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318 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEOBIOLOGY In the troodontids (Currie, 1985; Currie and Zhao, 1993) the basipterygoid processes are strong but are directed caudolaterally rather than rostrolaterally as in other theropods. This precludes a typical theropod basipterygoid articulation, and their facets are strongly concave, which suggests a basal process on the pterygoid (the caudal part of which is unknown in the troodontids). In the dromaeosaurids and most of the remaining theropods, the pterygoids have sockets that receive prominent basipterygoid processes of the sphenoid. QUADRATE.—In the dromaeosaurids and most of the remaining theropods, the caudal profile of the quadrate is straight, and the quadrate socket in the squamosal opens more or less ventrally. In contrast, the quadrate head is bent backward in the oviraptorids (Maryariska and Osmolska, 1997), Erlikosaurus, omithomimosaurs, troodontids, Gobipteryx, and the majority of other omithurines except for Hesperomithidae, Ichthyornis, and some modem birds. In Archaeopteryx the caudal bend of the quadrate head may be partly obscured by the position in which the quadrate is preserved; it is exposed in caudal aspect in the seventh skeleton and in rostral aspect in the fifth skeleton. The oviraptoid quadrate alone agrees with that of the omithurines in having an otic capitulum for the articulation with the braincase, the pterygoid articular surface approaching the medial mandibular condyle, and a distinct (but shallow) quadratojugal cotyla (Maryariska and Osmolska, 1997). CORONOID.—The coronoid bone is absent in the oviraptorosaurs (Figure 5), omithomimosaurs, Erlikosaurus, and all adult birds, including Archaeopteryx and Gobipteryx. It may have been incorporated into the prearticular (Nemeschkal, 1983a), and a tiny splint of bone just rostral to the tip of the prearticular in the hatchling Golden Eagle {Aquila chrysaetos (Linnaeus)) probably is a vestige of the coronoid (Jollie, 1957). ARTICULAR AND PREARTICULAR.—The articular of ornifhurine birds (including Gobipteryx), but not Archaeopteryx, co-ossifies with the prearticular, surangular, and angular at various, mostly posthatching, stages of development. The articular and surangular are co-ossified in the caenagnathids, Erlikosaurus, and all other adult omithurines. The articular is co-ossified with the angular and surangular in Avimimus, in which the prearticular is not preserved (Kurzanov, 1987). The articular is separated by sutures from the adjacent bones in the omithomimosaurs, oviraptorids, and other theropods, including dromaeosaurids and Allosaurus. The articular surface for the quadrate is expanded both medially and laterally beyond the ramus in ornithurine birds. The lateral expansion is coextensive with the small lateral process that bears it. By contrast, the medial expansion covers only the basal part of the prominent medial process, which provides an area of attachment for the pterygoideus muscle. In Gobipteryx, however, there is no connection between the medial expansion of the articular surface and the medial process, which may or may not be due to damage. There is no evidence of any distinctive projections of the articular surface in Archaeopteryx or in the omithomimosauria. The articular surface is strongly expanded laterally but not medially in Erlikosaurus and is expanded both medially and laterally in the oviraptorids and caenagnathids. The two projections in the oviraptorosaurs are similar to those in Gobipteryx (Elzanowski, 1974, fig. XXXIII/2). Aside from being reduced in a few neognaths (such as the phasianids), the prearticular shows two fairly distinctive morphologies. It turns dorsally and expands into an ascending blade in Erlikosaurus, the majority of theropods (including the dromaeosaurids), Archaeopteryx, Hesperomis (pers. obs.), and some neognaths (e.g., Spheniscidae, Laridae). The prearticular continues far rostrally as a straight bony rod in the caenagna- FlGURE 5.—Mandible of Chirostenotes pergracilis (-Caenagnathus collinsi R.M. Sternberg), CMN 8776 in medial view. The medial aspect of this mandible has been hitherto described only by Sternberg (1940, fig. 2). Sternberg's illustration showed a well-defined caudal outline of the dorsomedial process of the dentary, whereas in reality this process seems to be fused to the surangular. Absent from the mandible is the splenial, which may have fallen off, as frequently happens in birds, but it also is possible that it was reduced because the mandible is unusual in having a rostral extension of the angular that reaches the symphysis. The prearticular extends to the tip of the retroarticular process and covers the articular, which is fused to the surangular but not to the prearticular. (an=angular, d=ventral ramus of dentary, dv=ventral process of dorsal ramus of dentary, pa=prearticular, pc=coronoid process, pm=medial process, pr=retroarticular process, rl=lateral ridge, rm=medial ridge, sa=surangular.)

NUMBER 89 319 thids (Figure 5), oviraptorids (Barsbold, 1983b, fig. 13), at least in Garudimimus among the omithomimosaurs (Barsbold and Osmolska, 1990, fig. 8.3.D), the paleognaths (Muller, 1963; pers. obs.), the remaining neognaths, and probably Gobipteryx. MANDIBULAR SYMPHYSIS.—The symphysis is unfused in Archaeopteryx, although the rostral tips of the rami are connected very tightly. Among the theropods, the ends of the mandibular rami are fused only in the oviraptorosaurs and are fused even in the smallest caenagnathid specimens (Currie et al., 1993), but they remain unfused in the oviraptorid embryo (Norell et al., 1994), suggesting that fusion occurred at or soon after hatching, as in Gobipteryx (Elzanowski, 1981). The symphysis is fused in Confuciusomis, which combines an Archaeopteryx-like postcranial skeleton with a Gobipteryx-like skull (Hou et al., 1995), Gobipteryx (Elzanowski, 1977), and other omithurines except for the odontognaths (Marsh, 1880), teratorns (Campbell and Tonni, 1981), and pseudodontoms (Odontopterygia) (Zusi and Warheit, 1992). The lack of a symphysis in the odontognaths is most probably secondary because in the hesperomithids and possibly in Ichthyornis, the tips of the rami were connected by a predentary bone (Martin, 1987), which is definitely a derived character because no other bird or theropod has it. The dentary of birds arises from two centers of ossification (Nemeschkal, 1983b), and the predentary bone most probably ossified from the rostral (mentomandibular) center. Consequently, this bone probably represents the co-ossified symphyseal part that became separated from the remainder of the mandible. The pseudodontoms are highly specialized, fish-eating neognathous birds related to the pelecaniforms, which makes the lack of mandibular symphysis in these birds unquestionably secondary. As of now, there is no evidence for multiple origins of the fused symphysis in birds. It may have evolved only once in the omithurines, and its presence could be another synapomorphy of the oviraptorosaurs and omithurines. INTRARAMAL JOINT.—This joint includes the articulations between the dentary and surangular and between the splenial and angular. It permits mediolateral mobility within each ramus of the mandible. The majority of the theropods, including the dromaeosaurids, have an intraramal joint. It is absent in the omithomimosaurs, Erlikosaurus, oviraptorosaurs, and primitive birds, including Archaeopteryx, Gobipteryx, and probably Confuciusomis. In more advanced birds, there are at least two types of intraramal joints: one in the pelecaniforms (including pseudodontoms) and another in the odontognaths. They are made of different components, which indicates that they evolved independently of each other (Zusi and Warheit, 1992). Gingerich (1973) proposed that the intraramal joints in Hesperomis and Ichthyornis have been inherited from the theropods and thus represent yet another theropod/avian synapomorphy. Consequently, the similarity between Ichthyornis and hesperomithids would be symplesiomorphic. This, however, is inconsistent with the intraramal joint being absent in Archaeopteryx, Confuciusomis, and Gobipteryx (see also Feduccia, 1996:155). In addition, the two kinds of intraramal joints in birds are more similar to each other (Gingerich, 1972, fig. 1; Zusi and Warheit, 1992, fig. 7) than either of them is to the joint in the dromaeosaurids (Currie, 1995, fig. 7). In the odontognaths, the hinge is formed primarily by the splenial and angular, and these bones articulate at an angle of-45° to the long axis of the ramus. In the dromaeosaurids the hinge, reinforced by bony knobs, is primarily between the dentary and surangular, whereas the splenial and angular seem to form a gliding articulation that is oriented much more horizontally than the splenio-angular hinge of the odontognaths. In all probability, birds started their evolution with a rigid mandible, and detailed similarity of the intraramal joints in Ichthyornis and hesperomithids is synapomorphic. JUGAL BAR.—Confuciusomis and probably all the ornithurine birds have a thin, rod-like jugal bar that is formed in substantial part, and in some neognaths exclusively, of the quadratojugal. In the oviraptorids and Avimimus (Kurzanov, 1987), the bar is thin, as it is in the omithurines. The slender jugal bar stands out in an otherwise massive oviraptorid skull adapted for durophagy. In Archaeopteryx and the remaining known theropods, the jugal bar is a robust slat. It is formed almost exclusively of the jugal in most of the theropods. In Archaeopteryx, the quadratojugal may have extended far rostrally on the medial side of the jugal (Elzanowski and Wellnhofer, 1996, fig. 7). The postorbital process of the jugal is in the terminal caudal position, and the infratemporal fossa is reduced in the omithomimosaurs, the troodontids, and Archaeopteryx. Erlikosaurus is unique among the theropods in having two ascending processes of the jugal: a postorbital process one-fourth the length from the caudal end, and a terminal process overlying the quadrate and approaching the squamosal. The latter corresponds in position to the postorbital process of the omithomimosaurs and Archaeopteryx. This unique jugal morphology raises the possibility of a secondary enlargement of the infratemporal fossa, accompanied by the division of the initially terminal postorbital process. Although the rostral position of the postorbital bar in the oviraptorids looks like a symplesiomorphy with the majority of theropods, it is conceivable that this position is secondary and that the postorbital process of the jugal corresponds to the rostral, possibly secondary, process in Erlikosaurus. INTERDENTAL PLATES AND TEETH.—The presence of interdental plates is a primitive archosaurian character (Elzanowski and Wellnhofer, 1993). Among the theropods, inderdental plates are known to be absent in troodontids (Currie, 1987), Archaeomithoides (Elzanowski and Wellnhofer, 1993), Baryonyx and Spinosaurus (Buffetaut, 1992), and omithomimosaurs (Perez-Moreno et al., 1994). Separate interdental plates are present in juvenile dromaeosaurids (Norell et al., 1994) and seem to be replaced by porous interdental bone in adults (Currie, 1987). The discovery of interdental plates in Archaeopteryx (Wellnhofer, 1993) makes it clear that their absence in Hesperomis and Ichthyornis is secondary, as probably are other aspects of


In the troodontids (Currie, 1985; Currie and Zhao, 1993) the<br />

basipterygoid processes are strong but are directed caudolaterally<br />

rather than rostrolaterally as in other theropods. This precludes<br />

a typical theropod basipterygoid articulation, and their<br />

facets are strongly concave, which suggests a basal process on<br />

the pterygoid (the caudal part of which is unknown in the troodontids).<br />

In the dromaeosaurids and most of the remaining<br />

theropods, the pterygoids have sockets that receive prominent<br />

basipterygoid processes of the sphenoid.<br />

QUADRATE.—In the dromaeosaurids and most of the remaining<br />

theropods, the caudal profile of the quadrate is straight, and<br />

the quadrate socket in the squamosal opens more or less ventrally.<br />

In contrast, the quadrate head is bent backward in the<br />

oviraptorids (Maryariska and Osmolska, 1997), Erlikosaurus,<br />

omithomimosaurs, troodontids, Gobipteryx, and the majority<br />

of other omithurines except for Hesperomithidae, Ichthyornis,<br />

and some modem birds. In Archaeopteryx the caudal bend of<br />

the quadrate head may be partly obscured by the position in<br />

which the quadrate is preserved; it is exposed in caudal aspect<br />

in the seventh skeleton and in rostral aspect in the fifth skeleton.<br />

The oviraptoid quadrate alone agrees with that of the omithurines<br />

in having an otic capitulum for the articulation with<br />

the braincase, the pterygoid articular surface approaching the<br />

medial mandibular condyle, and a distinct (but shallow)<br />

quadratojugal cotyla (Maryariska and Osmolska, 1997).<br />

CORONOID.—The coronoid bone is absent in the oviraptorosaurs<br />

(Figure 5), omithomimosaurs, Erlikosaurus, and all adult<br />

birds, including Archaeopteryx and Gobipteryx. It may have<br />

been incorporated into the prearticular (Nemeschkal, 1983a),<br />

and a tiny splint of bone just rostral to the tip of the prearticular<br />

in the hatchling Golden Eagle {Aquila chrysaetos (Linnaeus))<br />

probably is a vestige of the coronoid (Jollie, 1957).<br />

ARTICULAR AND PREARTICULAR.—The articular of ornifhurine<br />

birds (including Gobipteryx), but not Archaeopteryx,<br />

co-ossifies with the prearticular, surangular, and angular at various,<br />

mostly posthatching, stages of development. The articular<br />

and surangular are co-ossified in the caenagnathids, Erlikosaurus,<br />

and all other adult omithurines. The articular is co-ossified<br />

with the angular and surangular in Avimimus, in which the<br />

prearticular is not preserved (Kurzanov, 1987). The articular is<br />

separated by sutures from the adjacent bones in the omithomimosaurs,<br />

oviraptorids, and other theropods, including dromaeosaurids<br />

and Allosaurus.<br />

The articular surface for the quadrate is expanded both medially<br />

and laterally beyond the ramus in ornithurine birds. The lateral<br />

expansion is coextensive with the small lateral process that<br />

bears it. By contrast, the medial expansion covers only the basal<br />

part of the prominent medial process, which provides an area of<br />

attachment for the pterygoideus muscle. In Gobipteryx, however,<br />

there is no connection between the medial expansion of<br />

the articular surface and the medial process, which may or may<br />

not be due to damage. There is no evidence of any distinctive<br />

projections of the articular surface in Archaeopteryx or in the<br />

omithomimosauria. The articular surface is strongly expanded<br />

laterally but not medially in Erlikosaurus and is expanded both<br />

medially and laterally in the oviraptorids and caenagnathids.<br />

The two projections in the oviraptorosaurs are similar to those<br />

in Gobipteryx (Elzanowski, 1974, fig. XXXIII/2).<br />

Aside from being reduced in a few neognaths (such as the<br />

phasianids), the prearticular shows two fairly distinctive morphologies.<br />

It turns dorsally and expands into an ascending<br />

blade in Erlikosaurus, the majority of theropods (including the<br />

dromaeosaurids), Archaeopteryx, Hesperomis (pers. obs.), and<br />

some neognaths (e.g., Spheniscidae, Laridae). The prearticular<br />

continues far rostrally as a straight bony rod in the caenagna-<br />

FlGURE 5.—Mandible of Chirostenotes pergracilis (-Caenagnathus collinsi R.M. Sternberg), CMN 8776 in<br />

medial view. The medial aspect of this mandible has been hitherto described only by Sternberg (1940, fig. 2).<br />

Sternberg's illustration showed a well-defined caudal outline of the dorsomedial process of the dentary, whereas<br />

in reality this process seems to be fused to the surangular. Absent from the mandible is the splenial, which may<br />

have fallen off, as frequently happens in birds, but it also is possible that it was reduced because the mandible is<br />

unusual in having a rostral extension of the angular that reaches the symphysis. The prearticular extends to the tip<br />

of the retroarticular process and covers the articular, which is fused to the surangular but not to the prearticular.<br />

(an=angular, d=ventral ramus of dentary, dv=ventral process of dorsal ramus of dentary, pa=prearticular,<br />

pc=coronoid process, pm=medial process, pr=retroarticular process, rl=lateral ridge, rm=medial ridge,<br />


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