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36 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEOBIOLOGY Andrews, Charles W. 1897. On Some Fossil Remains of Carinate Birds from Central Madagascar. Ibis, 7(3):343-359. Anonymous [=Alfred Newton] 1868. [Review of Recent Literature on Mascarene Birds.] Ibis, series 2, 4:479^182. Barre, Nicolas, and Armand Barau 1982. Oiseaux de La Reunion. 196 pages. La Reunion: Imprimerie Arts Graphiques Modernes. Barre, Nicolas, Armand Barau, and Christian Jouanin 1996. Oiseaux de La Reunion. 208 pages. Paris: Editions du Pacifique. Baumel, Julian J. 1979. Osteologia. In J.J. Baumel, editor, Nomina Anatomica Avium: An Annotated Dictionary of Birds, pages 53-121. London and New York: Academic Press. Berger, Andrew J. 1957. On the Anatomy and Relationships of Fregilupus varius, an Extinct Starling from the Mascarene Islands. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 113(3):225-272. Boddaert, Pietr 1783. Table des planches enlumineez d'histoire naturelle de M. d'Aubenton. xv+58 pages. Utrecht. Bontekoe, Willem Ysbrantsz 1646 ("1619"). Voyage de Guillaume Ysbrabtsz Boutekou de Hoom [=Willem Ysbrantsz Bontekoe], ecrit par lui-meme. First edition. Holland. [Date on title page is 1619; actually published in 1646.] [Republished, 1725, in Constantin de Renneville, Recueil des voyages qui ont servi a I 'etablissement et aux progrez de la Compagnie des Indes orientates, New edition, volume 8. Rouen: Pierre Cailloue.] Bonaparte, Charles L. 1850-1857. Conspectus Generum Avium. 232 pages. Lugduni Batavorum [Leiden]: E.J. Brill. Bonneville, Alain 1990. Structure de la lithosphere. In Jean-Francois Lenat, editor, Le Volcanisme de la Reunion—Monographic pagesl-18. Clermont-Ferrand: Centre de Recherches Volcanologiques. Bour, Roger 1979. Premiere decouverte de restes osseux de la Tortue terrestre de la Reunion, Cylindraspis borbonica. Comptes Rendus de I'Academie des Sciences de Paris, series D, 288:1223-1226. 1980a. Histoire de la tortue terrestre de Bourbon. Bulletin de I'Academie de I'lle de La Reunion, 25:97-147. 1980b. Systematique des Tortues terrestres des Ties Mascareignes: genre Cylindraspis Fitzinger, 1835 (Reptilia, Chelonii). Bulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, series 4, section A, 2(3):895-904. 1985. Les Tortues terrestres geantes des lies de l'ocean Indien occidental: donnees geographiques, taxinomiques et phylogenetiques. Studia Palaeochelonologica, Salamanca [Studia Geologica Salmanticensia, special volume 1], 1:17-76. Braithwaite, C.J.R., J.D. Taylor, and W.J. Kennedy 1973. The Evolution of an Atoll: The Depostional and Erosional History of Aldabra. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, series B, 266:307-340. Brial, Pierre 1996. La Caverne de la Tortue. Bulletin de la Societe d'Etudes Scientifiques des Cavernes de La Reunion, 1:8-l 1. Brodkorb, Pierce 1963. Catalogue of Fossil Birds: Part 1 (Archaeopterygiformes through Ardeiformes). Bulletin of the Florida State Museum, 7(4): 179-293. 1964. Catalogue of Fossil Birds: Part 2 (Anseriformes through Galliformes). Bulletin of the Florida State Museum, 8(3): 195-335. Literature Cited Brown, Leslie H., Emil K. Urban, and Kenneth Newmann 1982. The Birds of Africa. Volume 2, xiii+521 pages. London and New York: Academic Press. Carre, Abbe 1699. Voyage des Indes orientales mile de plusieurs histoires curieuses. Two volumes. Paris. Castleton, Samuel 1625. A Joumall of a Voyage Made by the Pearle to the East India Wherein Went as Captain Master Samuel Castleton of London, and Captain Gerorge Bathurst as Lieutenent: Writtten by John Tatton, Master. In S. Purchas, editor, Hakluytus posthumus, or Purchas His Pilgrimes: Contayning a History of the World in Sea Voyages and Lande Travels by Englishmen and Others, 3:343-354. [Reprinted 1905-1907]. Glasgow: James MacLehose and Sons. Cheke, Anthony S. 1982. Les noms Creoles des oiseaux dans les iles francophones de VOcean Indien (essai ethno-ornithologique). 64 pages. Paris: Collection l'Homme et son Milieu, Institut International d'Ethnosciences. 1987. An Ecological History of the Mascarene Islands, with Particular Reference to Extinctions and Introduction of Land Vertebrates. In A.W. Diamond, editor, Studies of Mascarene Islands Birds, pages 5-89. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Cheke, Anthony S., and J.F. Dahl 1981. The Status of Bats on Western Indian Ocean Islands, with Special Reference to Pteropus. Mammalia, 45(2):205-238. Cheke, Anthony S., and Carl G. Jones 1987. Measurements and Weights of the Surviving Endemic Birds of the Mascarenes and Their Eggs. In A.W. Diamond, editor, Studies of Mascarene Islands Birds, pages 403—422. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Cowles, Graham S. 1987. The Fossil Record. In A.W. Diamond, editor, Studies of Mascarene Islands Birds, pages 90-100. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1994. A New Genus, Three New Species and Two New Records of Extinct Holocene Birds from Reunion Island, Indian Ocean. Geobios, 27(l):87-93. Cramp, Stanley, and K.E.L. Simmons 1979. The Birds of the Western Palearctic. Volume 2, 695 pages. Oxford and London: Oxford University Press. Daudin, Francois Marie 1802. Histoire naturelle par Buffon dediee au citoyen Lacepede. Volume 14. Paris. Deniel, C, G. Kieffer, and J. Lecointre 1992. New 230 Th- 238 U and 14 C Age Determinations from Piton des Neiges Volcano, Reunion—A Revised Chronology for the Differentiated Series. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 51:253-267. Dubois 1674. Les voyages fails par le Sieur D. B. aux isles Dauphine ou Madagascar et Bourbon ou Mascarenne, es annees 1669, 70, 71 et 72. 234 pages. Paris: Claude Barbin. Forbes, Henry Ogg 1893. A List of the Birds Inhabiting the Chatham Islands. Ibis, 6(5): 521-546. Forshaw, Joseph M. 1973. Parrots of the World. 584 pages. New York: Doubleday and Company. Gmelin, Johann Friedrich 1789. Carol i a Linn6... Systema Naturae per regna tria... Editio decima tertia... Cura J.F. Gmelin. Volume 1, part 2:501-1032. Lugduni [Lyon]: J.B. Delamolliere.

NUMBER 89 37 Gray, G.R. 1842. Appendix to a List of the Genera of Birds. iv+16 pages. London: R. and J.E. Taylor. 1855. Catalogue of Three Genera and Subgenera of Birds Contained in the British Museum. 192 pages. London: British Museum. Greenway, James C, Jr. 1967. Extinct and Vanishing Birds of the World. Second revised edition, xvi+520 pages. New York: Dover. Gunther, A., and Edward Newton 1879. The Extinct Birds of Rodriguez. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 168:423-437, plates 41-43. Hachisuka, Masauji 1937a. Revisional Note on the Didine Birds of Reunion. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 50:69-71. 1937b. On the Flightless Heron of Rodriguez. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 50:145-150. 1953. The Dodo and Kindred Birds, or The Extinct Birds of the Mascarene Islands. 450 pages. London: Witherby Ltd. Houde, Peter, and Hartmut Haubold 1987. Palaeotis weigelti Restudied: A Small Middle Eocene Ostrich (Aves: Struthioniformes). Palaeovertebrata, 17(2):27—42. Howard, Hildegarde 1964. Fossil Anseriformes. In Jean Delacour, The Waterfowl of the World, 4:233-236. London: Country Life Ltd. Hoyo, Josep del, Andrew Elliott, and Jordi Sargatal 1992. Handbook of the Birds of the World. Volume 1, 696 pages. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions. Jones, Carl G. 1987. The Larger Land-Birds of Mauritius. In A.W. Diamond, editor, Studies of Mascarene Islands Birds, pages 208-300. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Jouanin, Christian 1987. Notes on the Nesting Procellariiformes in Reunion. In A.W. Diamond, editor, Studies of Mascarene Islands Birds, pages 358-363. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Jouanin, Christian, and Frank B. Gill 1967. Recherche du Petrel de Barau, Pterodroma baraui. L'Oiseau et la Revue Francaise d'Ornithologie, 37:1-19. Kervazo, Bertrand 1979. Fouilles de la grotte dite des "Premiers Francais." Info-Nature, 17:47-52. Kieffer, Guy 1990. Grands traits morphologiques de I'ile de La Reunion (Ocean Indien). In Jean-Francois Lenat, editor, Le Volcanisme de la Reunion— Monographie, pages 75-185. Clermont-Ferrand: Centre de Recherches Volcanologiques. Kieffer, Guy, Pierre-Yves Gillot, Yves Cornette, Christian Germanaz, and Pierre Nativel 1993. Une phase eruptive exceptionnelle dans l'histoire recente du Piton des Neiges (lie de la Reunion): l'eruption de la "dalle soudee." Comptes Rendus de I'Academie des Sciences de Paris, series 2, 317:835-842. Lambrecht, Kalman 1933. Handbuch der Palaeornithologie. 1024 pages. Berlin: Bomtraeger. Langrand, Olivier 1990. Guide to the Birds of Madagascar. 364 pages. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. Lesson, Rene Primevere 1840 ("1839"). Description de treize oiseaux nouveaux, suivies [sic] de rectifictions sur quelques especes deja publiees. Revue Zoologique, 2:100-104. [Date on title page is 1839; actually published in 1840.] Linnaeus, Carolus 1758. Systema Naturae. Tenth edition, 823 pages. Holmiae [Stockholm]: Laurentius Salvius. 1771. Caroli a Linne Mantissa Plantarum altera Generum editionis VI et Specierum Editionis II; Regni Animalis appendix, pages 144-588. Holmiae [Stockholm]: Laurentii Slavii. Lougnon, Albert 1970. Sous le signe de la tortue; Voyages anciens a File Bourbon (1611-1725). Third edition, 285 pages. Saint-Denis, La Reunion. 1992. Sous le signe de la tortue; Voyages anciens a File Bourbon (1611-1725). Fourth edition, 286 pages. Saint-Denis, La Reunion: Azal6es Editions. Martinez, Joseph 1987. Un nouveau eas probable d'endemisme insulaire: Ie canard de l'ile Amsterdam. In Cecile Mourer-Chauvire\ editor, L'Evolution des oiseaux d'apres le temoignage des fossiles. Documents des Laboratoires de Geologie de Lyon, 99:211 -219. Mayr, Ernst, and G. William Cottrell 1979. Check-List of Birds of the World. Volume 1, second edition, xvii+547 pages. Cambridge, Masschusetts: Museum of Comparative Zoology. Milne-Edwards, Alphonse 1867. Memoire sur une espece eteinte du genre Fulica qui habitait autrefois l'ile Maurice. Annates des Sciences Naturelles, series 5 (Zoolologie), 8:195-220, plates 10-13. 1867-1871. Recherches anatomiques et paleontologiques pour servir a l'histoire des oiseaux fossiles de la France. 4 volumes. Paris: Victor Masson et Fils. 1874. Recherches sur la faune ancienne des iles Mascareignes. Annates des Sciences Naturelles, series 5 (Zoologie), 19:1-31, plates 11-15. Molnar, Peter, and Joann Stock 1987. Relative Motions of Hotspots in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans since Late Cretaceous Time. Nature, 327:587-591. Mourer-Chauvire, Cecile, Roger Bour, Francois Moutou, and Sonia Ribes 1994. Mascarenotus nov. gen. (Aves, Strigiformes), genre endemique eteint des Mascareignes et M. grucheti n. sp., espece eteinte de La Reunion. Comptes Rendus de I'Academie des Sciences de Paris, series 2, 318:1699-1706. Mourer-Chauvire, Cecile, Roger Bour, and Sonia Ribes 1995a. Was the Solitaire of Reunion an Ibis? Nature, 373(6515):568. 1995b. Position systematique du Solitaire de la Reunion: nouvelle interpretation basee sur les restes fossiles et les recks des anciens voyageurs. Comptes Rendus de I'Academie des Sciences de Paris, series 2a, 320:1125-1131. Mourer-Chauvire, Cecile, and Francois Moutou 1987. Decouverte d'une forme recemment eteinte d'ibis endemique insulaire de l'ile de La Reunion: Borbonibis latipes n. gen. n. sp. Comptes Rendus de I'Academie des Sciences de Paris, series 2, 305:419-423. Moutou, Francois 1982. Note sur les chiropteres de l'ile de la Reunion (Ocean Indien). Mammalia, 46(1):36-51. Murie, James 1874. On the Skeleton and Lineage of Fregilupus varius. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1874:474-488. Newton, Alfred 1869. On a Picture Supposed to Represent the Didine Bird of the Island of Bourbon (Reunion). Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, 6:373-376. Newton, Alfred, and Edward Newton 1876. On the Psittaci of the Mascarene Islands. Ibis, series 3, 6:281-289. Newton, Edward, and Hans Gadow 1893. On Additional Bones of the Dodo and Other Extinct Birds of Mauritius Obtained by Mr. Theodore Sauzier. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, 13, part 7(1 ):281-302, plates 33-37. North-Coombes, Alfred 1979. La decouverte des Mascareignes par les Arabes et les Portugais. 175 pages. Port-Louis, Mauritius.

NUMBER 89 37<br />

Gray, G.R.<br />

1842. Appendix to a List of the Genera of Birds. iv+16 pages. <strong>Lo</strong>ndon: R.<br />

and J.E. Taylor.<br />

1855. Catalogue of Three Genera and Subgenera of Birds Contained in the<br />

British Museum. 192 pages. <strong>Lo</strong>ndon: British Museum.<br />

Greenway, James C, Jr.<br />

1967. Extinct and Vanishing Birds of the World. Second revised edition,<br />

xvi+520 pages. New York: Dover.<br />

Gunther, A., and Edward Newton<br />

1879. The Extinct Birds of Rodriguez. Philosophical Transactions of the<br />

Royal Society of <strong>Lo</strong>ndon. 168:423-437, plates 41-43.<br />

Hachisuka, Masauji<br />

1937a. Revisional Note on the Didine Birds of Reunion. Proceedings of the<br />

Biological Society of Washington, 50:69-71.<br />

1937b. On the Flightless Heron of Rodriguez. Proceedings of the Biological<br />

Society of Washington, 50:145-150.<br />

1953. The Dodo and Kindred Birds, or The Extinct Birds of the Mascarene<br />

Islands. 450 pages. <strong>Lo</strong>ndon: Witherby Ltd.<br />

Houde, Peter, and Hartmut Haubold<br />

1987. Palaeotis weigelti <strong>Res</strong>tudied: A Small Middle Eocene Ostrich<br />

(Aves: Struthioniformes). Palaeovertebrata, 17(2):27—42.<br />

Howard, Hildegarde<br />

1964. Fossil Anseriformes. In Jean Delacour, The Waterfowl of the World,<br />

4:233-236. <strong>Lo</strong>ndon: Country Life Ltd.<br />

Hoyo, Josep del, Andrew Elliott, and Jordi Sargatal<br />

1992. Handbook of the Birds of the World. Volume 1, 696 pages. Barcelona:<br />

Lynx Edicions.<br />

Jones, Carl G.<br />

1987. The Larger Land-Birds of Mauritius. In A.W. Diamond, editor, Studies<br />

of Mascarene Islands Birds, pages 208-300. Cambridge: Cambridge<br />

University Press.<br />

Jouanin, Christian<br />

1987. Notes on the Nesting Procellariiformes in Reunion. In A.W. Diamond,<br />

editor, Studies of Mascarene Islands Birds, pages 358-363.<br />

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.<br />

Jouanin, Christian, and Frank B. Gill<br />

1967. Recherche du Petrel de Barau, Pterodroma baraui. L'Oiseau et la<br />

Revue Francaise d'Ornithologie, 37:1-19.<br />

Kervazo, Bertrand<br />

1979. Fouilles de la grotte dite des "Premiers Francais." Info-Nature,<br />

17:47-52.<br />

Kieffer, Guy<br />

1990. Grands traits morphologiques de I'ile de La Reunion (Ocean Indien).<br />

In Jean-Francois Lenat, editor, Le Volcanisme de la Reunion—<br />

Monographie, pages 75-185. Clermont-Ferrand: Centre de Recherches<br />

Volcanologiques.<br />

Kieffer, Guy, Pierre-Yves Gillot, Yves Cornette, Christian Germanaz, and<br />

Pierre Nativel<br />

1993. Une phase eruptive exceptionnelle dans l'histoire recente du Piton<br />

des Neiges (lie de la Reunion): l'eruption de la "dalle soudee."<br />

Comptes Rendus de I'Academie des Sciences de Paris, series 2,<br />

317:835-842.<br />

Lambrecht, Kalman<br />

1933. Handbuch der Palaeornithologie. 1024 pages. Berlin: Bomtraeger.<br />

Langrand, Olivier<br />

1990. Guide to the Birds of Madagascar. 364 pages. New Haven and <strong>Lo</strong>ndon:<br />

Yale University Press.<br />

Lesson, Rene Primevere<br />

1840 ("1839"). Description de treize oiseaux nouveaux, suivies [sic] de<br />

rectifictions sur quelques especes deja publiees. Revue Zoologique,<br />

2:100-104. [Date on title page is 1839; actually published in 1840.]<br />

Linnaeus, Carolus<br />

1758. Systema Naturae. Tenth edition, 823 pages. Holmiae [Stockholm]:<br />

Laurentius Salvius.<br />

1771. Caroli a Linne Mantissa Plantarum altera Generum editionis VI et<br />

Specierum Editionis II; Regni Animalis appendix, pages 144-588.<br />

Holmiae [Stockholm]: Laurentii Slavii.<br />

<strong>Lo</strong>ugnon, Albert<br />

1970. Sous le signe de la tortue; Voyages anciens a File Bourbon<br />

(1611-1725). Third edition, 285 pages. Saint-Denis, La Reunion.<br />

1992. Sous le signe de la tortue; Voyages anciens a File Bourbon<br />

(1611-1725). Fourth edition, 286 pages. Saint-Denis, La Reunion:<br />

Azal6es Editions.<br />

Martinez, Joseph<br />

1987. Un nouveau eas probable d'endemisme insulaire: Ie canard de l'ile<br />

Amsterdam. In Cecile Mourer-Chauvire\ editor, L'Evolution des<br />

oiseaux d'apres le temoignage des fossiles. Documents des Laboratoires<br />

de Geologie de Lyon, 99:211 -219.<br />

Mayr, Ernst, and G. William Cottrell<br />

1979. Check-List of Birds of the World. Volume 1, second edition,<br />

xvii+547 pages. Cambridge, Masschusetts: Museum of Comparative<br />

Zoology.<br />

Milne-Edwards, Alphonse<br />

1867. Memoire sur une espece eteinte du genre Fulica qui habitait autrefois<br />

l'ile Maurice. Annates des Sciences Naturelles, series 5 (Zoolologie),<br />

8:195-220, plates 10-13.<br />

1867-1871. Recherches anatomiques et paleontologiques pour servir a<br />

l'histoire des oiseaux fossiles de la France. 4 volumes. Paris: Victor<br />

Masson et Fils.<br />

1874. Recherches sur la faune ancienne des iles Mascareignes. Annates<br />

des Sciences Naturelles, series 5 (Zoologie), 19:1-31, plates 11-15.<br />

Molnar, Peter, and Joann Stock<br />

1987. Relative Motions of Hotspots in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian<br />

Oceans since Late Cretaceous Time. Nature, 327:587-591.<br />

Mourer-Chauvire, Cecile, Roger Bour, Francois Moutou, and Sonia Ribes<br />

1994. Mascarenotus nov. gen. (Aves, Strigiformes), genre endemique<br />

eteint des Mascareignes et M. grucheti n. sp., espece eteinte de La<br />

Reunion. Comptes Rendus de I'Academie des Sciences de Paris, series<br />

2, 318:1699-1706.<br />

Mourer-Chauvire, Cecile, Roger Bour, and Sonia Ribes<br />

1995a. Was the Solitaire of Reunion an Ibis? Nature, 373(6515):568.<br />

1995b. Position systematique du Solitaire de la Reunion: nouvelle interpretation<br />

basee sur les restes fossiles et les recks des anciens voyageurs.<br />

Comptes Rendus de I'Academie des Sciences de Paris, series<br />

2a, 320:1125-1131.<br />

Mourer-Chauvire, Cecile, and Francois Moutou<br />

1987. Decouverte d'une forme recemment eteinte d'ibis endemique insulaire<br />

de l'ile de La Reunion: Borbonibis latipes n. gen. n. sp.<br />

Comptes Rendus de I'Academie des Sciences de Paris, series 2,<br />

305:419-423.<br />

Moutou, Francois<br />

1982. Note sur les chiropteres de l'ile de la Reunion (Ocean Indien). Mammalia,<br />

46(1):36-51.<br />

Murie, James<br />

1874. On the Skeleton and Lineage of Fregilupus varius. Proceedings of<br />

the Zoological Society of <strong>Lo</strong>ndon, 1874:474-488.<br />

Newton, Alfred<br />

1869. On a Picture Supposed to Represent the Didine Bird of the Island of<br />

Bourbon (Reunion). Transactions of the Zoological Society of <strong>Lo</strong>ndon,<br />

6:373-376.<br />

Newton, Alfred, and Edward Newton<br />

1876. On the Psittaci of the Mascarene Islands. Ibis, series 3, 6:281-289.<br />

Newton, Edward, and Hans Gadow<br />

1893. On Additional Bones of the Dodo and Other Extinct Birds of Mauritius<br />

Obtained by Mr. Theodore Sauzier. Transactions of the Zoological<br />

Society of <strong>Lo</strong>ndon, 13, part 7(1 ):281-302, plates 33-37.<br />

North-Coombes, Alfred<br />

1979. La decouverte des Mascareignes par les Arabes et les Portugais.<br />

175 pages. Port-<strong>Lo</strong>uis, Mauritius.

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