Book V - Snyder Bible

Book V - Snyder Bible

Book V - Snyder Bible


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The Preaching of Simeon Kefa 201<br />

trees, if it be necessary. But he who seems to worship Elohim,<br />

but is neither fortified by a full faith, nor by obedience to the<br />

commandments, but is a sinner, has given a place in himself,<br />

by reason of his sins, to passions, which are appointed of Elohim<br />

for the punishment of those who sin, that they may exact<br />

from them the deserts of their sins by means of punishments<br />

inflicted, and may bring them purified to the general judgment<br />

of all, provided always that their faith do not fail them in their<br />

chastisement. For the chastisement of unbelievers in the<br />

present life is a judgment, by which they begin to be separated<br />

from future blessings; but the chastisement of those who worship<br />

Elohim, while it is inflicted upon them for sins into which<br />

they have fallen, exacts from them the due of what they have<br />

done, that, before their judgment, they may pay the debt of<br />

their sin in the present life, and be freed, at least in half, from<br />

the eternal punishments which are there prepared.<br />

Chapter XXXV: Judgment to Come<br />

But he does not receive these things as true who does not<br />

believe that there is to be a judgment by Elohim, and therefore,<br />

being bound by the pleasures of the present life, is shut<br />

out from eternal good things; and therefore we do not neglect<br />

to proclaim to you what we know to be necessary for your salvation,<br />

and to show you what is the true worship of Elohim,<br />

that, believing in Elohim, you may be able, by means of good<br />

works, to be heirs with us of the world to come. But if you are<br />

not yet convinced that what we say is true, meantime, in the<br />

first instance, you ought not to take it amiss and to be hostile<br />

to us because we announce to you the things which we consider<br />

to be good, and because we do not grudge to bestow also<br />

upon you that which we believe brings salvation to ourselves,<br />

laboring, as I have said, with all eagerness, that we may have<br />

you as fellow-heirs of the blessings which we believe are to<br />

befall ourselves. But whether those things which we declare to<br />

you are certainly true, you shall not be able to know otherwise<br />

than by rendering obedience to the things which are com-

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