Book V - Snyder Bible

Book V - Snyder Bible

Book V - Snyder Bible


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The Preaching of Simeon Kefa 75<br />

institutions of their sect each one of those who aspire after<br />

admittance into the number, hoping that he may be deemed<br />

worthy to be put into the place of the deceased, when, as we<br />

have said, any one dies. Therefore Dositheus, being greatly<br />

urged by this man, introduced Simon when a vacancy occurred<br />

among the num<br />

Chapter IX: Simon Magus: His Profession<br />

<br />

they call Luna; and he confided all things to us as his friends:<br />

how he was a magician, and how he loved Luna, and how, being<br />

desirous of glory, he was unwilling to enjoy her ingloriously,<br />

but that he was waiting patiently till he could enjoy her<br />

honorably; yet so if we also would conspire with him towards<br />

the accomplishment of his desires. And he promised that, as a<br />

reward of this service, he would cause us to be invested with<br />

the highest honors, and we should be believed by men to be<br />

<br />

the chief place upon me, Simon, who by magic art am able to<br />

show many signs and prodigies, by means of which either my<br />

glory or our sect may be established. For I am able to render<br />

myself invisible to those who wish to lay hold of me, and again<br />

to be visible when I am willing to be seen. If I wish to flee, I can<br />

dig through the mountains, and pass through rocks as if they<br />

were clay. If I should throw myself headlong from a lofty<br />

mountain, I should be borne unhurt to the earth, as if I were<br />

held up; when bound, I can loose myself, and bind those who<br />

had bound me; being shut up in prison, I can make the barriers<br />

open of their own accord; I can render statues animated,<br />

so that those who see suppose that they are men. I can make<br />

new trees suddenly spring up, and produce sprouts at once. I<br />

can throw myself into the fire, and not be burnt; I can change<br />

my countenance, so that I cannot be recognized; but I can<br />

show people that I have two faces. I shall change myself into a<br />

sheep or a goat; I shall make a beard to grow upon little boys; I<br />

shall ascend by flight into the air; I shall exhibit abundance of<br />

gold, and shall make and unmake kings. I shall be worshipped

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