Book V - Snyder Bible

Book V - Snyder Bible

Book V - Snyder Bible


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-slayers, if they know him;<br />

but good, and sober, and merciful persons, if they do not know<br />

him, in consequence of their having no information concerning<br />

him, he does not save! Great and good truly is he whom<br />

you proclaim, who is not so much the savior of the evil, as he is<br />

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very difficult for man to know him, as long as he is in the flesh;<br />

for blacker than all darkness, and heavier than all clay, is this<br />

body with which the spirit is sur <br />

icult;<br />

but He who is truly Elohim seeks easier things. Let him<br />

then, since he is so good, leave us with our Father and Creator;<br />

and when once we depart from the body, and leave that darkness<br />

that you speak of, we shall more easily know Him; and<br />

then the spirit shall better understand that Elohim is its Creator,<br />

and shall remain with Him, and shall no more be harassed<br />

with diverse imaginations; nor shall wish to betake itself to<br />

another power, which is known to none but Simon only, and<br />

which is of such goodness that no one can come to it, unless he<br />

be first guilty of impiety towards his own father! I know not<br />

how this power can be called either good or just, which no one<br />

can please except by acting impiously towards him by whom<br />

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Chapter LIX: The Creator Our Father<br />

e of greater<br />

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stranger, it is at all events much more obedient to remain with<br />

our own father, even if he be poor. But if you do not think it<br />

disobedient to leave our father, and flee to another, as being<br />

better than he; and you do not believe that our Creator will<br />

take this amiss; much more the good Elohim will not be angry,<br />

because, when we were strangers to him, we have not fled to<br />

him, but have remained with our own Creator. Yea, I think he<br />

will rather commend us the more for this, that we have kept

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