Book V - Snyder Bible

Book V - Snyder Bible

Book V - Snyder Bible


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220<br />

with so heavy sadness? I should like to know. For if you informed<br />

me of the cause, I might be able both to show you<br />

clearly, O woman, that spirits do live in the infernal regions;<br />

and instead of the precipice or the deep sea, I might give you<br />

some remedy, that you may be able to end your life without<br />

<br />

Chapter XV: The Womans Account<br />

Then the woman, hearing this welcome promise, began to<br />

<br />

tell, what is my extraction, or what is my country. It is enough<br />

only to explain the cause of my grief, why I have rendered my<br />

hands powerless by gnawing them. Being born of noble parents,<br />

and having become the wife of a suitably powerful man, I<br />

had twin sons, and after them one other. But my husbands<br />

brother was vehemently enflamed with illegitimate love towards<br />

me; and as I valued chastity above all things, and would<br />

neither consent to so great wickedness, nor wished to disclose<br />

to my husband the baseness of his brother, I considered<br />

whether in any way I could escape unpolluted, and yet not set<br />

brother against brother, and so bring the whole race of a noble<br />

family into disgrace. I made up my mind, therefore, to leave<br />

my country with my twins, until the incestuous lust should<br />

subside, which the sight of me was fostering and inflaming;<br />

and I thought that our other son should remain to comfort his<br />

father to some extent.<br />

Chapter XVI: The Womans Account Continued.<br />

<br />

had a dream, in which some deity stood by me in a vision, and<br />

told me that I should immediately depart from the city with<br />

my twins, and should be absent until he should command me<br />

to return; and that, if I did not do so, I should perish with all<br />

my children. And so it was done. For as soon as I told the<br />

dream to my husband, he was terrified; and sending with me<br />

my twin sons, and also slaves and maidservants, and giving<br />

me plenty of money, he ordered me to sail to Athens, where I

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