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NUMBER 89 25<br />

TABLE 10.—Dimensions (mm) of the main bones of the extinct Fulica newtonii from Mauritius (MNHN) and Reunion.<br />

(a = maximum length in median plane, b=width between sterno-coracoidal processes, c=width between ventral labial<br />

prominences, d=measured with cnemial crests, e=measured without cnemial crests; «=number of specimens.)<br />

Measurement<br />

Sternum (Reunion)<br />

length (a)<br />

width (b)<br />

width (c)<br />

keel depth<br />

Coracoid (Reunion)<br />

internal length<br />

proximal width<br />

proximal depth<br />

midshaft width<br />

midshaft depth<br />

Humerus (Mauritius)<br />

total length<br />

proximal width<br />

proximal depth<br />

distal width<br />

distal depth<br />

midshaft width<br />

midshaft depth<br />

Ulna (Reunion)<br />

distal width<br />

external condyle depth<br />

midshaft width<br />

midshaft depth<br />

Carpometacarpus (Reunion)<br />

total length<br />

proximal width<br />

proximal depth<br />

distal width<br />

distal depth<br />

Mean (ri)<br />

66.7(1)<br />

36.6(1)<br />

27.7(1)<br />

20.7(1)<br />

39.4(1)<br />

10.60(2)<br />

6.70 (2)<br />

5.1(1)<br />

3.8(1)<br />

85.40<br />

17.15(2)<br />

9.6(1)<br />

12.15(2)<br />

7.10(2)<br />

5.50(2)<br />

4.70 (2)<br />

7.2(1)<br />

7.3(1)<br />

4.6(1)<br />

5.1(1)<br />

49.1 (1)<br />

4.6(1)<br />

9.3(1)<br />

3.5(1)<br />

4.8(1)<br />

Range<br />

10.4-10.8<br />

6.5-6.9<br />

83.5-87.3<br />

16.7-17.6<br />

11.7-12.6<br />

6.9-7.3<br />

5.3-5.7<br />

4.5-4.9<br />

identical to that from Mauritius illustrated by Newton and Gadow<br />

(1893, pl. 35: figs. 5-7). It presents a ventral manubrial<br />

spine (spina externa) that is wide, with two small lateral points<br />

separated by a shallow notch. This characteristic cannot be<br />

considered as different from Fulica, however, for in numerous<br />

living species of that genus the ventral manubrial spine is very<br />

variable among individuals. Some individuals have a narrow,<br />

short point prolonged by a median ventral ridge, others have a<br />

short, wide point, and others have two points separated by a<br />

notch, as in F. newtonii. We have observed that the shape of<br />

the ventral manubrial spine is very variable in F. cristata Gmelin<br />

(7 individuals), F. americana Gmelin (20), F. caribaea<br />

Ridgway (3), and F. leucoptera Vieillot (7) from the USNM. In<br />

F. ardesiaca Tschudi (1) and F. rufifrons Philippi and Landbeck<br />

(3), the ventral manubrial spine is wide and short. Three<br />

of seven individuals of F. cristata and two of seven individuals<br />

of F. leucoptera have two points separated by a notch, rather<br />

than a single point.<br />

In Fulica newtonii the anterior carinal margin is more posteriorly<br />

displaced than in F. cristata, but the carina is still well<br />

developed. The shape of this carina is very different from that<br />

of the flightless species Tribonyx mortierii Du Bus, in which<br />

the carina is low and the anterior carinal margin is wide and is<br />

formed by two ridges separated by a median groove. It is still<br />

more different from that of Aphanapteryx bonasia, in which the<br />

Measurement<br />

width metacarpale majus<br />

depth metacarpale majus<br />

Tibiotarsus (Mauritius+Reunion)<br />

total length (d)<br />

total length (e)<br />

proximal width<br />

proximal depth<br />

distal width<br />

distal depth<br />

midshaft width<br />

midshaft depth<br />

Tarsometatarsus (Mauritius+Reunion)<br />

total length<br />

proximal width<br />

proximal depth<br />

distal width<br />

distal depth<br />

midshaft width<br />

midshaft depth<br />

Phalanx 1 digit II (Reunion)<br />

total length<br />

proximal width<br />

Phalanx 1 digit III (Mauritius+<br />

Reunion)<br />

total length<br />

proximal width<br />

Phalanx 2 digit III (Reunion)<br />

total length<br />

proximal width<br />

Mean (n)<br />

3.9(1)<br />

3.2(1)<br />

129.24(5)<br />

122.54(5)<br />

12.56(5)<br />

18.60(5)<br />

12.06(9)<br />

11.67(3)<br />

6.75 (8)<br />

5.14(8)<br />

84.15(6)<br />

13.53 (7)<br />

12.35(2)<br />

13.95(6)<br />

10.80(6)<br />

6.51 (7)<br />

5.09 (7)<br />

37.25 (2)<br />

5.27 (3)<br />

34.30 (2)<br />

7.20 (2)<br />

27.3(1)<br />

6.5(1)<br />

Range<br />

126.8-131.3<br />

120.2-124.6<br />

12.1-13.0<br />

17.7-19.4<br />

11.2-12.8<br />

11.5-11.8<br />

6.2-7.0<br />

4.6-5.7<br />

76.7-89.3<br />

-12.5-14.2<br />

11.4-13.3<br />

12.4-14.8<br />

9.7-11.7<br />

6.0-6.8<br />

4.7-5.3<br />

36.2-38.3<br />

5.1-5.5<br />

34.3-34.3<br />

-7-7.4<br />

anterior carinal margin is very wide, with two ridges separated<br />

by a wide groove, and the carina itself is strongly displaced<br />

posteriorly and is very low (Newton and Gadow, 1893, pl. 35:<br />

figs. 14-16). In conclusion, the characteristics of the sternum<br />

indicate only a slight reduction in flying ability.<br />

Milne-Edwards (1867, 1867-1871) wrote that the shape of<br />

the posterior iliac crests of the pelvis of F. newtonii was more<br />

similar to that of F. atra Linnaeus than to that of F cristata.<br />

Although the two pelves from Reunion are not complete<br />

enough to see if this characteristic is constant in F. newtonii,<br />

we think that by the marked widening of the pelvis at the level<br />

of the acetabula and by the strong projection of the antitrochanters<br />

externally, F. newtonii is more similar to F. cristata<br />

than to F. atra (see Milne-Edwards, 1867-1871, pl. 99: figs.<br />

1-5, pl. 107: figs. \^).<br />

In Fulica newtonii the bones of the scapular girdle and the<br />

wing (coracoid, humerus, carpometacarpus) are the same size<br />

as in a large male of F. cristata, the tibiotarsus and the phalanx<br />

of pedal digit II are slightly larger, and the femur and the tarsometatarsus<br />

are much larger (Figure 10). Compared to F. cristata,<br />

F. newtonii was a poorer flier as indicated by the reduction<br />

of the coracoid and wing bones. For comparison we<br />

present the curves of Tribonyx mortierii, the flightless Tasmanian<br />

Native-Hen, and of Aphanapteryx bonasia, the extinct,<br />

flightless Mauritius Red Rail. In these two species, the cora-

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