Book V - Snyder Bible

Book V - Snyder Bible

Book V - Snyder Bible


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190<br />

ance lest he thereby be made guilty, from this very fact is<br />

judged as if he knew and had knowledge. For he knew what it<br />

was that he was unwilling to hear; and the cunning obtained<br />

by the artifice of the serpent will avail him nothing for an<br />

excuse, for he will have to do with Him to whom the heart is<br />

open. But that you may know that ignorance of itself brings<br />

destruction, I assure you that when the spirit departs from the<br />

body, if it leave it in ignorance of Him by whom it was created,<br />

and from whom in this world it obtained all things that were<br />

necessary for its uses, it is driven forth from the light of His<br />

kingdom as ungrateful and unfaithful.<br />

Chapter XIX: His Second Suggestion<br />

Again, the wicked serpent suggests another opinion to<br />

men, which many of you are in the habit of bringing forward,<br />

that there is, as we say, one Elohim, who is Master of all; but<br />

these also, they say, are Elohim. For as there is one Caesar, and<br />

he has under him many judgesfor example, prefects, consuls,<br />

tribunes, and other officersin like manner we think,<br />

that while there is one Elohim greater than all, yet still that<br />

these Elohim are ordained in this world, after the likeness of<br />

those officers of whom we have spoken, subject indeed to that<br />

greater Elohim, yet ruling us and the things that are in this<br />

world. In answer to this, I shall show you how, in those very<br />

things which you propose for deception, you are confuted by<br />

the reasons of truth. You say that Elohim occupies the place of<br />

Caesar, and that those who are called Elohim represent His<br />

judges and officers. Hold then, as you have adduced it, by the<br />

example of Caesar; and know that, as one of Caesars judges or<br />

administrators, as prefects, proconsuls, generals, or tribunes,<br />

may lawfully take the name of Caesaror else both he who<br />

should take it and those who should confer it should be destroyed<br />

togetherso also in this case you ought to observe,<br />

that if any one give the name of Elohim to any but Yahweh<br />

Himself, and he accept it, they shall partake one and the same<br />

destruction, by a much more terrible fate than the servants of<br />

Caesar. For he who offends against Caesar shall undergo tem-

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