Book V - Snyder Bible

Book V - Snyder Bible

Book V - Snyder Bible


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signed by providence, is always kept orderly; but the courses<br />

of the moon, in comparison of the course of the sun, seem to<br />

the unskillful to be inordinate and unsettled in her waxings<br />

and wanings. For the sun moves in fixed and orderly periods,<br />

for from him are hours, from him the day when he rises, from<br />

him also the night when he sets; from him months and years<br />

are reckoned, from him the variations of seasons are produced;<br />

while, rising to the higher regions, he tempers the<br />

spring; but when he reaches the top of the heaven, he kindles<br />

roduces the temper of<br />

autumn; and when he returns to his lowest circle, he be-<br />

<br />

heaven.<br />

Chapter XLVI: Sun and Moon Both Minister Good and Evil.<br />

e subjects<br />

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is that good servant for regulating the changes of the seasons,<br />

yet, when chastisement is inflicted upon men according to the<br />

will of Elohim, he glows more fiercely and burns up the world<br />

with more vehement fires? In like manner also the course of<br />

the moon, and that changing which seems to the unskillful to<br />

be disorderly, is adapted to the growth of crops, and cattle,<br />

and all living creatures; for by her waxings and wanings, by a<br />

certain wonderful contrivance of providence, everything that<br />

is born is nourished and grows. We could speak about that<br />

more at length and unfold the matter in detail, but that seems<br />

to be enough to answer the question as proposed. So, by the<br />

very same appliances by which they are produced, all things<br />

are nourished and increased! On the other hand when, from<br />

any just cause, the regulation of the appointed order is<br />

changed, corruption and distemper arise, so that chastisement<br />

may come upon men by the will of Elohim, as we have said<br />


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