Book V - Snyder Bible

Book V - Snyder Bible

Book V - Snyder Bible


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The Preaching of Simeon Kefa 79<br />

<br />

recollect<br />

a man of your race. I am neither magician, nor lover of Luna,<br />

nor son of Antonius. For before my mother Rachel and he<br />

came together, she, still a virgin, conceived me, while it was in<br />

my power to be either small or great, and to appear as a man<br />

among men. Therefore I have chosen you first as my friends,<br />

for the purpose of trying you, that I may place you first in my<br />

heavenly and unspeakable places when I shall have proved<br />

you. Therefore I have pretended to be a man, that I might<br />

more clearly ascertain if you cherish entire affection towards<br />

ging him indeed to be a wretch,<br />

yet wondering at his impudence; and blushing for him, and at<br />

the same time fearing lest he should attempt some evil against<br />

us, I beckoned to Niceta to feign for a little along with me, and<br />

ncorruptible<br />

elohim, but rather accept our affection, and our<br />

mind willing to know who elohim is; for we did not till now<br />

know who you are, nor did we perceive that you are he whom<br />

<br />

Chapter XV: Simon Magus, Professed to Have Made a Boy of<br />

Air<br />

ch like words with looks suited<br />

to the occasion, this most vain fellow believed that we were<br />

deceived; and being thereby the more elated, he added also<br />

<br />

you bear towards me as elohim; for you loved me while you<br />

did not know me, and were seeking me in ignorance. But I<br />

would not have you doubt that this is truly to be elohim, when<br />

one is able to become small or great as he pleases; for I am<br />

able to appear to man in whatever manner I please. Now, then,<br />

I shall begin to unfold to you what is true. Once on a time, I, by<br />

my power, turning air into water, and water again into blood,<br />

and solidifying it into flesh, formed a new human creaturea<br />

boyand produced a much nobler work than Yahweh the<br />

Creator. For He created a man from the earth, but I from air

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