Book V - Snyder Bible

Book V - Snyder Bible

Book V - Snyder Bible


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The Preaching of Simeon Kefa 91<br />

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propound the words of your Master, as if it were held to be<br />

certain concerning him that he is a prophet; while I can very<br />

easily prove that he often contradicted himself. In short, I shall<br />

refute you from those words which you have yourself brought<br />

forward. For you say, that he said that every kingdom or every<br />

city divided in itself shall not stand; and elsewhere you say<br />

that he said that he would send a sword, that he might separate<br />

those who are in one house, so that son shall be divided<br />

from father, daughter from mother, brother from brother; so<br />

that if there be five in one house, three shall be divided against<br />

two, and two against three. If, then, everything that is divided<br />

falls, he who makes divisions furnishes causes of falling; and if<br />

<br />

Chapter XXXIII: Authority<br />

shly take exception, O Simon, against<br />

the things which you do not understand. In the first place, I<br />

shall answer your assertion that I set forth the words of my<br />

Master, and from them resolve matters about which there is<br />

still doubt. Our Master, when He sent us shlichim to preach,<br />

enjoined us to teach all nations the things which were committed<br />

to us. We cannot therefore speak those things as they were<br />

spoken by Himself. For our commission is not to speak, but to<br />

teach those things, and from them to show how every one of<br />

them rests upon truth. Nor, again, are we permitted to speak<br />

anything of our own. For we are sent; and of necessity he who<br />

is sent delivers the message as he has been ordered, and sets<br />

forth the will of the sender. For if I should speak anything different<br />

from what He who sent me enjoined me, I should be a<br />

false sholiach, not saying what I am commanded to say, but<br />

what seems good to myself. Whoever does this, evidently<br />

wishes to show himself to be better than he is than the one by<br />

whom he is sent, and without doubt is a traitor. If, on the contrary,<br />

he keeps by the things that he is commanded, and brings<br />

forward most clear assertions of them, it will appear that he is<br />

accomplishing the work of a sholiach; and it is by striving to

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