the echinoid fauna from japan and adjacent regions part i

the echinoid fauna from japan and adjacent regions part i

the echinoid fauna from japan and adjacent regions part i


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The Echinoid Fauna <strong>from</strong> Japan <strong>and</strong> Adjacent Regions<br />

Peronella (Peronellites) ovalis HAYASAKA & MORISHITA? Formosa, Miocene<br />

Astrodapsis nipponicus NISIYAMA Mutsu, Mio-Pliocene<br />

Heteraster nexillis NISIYA:VIA Shikoku, Cretaceous<br />

Washitaster? macroholcus NISIY AMA Kii, Cretaceous<br />

Goniopigus atavus NISIYAMA Miyako, Cretaceous<br />

Pseudocidaris simulans NISIY A:VIA Miyako, Cretaceous<br />

Caenholectypus peridoneus (NISIY AMA) Miyako, Cretaceous<br />

Holaster clypeatulus NISIYAMA Miyako, Cretaceous<br />

26. DURHAM (1952-b) re-examined <strong>and</strong> redescribed a species formerly assigned to<br />

Astrodapsis <strong>from</strong> Japan.<br />

Nipponaster nipponicus (NISIY AMA) Mutsu, Mio-Pliocene<br />

27. HAYASAKA <strong>and</strong> SHIBATA (1952) described a species of Echinarachnius <strong>from</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> Miocene deposits of Hokkaido.<br />

Echinarachnius rumoensis HAYASAKA & SHIBATA, n. sp. Teshio, Hokkaido, Miocene<br />

28. MORISHITA (1952) described a new subspecies of Astriclypeus manni VERRILL<br />

<strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> Miocene deposits of Central Japan.<br />

Astriclypeus manni minoensis MORISHITA, subsp. nov. Gifu, Miocene<br />

29. HAY ASAKA (1953) reported an occurrence of an interesting Echinoid <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Pliocene of Formosa.<br />

Faorina chinensis GRAY? Formosa, Pliocene<br />

30. MORISHlT A (1953) reported <strong>the</strong> occurrence of <strong>the</strong> Palaeopneustid Echinoids in<br />

Japan.<br />

Palaeopneustes cf. cristatus A. AGASSIZ<br />

Archaeopneustes cf. hystrix (A. AGASSIZ)<br />

Niigata, Pliocene<br />

Shizuoka <strong>and</strong> Miyazaki, Pliocene<br />

31. MORISHITA (1953-a) reported <strong>the</strong> following fossil Echinoids <strong>from</strong> Nagano<br />

Prefecture, Central Japan.<br />

Sismondia naganoensis, sp. nov. Nagano, Miocene<br />

Echinarachnius microthyroides NISIYAMA Nagano, Pliocene<br />

Echinarachnius naganoensis, sp. nov. Nagano, Pliocene<br />

Linthia nipponica YOSHIWARA Nagano, Pliocene<br />

Schizaster kinasaensis, sp. nov. Nagano, Pliocene<br />

Schizaster sp. indet. Nagano, Miocene<br />

32. MORISHlT A (1953-b) reported four fossil Echinoids <strong>from</strong> Gifu Prefecture,<br />

Central Japan.<br />

Echinocyamus crispus MAZZETTI Gifu, Miocene<br />

Astriclypeus manni VERRILL Gifu, Miocene<br />

Astriclypeus manni minoensis MORISHITA Gifu, Miocene<br />

Schizaster sp. indet. Gifu, Miocene<br />

33. MORISHITA (1954) reported a fossil Brissus <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> Pleistocene of Ryukyu<br />

Isl<strong>and</strong>s.<br />

Brissus latecarinatus LESKE Ishigaki-jima, Pleistocene<br />

34. MORISHITA (1954-a) reported <strong>the</strong> Tertiary Echinoids <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> Environs of<br />

<strong>the</strong> Ise-Bay, Central Japan.<br />


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