Greek Tragedy between Human and Animal - Leeds International ...

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CHIARA THUMIGER, GREEK TRAGEDY BETWEEN HUMAN AND ANIMAL lion, lšwn (401, 1436); snake, œcidna (267, 632), Ôfij (1328). Sophocles, OC animal, generic, ¥gra (950), q»r (1569); bee, mšlissa (481); bird, o„wnÒj (1314), pterÒn (97), pterwtÒj (1460), dove, pšleia (1081), nightingale, ¢hdèn (18, 672-73); bovine, boÚqutoj (1495); deer, œlafoj, (1094); horse, eÜippoj (668, 711), eÜpwloj (711), †ppoj (714), †ppioj (1070), pîloj (313, 1062, 1069); sheep, o j (475). Euripides, Alcestis animal, generic, q»r (495); bird, pterwtÒj (262), chick, neossÒj (403); bovine, boÚqutoj (1156), boufÒrbia (1031); dog, kÚwn (360); fawn, nebrÒj (585); horse, †ppoj (486, 495, 1021, 1030), pîloj (429, 491, 504), tšqrippoj (428); lion, lšwn (580); lynx, lÚgx (579); sheep, mhloqÚthj (120); snake, œcidna (310). Euripides, Medea bird, pthnÒj (1297); bovine, taàroj (478), taurÒw (92); lioness, lšaina (187, 1342, 1358, 1407); snake, dr£kwn (480). Euripides, Heraclides bird, Ôrnij (730), pterÒn (10), chick, neossÒj (239); bovine, bÒeioj (822), mÒscoj (489), taàroj (489); dog, kÚwn (1050); horse, †ppeioj (845), ƒppikÒj (854), pîloj (847), tšqrippoj (802); lion, lšwn (950, 1006); snake, Ûdra (950). 14

CHIARA THUMIGER, GREEK TRAGEDY BETWEEN HUMAN AND ANIMAL Euripides, Hippolytus animal, generic, ¢gšlh (734), bÒton (75), d£koj (646), q»r (647), q»ra (18), skÚlax (1277); bee, mšlissa (77, 563); bird, o„wnÒj (873), Ôrnij (733, 828, 1059), pterÒn (1271), pthnÒj (1275, 1292); bovine, taàroj (338, 1214, 1229, 1248); cattle/flock, po…mnh (75); deer, œlafoj (218); dog, kÚwn (18, 217, 219, 1127); horse, †ppeioj (1355), ƒppikÒj (1219), †ppoj (1134, 1174, 1183, 1204, 1247), ƒppÒkrotoj (229), ƒpponèmaj (1399), fil…ppoj (581), pîloj (231, 235, 546, 1132, 1187, 1195, 1218), tšqrippoj (1212); insect, o stroj (1300). Euripides, Andromache animal, generic, qršmma (261), le…a (15), skÚmnoj (1170); bird, Ôrnij (862), chick, neossÒj (441), ptšrux (505), dove, pšleia (1140), hawk, ƒšrax (1141), vulture, gÚy (75); bovine, boàj (720), boÚthj (280), mÒscoj (711); dog, kÚwn (630); horse, ƒppikÒj (759), †ppoj (1012, 1019, 1229), pwlikÒj (992), pîloj (621); lion, lšwn (720); snake, œcidna (271), ˜rpetÒn (269); sheep, mÁlon (1100), o j (557), Ûparnoj (557). Euripides, Hecuba animal, generic, ¥gra (881), q»r (1057, 1072, 1173), tetr£podoj, (1057), cub, skÚmnoj (205); bird, Ôrnij (178), nightingale, ¢hdèn (337); bovine, mÒscoj (206, 526); deer, œlafoj (90); dog, kÚwn (1077, 1173, 1265, 1273); horse, eÜippoj (1090), pîloj (142, 469), f…lippoj (9, 428); wolf, lÚkoj (90). Euripides, Supplices animal, generic, q»r (267, 282), knèdalon (146); bird, o„wnÒj (213), Ôrnij (1046); boar, k£proj (140), sàj (316); bovine, pÒrij (629); horse, ƒppikÒj (682), ƒppÒbotoj (365), †ppoj (694, 886), pîloj (679), tšqrippoj (501, 927); 15


lion, lšwn (401, 1436);<br />

snake, œcidna (267, 632), Ôfij (1328).<br />

Sophocles, OC<br />

animal, generic, ¥gra (950), q»r (1569);<br />

bee, mšlissa (481);<br />

bird, o„wnÒj (1314), pterÒn (97), pterwtÒj (1460), dove, pšleia (1081),<br />

nightingale, ¢hdèn (18, 672-73);<br />

bovine, boÚqutoj (1495);<br />

deer, œlafoj, (1094);<br />

horse, eÜippoj (668, 711), eÜpwloj (711), †ppoj (714), †ppioj (1070), pîloj<br />

(313, 1062, 1069);<br />

sheep, o j (475).<br />

Euripides, Alcestis<br />

animal, generic, q»r (495);<br />

bird, pterwtÒj (262), chick, neossÒj (403);<br />

bovine, boÚqutoj (1156), boufÒrbia (1031);<br />

dog, kÚwn (360);<br />

fawn, nebrÒj (585);<br />

horse, †ppoj (486, 495, 1021, 1030), pîloj (429, 491, 504), tšqrippoj (428);<br />

lion, lšwn (580);<br />

lynx, lÚgx (579);<br />

sheep, mhloqÚthj (120);<br />

snake, œcidna (310).<br />

Euripides, Medea<br />

bird, pthnÒj (1297);<br />

bovine, taàroj (478), taurÒw (92);<br />

lioness, lšaina (187, 1342, 1358, 1407);<br />

snake, dr£kwn (480).<br />

Euripides, Heraclides<br />

bird, Ôrnij (730), pterÒn (10), chick, neossÒj (239);<br />

bovine, bÒeioj (822), mÒscoj (489), taàroj (489);<br />

dog, kÚwn (1050);<br />

horse, †ppeioj (845), ƒppikÒj (854), pîloj (847), tšqrippoj (802);<br />

lion, lšwn (950, 1006);<br />

snake, Ûdra (950).<br />


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