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314 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEOBIOLOGY is separated from the ectopterygoid by a vestigial postpalatine ("palatine") fenestra (Figure 2A). The fenestra leads to a flat bony pocket, which opens medially by a long fissure between the ascending wing of the palatine and the ectopterygoid (Figure 2B). Although the palatine/pterygoid contact is not preserved, there is no indication of the presence of a pterygopalatine ("subsidiary palatine") fenestra between the pterygoid wing of the palatine and the pterygoid. The details of pterygoid structure remain unclear due to its tight contact with or fusion to the adjacent bones. The rostral end of the pterygoid cannot be precisely distinguished from the palatine and ectopterygoid but seems to be forked rostrally. The rostral part of the bone is strongly concave ventrally and receives the pterygoid wing of the palatine. The caudal part of the pterygoid has a short wing for the basipterygoid articulation and a quadrate wing that closely adheres to what has been identified as the pterygoid ramus of the quadrate (Barsbold et al., 1990, fig. 10.1 A). The pterygoquadrate articulation, at angles to the long axis of the pterygoid, is very tight and does not suggest any mobility. The ectopterygoid provides a smooth rostral continuation of the thick lateral margin of the pterygoid. (A large bone in the type specimen of Oviraptor philoceratops that is attached to the caudal end of the pterygoid was identified as an ectopterygoid (Smith, 1992), which is clearly a mistake, the bone probably being the left quadrate.) The ectopterygoid is oriented vertically, almost in a parasagittal plane, and its rostral end lies much more dorsally than does the caudal end (Figure 2A). The rostral end articulates primarily with the lacrimal and maxilla and marginally contacts the jugal and the ascending wing of the palatine (Figure 2). The ectopterygoid is well delimited from the pterygoid across the ridge, but the suture wanes more medially (in the trough). The medial margin of the bone is over­ lapped by the palatine. Rostrally, the two bones are separated by a small postpalatine fenestra, which is well exposed in lateral view (Figure 2A) but is barely exposed in ventral view (Figure 1). The lacrimal is oriented transversely, and its cross section gradually expands from a flattened lateral ridge to a broad medial base (Figure 2A). Its ventral extremity is irregularly crenate (Figure 2B). Comparisons Characters of the Oviraptoridae (Figures 1, 2; Barsbold et al., 1990), Caenagnathidae (Figure 5; Sternberg, 1940; Currie et al., 1993; Sues, 1997), Therizinosauroidea as represented by Erlikosaurus (Clark et al., 1994), and Omithomimosauria (Osmolska et al., 1972; Barsbold and Osmolska, 1990) that are specifically shared with Archaeopteryx (Elzanowski and Wellnhofer, 1995, 1996), Confuciusomis (Hou et al., 1995), Gobipteryx (Elzanowski, 1977, 1995), the Odontognathae (Marsh, 1880; Elzanowski, 1991), and other ornithurine birds (Jollie, 1957; Elzanowski, 1995) are analyzed below, and their distribution is summarized in Table 1. All these characters show the opposite states in the Dromaeosauridae (Colbert and Russell, 1969; Ostrom, 1969; Sues, 1977; Currie, 1995) and usually in Allosaurus (Madsen, 1976) and other tetanuran theropods. The subdivision of birds and, especially, the definition of Ornithurae, follow Elzanowski (1995). Unfortunately, very little is known about the jaws of troodontids, which show some avian similarities in their braincase (Currie, 1985; Currie and Zhao, 1993). Similar to the troodontids are jaw fragments of Archaeornithoides (Elzanowski and Wellnhofer, 1992, 1993), which may in fact represent a juvenile troodontid. One of the main reasons for describing it as a separate genus in a family of its own was its tooth stmcture, TABLE 1.—Potential cranial synapomorphies of the Omithomimosauria (Omim), Therizinosauroidea (Ther), Oviraptoridae (Ovir), Caenagnathidae (Caen), and birds as represented by Archaeopteryx (Arch), Gobipteryx (Gobi), and Hesperomis (Hesp). The opposite character states (0) are present in the Dromaeosauridae and the majority of known theropods. Parentheses indicate that the homology of noted similarities may be open to interpretation. A=ambiguous character state. See text for complete definitions and discussion of the characters. Character 1. Palatine with long maxillary process 2. Coronoid absent 3. Inrraramal articulation absent 4. Maxilla with broad palatal shelf 5. Quadrate head bent backwards 6. Palatine with broad pterygoid wing 7. Pterygoid with basal process 8. Ectopterygoid in rostral position 9. Articular and surangular co-ossified 10. Articular with lateral process 11. Articular with medial process 12. Mandibular symphysis fused 13. Jugal bar rod-shaped 14. Ectopterygoid contacts lacrimal Omim 1 1 1 1 1 0 (1) A 0 0 0 0 0 7 Ther 0 0 0 0 0 Ovir Caen 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ? 1 1 1 ? 1 ? 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ? 1 ? Arch 1 1 1 ? 1 1 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gobi ? (1) ? Hesp 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 (1) 1 1 1 (1) 1 (1)

NUMBER 89 315 which is unlike that in any theropod. Theropod teeth were once strongly believed not to vary with age (Currie et al., 1990), but this belief has been refuted by the discovery of subcorneal, unserrated teeth in dromaeosaurid hatchlings (Norell et al., 1994). Similar teeth are present in Archaeomithoides and may have been present in the early juveniles of troodontids. MAXILLA.—The maxilla has broad palatal shelves that meet at, or at least approach, the midline in the Therizinosauroidea, Oviraptoridae, Caenagnathidae, Omithomimosauria, Archaeomithoides, Hesperomis, and the paleognaths except Struthio. A fairly broad palatal shelf of the maxilla was probably present in Gobipteryx. Unfortunately, contrary to previous interpretations, the palatal aspect of the maxilla (as well as premaxilla) remains entirely unknown in Archaeopteryx. In Hesperomis each palatal shelf of the maxilla ends with two processes, the lateral and the medial palatine process. The medial process, known as the maxillopalatine, is the only portion of the palatal shelf that remains in Struthio and the neognaths. The peg-like process of the oviraptorids and caenagnathids corresponds in position to the maxillopalatine of neomithine birds in being a caudomedial extension of the palatal shelf that contacts the vomer. At least in the oviraptorosaurs, Archaeomithoides, and birds, the maxillary shelf provides a floor for the caudal maxillary sinus. Other theropods are believed to have only the rostral sinus (Witmer, 1990). Among Mesozoic birds, the caudal maxillary sinus is well documented in Hesperomis (Witmer, 1990) and may have been present in Archaeopteryx, although the evidence of its presence in the fifth skeleton provided by Witmer (1990:360, fig. 14) is probably incorrect (Elzanowski and Wellnhofer, 1995). The upper jaw of the fifth skeleton, however, contains a vertical, median or paramedian element (Elzanowski and Wellnhofer, 1995, fig. 7X) that is similar in shape and location to the medial wall of the caudal sinus in the oviraptorids. PALATINE.—The palatine of the omithomimosaurs, therizinosauroids, oviraptorids, caenagnathids (Sues, 1997, fig. 2), and birds has a maxillary process that is much longer than the rostromedial vomeral process and overlaps the maxillary palatal shelf ventrally. In the neomithines, including Hesperomis, the maxillary process is known as the premaxillary process because it extends even further rostrally and reaches the premaxilla. The palatine has a broad pterygoid (caudal) wing that overlaps the pterygoid ventrally in the therizinosauroids, oviraptorids, birds, and probably in caenagnathids. In the omithomimosaurs, the palatine has a dorsal, transversely oriented process situated close to the lacrimal (Osmolska et al., 1972:116, 136). A prominent transverse crest is present in Archaeopteryx in a comparable location (Elzanowski and Wellnhofer, 1996:89, fig. 9A), and three transverse crests are present in Chirostenotes (Sues, 1997, fig. 2). In contrast, the dorsal process of the palatine that ascends to the lacrimal in the oviraptorids is oriented in the parasagittal plane (Figure 2B). PTERYGOPALATINE FENESTRA.—Gauthier (1986) used the pterygopalatine (subsidiary palatine) fenestra as one of two diagnostic cranial characters of the newly defined Coelurosauria, although it is known to be present in only two of the originally included families, the omithomimosaurs and dromaeosaurids. The pterygopalatine fenestra has been subsequently identified in Archaeomithoides, the therizinosauroids, and tentatively in Chirostenotes and Gobipteryx. This fenestra is lacking in the oviraptorids (Figure 1). In Hesperomis and other neomithines there is no separate fenestra, although the situation in Gobipteryx suggests that it may have merged with the choana. The lack of an appropriate embayment in either the palatine or pterygoid of Archaeopteryx suggests either the absence of this fenestra or a configuration similar to that in the neomithines. The uncertain status of the pterygopalatine fenestra in birds makes it of little use in the search for avian relatives. ECTOPTERYGOID AND POSTPALATINE FENESTRA.—The ectopterygoid is situated rostrally and, as a result, the postpalatine (palatine) fenestra is reduced in the oviraptorids (Figures 1, 2) and therizinosauroids (although it is unclear whether the fenestra is present in the latter). The fenestra is much smaller in Gallimimus (Osmolska et al., 1972:108) than it is in the dromaeosaurids and may be even smaller, if present at all, in Omithomimus edmontonicus Sternberg (ROM 851), where the ectopterygoid is preserved in contact with the lacrimal (pers. obs.) in a position very different from that reconstructed in Gallimimus. In the oviraptorids and Erlikosaurus, the ectopterygoid is lateral to the palatine, which is due to its rostral position and the presence of the pterygoid wing of the palatine. This also may be tme of the Caenagnathidae (Sues, 1997:701). Although the ectopterygoid is positioned caudally in the fifth specimen of Archaeopteryx, it may have overlapped, at least in part, the long pterygoid wing of the palatine. The oviraptorid ectopterygoid differs from that of Archaeopteryx and from other theropods, including the therizinosauroids, in the lack of the jugal hook, its distal articulation primarily with the lacrimal and maxilla rather than the jugal, and its strongly slanting position between the lacrimal and the palatine (Figure 2). In all these differences, the oviraptorid ectopterygoid agrees with the avian uncinate (uncinatum=lacrimopalatinum), which in the neomithine birds articulates with the caudoventral margin of the lacrimal and descends caudoventrally to the palate (Figure 3). Although in modem birds the uncinate tapers toward the ventral tip and either articulates with the palatine or ends free above it, in oviraptorids the bone flares out ventrally and articulates with both the palatine and the pterygoid. This difference may be accounted for by the reduction of the rostral part of the pterygoid (which became separated and reduced as the hemipterygoid) in the neomithine birds. In Hesperomis the uncinate probably approached or marginally contacted the large hemipterygoid (Elzanowski, 1991, fig. 3). The uncinate of extant birds is clearly a vestigial structure that is extremely variable in shape. The uncinate is widespread among the neomithines. It has been found in the Stmthionidae and Rheidae among the paleog-

NUMBER 89 315<br />

which is unlike that in any theropod. Theropod teeth were once<br />

strongly believed not to vary with age (Currie et al., 1990), but<br />

this belief has been refuted by the discovery of subcorneal, unserrated<br />

teeth in dromaeosaurid hatchlings (Norell et al., 1994).<br />

Similar teeth are present in Archaeomithoides and may have<br />

been present in the early juveniles of troodontids.<br />

MAXILLA.—The maxilla has broad palatal shelves that meet<br />

at, or at least approach, the midline in the Therizinosauroidea,<br />

Oviraptoridae, Caenagnathidae, Omithomimosauria, Archaeomithoides,<br />

Hesperomis, and the paleognaths except Struthio.<br />

A fairly broad palatal shelf of the maxilla was probably present<br />

in Gobipteryx. Unfortunately, contrary to previous interpretations,<br />

the palatal aspect of the maxilla (as well as premaxilla)<br />

remains entirely unknown in Archaeopteryx.<br />

In Hesperomis each palatal shelf of the maxilla ends with<br />

two processes, the lateral and the medial palatine process. The<br />

medial process, known as the maxillopalatine, is the only portion<br />

of the palatal shelf that remains in Struthio and the neognaths.<br />

The peg-like process of the oviraptorids and caenagnathids<br />

corresponds in position to the maxillopalatine of<br />

neomithine birds in being a caudomedial extension of the palatal<br />

shelf that contacts the vomer.<br />

At least in the oviraptorosaurs, Archaeomithoides, and birds,<br />

the maxillary shelf provides a floor for the caudal maxillary sinus.<br />

Other theropods are believed to have only the rostral sinus<br />

(Witmer, 1990). Among Mesozoic birds, the caudal maxillary<br />

sinus is well documented in Hesperomis (Witmer, 1990) and<br />

may have been present in Archaeopteryx, although the evidence<br />

of its presence in the fifth skeleton provided by Witmer<br />

(1990:360, fig. 14) is probably incorrect (Elzanowski and<br />

Wellnhofer, 1995). The upper jaw of the fifth skeleton, however,<br />

contains a vertical, median or paramedian element (Elzanowski<br />

and Wellnhofer, 1995, fig. 7X) that is similar in shape<br />

and location to the medial wall of the caudal sinus in the oviraptorids.<br />

PALATINE.—The palatine of the omithomimosaurs, therizinosauroids,<br />

oviraptorids, caenagnathids (Sues, 1997, fig. 2),<br />

and birds has a maxillary process that is much longer than the<br />

rostromedial vomeral process and overlaps the maxillary palatal<br />

shelf ventrally. In the neomithines, including Hesperomis,<br />

the maxillary process is known as the premaxillary process because<br />

it extends even further rostrally and reaches the premaxilla.<br />

The palatine has a broad pterygoid (caudal) wing that overlaps<br />

the pterygoid ventrally in the therizinosauroids,<br />

oviraptorids, birds, and probably in caenagnathids.<br />

In the omithomimosaurs, the palatine has a dorsal, transversely<br />

oriented process situated close to the lacrimal (Osmolska<br />

et al., 1972:116, 136). A prominent transverse crest is<br />

present in Archaeopteryx in a comparable location (Elzanowski<br />

and Wellnhofer, 1996:89, fig. 9A), and three transverse<br />

crests are present in Chirostenotes (Sues, 1997, fig. 2). In contrast,<br />

the dorsal process of the palatine that ascends to the lacrimal<br />

in the oviraptorids is oriented in the parasagittal plane<br />

(Figure 2B).<br />

PTERYGOPALATINE FENESTRA.—Gauthier (1986) used the<br />

pterygopalatine (subsidiary palatine) fenestra as one of two diagnostic<br />

cranial characters of the newly defined Coelurosauria,<br />

although it is known to be present in only two of the originally<br />

included families, the omithomimosaurs and dromaeosaurids.<br />

The pterygopalatine fenestra has been subsequently identified<br />

in Archaeomithoides, the therizinosauroids, and tentatively in<br />

Chirostenotes and Gobipteryx. This fenestra is lacking in the<br />

oviraptorids (Figure 1). In Hesperomis and other neomithines<br />

there is no separate fenestra, although the situation in Gobipteryx<br />

suggests that it may have merged with the choana. The<br />

lack of an appropriate embayment in either the palatine or<br />

pterygoid of Archaeopteryx suggests either the absence of this<br />

fenestra or a configuration similar to that in the neomithines.<br />

The uncertain status of the pterygopalatine fenestra in birds<br />

makes it of little use in the search for avian relatives.<br />


is situated rostrally and, as a result, the postpalatine<br />

(palatine) fenestra is reduced in the oviraptorids (Figures 1, 2)<br />

and therizinosauroids (although it is unclear whether the fenestra<br />

is present in the latter). The fenestra is much smaller in Gallimimus<br />

(Osmolska et al., 1972:108) than it is in the dromaeosaurids<br />

and may be even smaller, if present at all, in<br />

Omithomimus edmontonicus Sternberg (ROM 851), where the<br />

ectopterygoid is preserved in contact with the lacrimal (pers.<br />

obs.) in a position very different from that reconstructed in<br />

Gallimimus. In the oviraptorids and Erlikosaurus, the ectopterygoid<br />

is lateral to the palatine, which is due to its rostral<br />

position and the presence of the pterygoid wing of the palatine.<br />

This also may be tme of the Caenagnathidae (Sues, 1997:701).<br />

Although the ectopterygoid is positioned caudally in the fifth<br />

specimen of Archaeopteryx, it may have overlapped, at least in<br />

part, the long pterygoid wing of the palatine.<br />

The oviraptorid ectopterygoid differs from that of Archaeopteryx<br />

and from other theropods, including the therizinosauroids,<br />

in the lack of the jugal hook, its distal articulation primarily<br />

with the lacrimal and maxilla rather than the jugal, and its<br />

strongly slanting position between the lacrimal and the palatine<br />

(Figure 2). In all these differences, the oviraptorid ectopterygoid<br />

agrees with the avian uncinate (uncinatum=lacrimopalatinum),<br />

which in the neomithine birds articulates with the caudoventral<br />

margin of the lacrimal and descends caudoventrally<br />

to the palate (Figure 3). Although in modem birds the uncinate<br />

tapers toward the ventral tip and either articulates with the palatine<br />

or ends free above it, in oviraptorids the bone flares out<br />

ventrally and articulates with both the palatine and the pterygoid.<br />

This difference may be accounted for by the reduction of<br />

the rostral part of the pterygoid (which became separated and<br />

reduced as the hemipterygoid) in the neomithine birds. In Hesperomis<br />

the uncinate probably approached or marginally contacted<br />

the large hemipterygoid (Elzanowski, 1991, fig. 3). The<br />

uncinate of extant birds is clearly a vestigial structure that is<br />

extremely variable in shape.<br />

The uncinate is widespread among the neomithines. It has<br />

been found in the Stmthionidae and Rheidae among the paleog-

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