Book V - Snyder Bible

Book V - Snyder Bible

Book V - Snyder Bible


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62<br />

more of like kind, I said in reply, that I incurred less danger, if,<br />

as he said, this Yahshua were not the Moshiach, because I received<br />

Him as a teacher of Torah; but that he was in terrible<br />

danger if this be the very Moshiach, as assuredly He is: for I<br />

believe in Him who has appeared; but for whom else, who has<br />

never appeared, does he reserve his faith? But if I, an unlearned<br />

and uneducated man, as you say, a fisherman and a<br />

rustic, have more understanding than wise elders, this, said I,<br />

ought the more to strike terror into you. For if I disputed with<br />

any learning, and won over you wise and learned men, it<br />

would appear that I had acquired this power by long learning,<br />

and not by the grace of divine power; but now, when, as I have<br />

said, we unskilled men convince and overcome you wise men,<br />

who that has any sense does not perceive that this is not a<br />

<br />

Chapter LXIII: Appeal to the Jews<br />

nlearned<br />

men and fishermen, taught the kohanim concerning<br />

the unified Yahweh of heaven; the Tzakukim, concerning the<br />

resurrection of the dead; the Shomronim, concerning the sacredness<br />

of Yahrushalayim (not that we entered into their cities,<br />

but disputed with them in public); the sophrim and<br />

Prushim, concerning the kingdom of heaven; the talmidim of<br />

Yochanan, that they should not allow Yochanan to be a stumbling-block<br />

to them; and all the people, that Yahshua is the<br />

eternal Moshiach. At last, however, I warned them, that before<br />

we should go forth to the Gentiles, to preach to them the<br />

knowledge of Yahweh the Father, they should themselves be<br />

reconciled to Yahweh, receiving His Son; for I showed them<br />

that in no way else could they be saved, unless through the<br />

grace of the Ruach HaKodesh they hasted to be washed with<br />

odesh<br />

of Yahweh in His Name, whom alone they ought to believe<br />

concerning those things which He taught, that so they<br />

might merit to attain eternal salvation; but that otherwise it<br />

was utterly impossible for them to be reconciled to Yahweh,

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