesus, king of<br />

The different mythologists mention but one son,<br />

Lydia, when the latter was vaingloriously<br />

displaying his riches and power, and<br />

considering himself the hnppicst of_men.<br />

When conquered afterwards by Cyrus,<br />

captured, and tied to a pyre, nbout to be<br />

slain, he recalled to mind tlic words of<br />

Solon, which, in his case, had been ora<br />

cular:<br />

Call no man happy till you know the nature<br />

of his death: he is, et best but fortunate. ....<br />

He who possesses the ILCSI advantages., and<br />

211<br />


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