Book V - Snyder Bible

Book V - Snyder Bible

Book V - Snyder Bible


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so, since the matter is in doubt, it is better to live obediently.<br />

But again I would ponder with myself, How should I restrain<br />

myself from the lust of sin, while uncertain as to the reward of<br />

righteousness?-and all the more when I have no certainty<br />

what righteousness is, or what is pleasing to Yahweh; and<br />

when I cannot ascertain whether the spirit be immortal, and<br />

be such that it has anything to hope for; nor do I know what<br />

cannot rest from<br />

thoughts of this sort.<br />

Chapter V: His Design to Test the Immortality of the Spirit<br />

What, then, shall I do? This shall I do. I shall proceed to<br />

Egypt, and there I shall cultivate the friendship of the hierophants<br />

or prophets, who preside at the shrines. Then I shall<br />

win over a magician by money, and entreat him, by what they<br />

call the necromantic art, to bring me a spirit from the infernal<br />

regions, as if I were desirous of consulting it about some business.<br />

But this shall be my consultation, whether the spirit be<br />

immortal. Now, the proof that the spirit is immortal will be put<br />

past doubt, not from what it says, or from what I hear, but<br />

from what I see: for seeing it with my eyes, I shall ever after<br />

hold the surest conviction of its immortality; and no fallacy of<br />

words or uncertainty of hearing shall ever be able to disturb<br />

the persuasion produced by sight. However, I related this<br />

project to a certain philosopher with whom I was intimate,<br />

<br />

spirit should not obey the call of the magician, you henceforth<br />

will live more hopelessly, as thinking that there is nothing after<br />

death, and also as having tried things unlawful. If, however,<br />

you seem to see anything, what obedience or what piety can<br />

arise to you from things unlawful and implores? For they say<br />

that transactions of this sort are hateful to the Divinity, and<br />

that Yahweh sets Himself in opposition to those who trouble<br />

<br />

was indeed staggered in my purpose; yet I could not in any<br />

way either lay aside my longing, or cast off the distressing<br />


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