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306 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEOBIOLOGY chanical properties and actions of the supracoracoideus in eight acute in situ experiments for each species by direct nerve stimulation. All experiments were performed following anesthesia with ketamine (60 mg/kg) and xylazine (6 mg/kg); supplemental ketamine was given as needed. We bisected the lattisimus dorsi and rhomboideus muscles to expose the brachial plexus and isolate the nerve to the supracoracoideus. We intubated the birds unidirectionally via the trachea (80% oxygen, 20% nitrogen) after opening the posterior air-sacs. We severed all components of the brachial plexus except the nerve to the supracoracoideus to prevent stimulation of adjacent muscles. Following surgical preparation we clamped the sternum and coracoid to a rigid frame and maintained body temperature at 40° C with warmed avian ringers and a heat lamp. We mounted the supracoracoideus nerve on silver bipolar electrodes and established a stimulation voltage (2x threshold) to elicit a twitch or a tetanus. For four birds of each species, we measured maximal tetanic tension by connecting the tendon of the supracoracoideus directly to a force transducer. ROTATION AND ELEVATION.—We made independent measurements of the rotational force (torque) about the longitudinal axis of the humems and of the force of elevation on the humems during isometric contraction of the supracoracoideus for two birds of each species. To measure torque, we threaded a short piece of silver wire (0.38 mm diameter) through a small hole drilled in the deltopectoral crest, attached the wire to the force transducer, and measured isometric force at that point. We placed a 23-gauge pin in the shaft of the humems to prevent elevation while still permitting "free" rotation about the bone's longitudinal axis. To measure elevational force, we secured the humerus to the transducer with surgical silk. We stimulated the supracoracoideus nerve tetanically with the humems positioned at joint angles of elevation/depression and protraction/retraction coincident with the downstroke-upstroke transition and midupstroke of flight. EXCURSION OF THE HUMERUS.—We measured the total in situ elevation excursions of the humems during tetanus of the supracoracoideus for two birds of each species. During these measurements, the humems was not restricted in any way but was allowed to move during stimulation. We stimulated the nerve tetanically (60 hertz; 500 ms train duration) and measured elevation of the humems with a protractor. We made all elevational measurements relative to the dorsal border of the scapula in lateral view. Subsequent to the elevation measurements, we measured rotation by placing a 23-gauge pin guided by a rack and pinion through a small hole drilled in the distal end of the humems. We threaded the needle into the long axis of the humeral shaft, which served as a pivot for rotation while restricting the elevational component of movement. We placed a 26-gauge pin perpendicular to the long axis of the humems, which served as a dial with which to measure the degree of rotation. We made measurements at the two wing positions noted earlier; the downstroke-upstroke transition and midupstroke. Discussion The downstroke-upstroke transition in both species begins with the humems depressed below the horizontal (10° for starling, estimated 10° for pigeon). The angle formed by the long axis of the humems and the vertebral column in dorsal view at the downstroke-upstroke transition is about 55°-60° in both species. Upstroke commences by retraction, rotation, and elevation of the humems, flexion of the elbow, and flexion/supination of the wrist. During upstroke, the right humems rotates counterclockwise about its longitudinal axis and elevates about 40° above the horizontal (Figure 4). During muscle shortening the potential for active force production decreases as the humems is rotated and the wing is elevated. Nevertheless, at humeral angles corresponding to the downstroke-upstroke transition, we measured tetanic forces of 6.5 ±1.2 newtons (N) in the starling (H=3) and 39.4 ±6.2 N in the pigeon {n=6); forces 8 times or more the body weight of each species. The supracoracoideus imparted an average isometric force for rotation measured at the deltopectoral crest for the starling of 4.9 N (downstroke-upstroke transition) and for the pigeon of 32.1 N. The forces at the midupstroke positions were about half of these values. Although we measured in situ humeral rotations of up to 80°, maximum elevations of the humems were only about 55° above the horizontal. From these data we conclude the primary action of the supracoracoideus to be high-velocity rotation of the humems about its longitudinal axis during wing upstroke; active wing elevation may be of secondary importance. Further support for this conclusion comes from an analysis of the glenoid and the anatomical arrangement of the avian supracoracoideus. The avian shoulder joint is structurally derived and functionally complex. The glenoid, best described as a hemisellar (half-saddle) joint, faces dorsolateral^ and articulates with a bulbous humeral head. Jenkins (1993) reviewed the structural/ functional evolution of this joint and provided an interpretation of its function based on a cineradiographic analysis of the wingbeat cycle. His study illustrated the articulation of the humeral head on a dorsally facing surface of the glenoid, the labmm cavitatis glenoidalis, which allows for full abduction of the wing into the parasagittal plane at the upstroke-downstroke transition. We believe full abduction is not so much by elevation of the humems but by rotation about its longitudinal axis. It bears emphasis that during the wingbeat cycle of European Starlings flying in a wind tunnel, where we have precise cineradiographic data, the angle formed by the long axis of the humems and the vertebral column is never greater than 55° (Jenkins et al., 1988, fig. 1; Dial et al., 1991, fig. 4). We have made in situ measurements of humeral protraction/retraction in anaesthetized, intact starlings and pigeons. The humems cannot be drawn forward to intersect the body axis at an angle greater than 60°-65° unless forced; its forward angle beyond these angles is constrained by the ligaments and muscles surrounding the shoulder. The mechanics of the musculoskeletal organization of the supracoracoideus also supports our conclusion. The supracoracoideus in both pigeons and starlings, as well as in all other species

NUMBER 89 307 FIGURE 4.—Wing of the European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris Linnaeus) during upstroke in frontal view (after Dial et al., 1991) at the downstroke-upstroke transition (A), midupstroke (B), and upstroke position (c) at maximum humeral rotation and elevation. At the downstroke-upstroke position, the humerus is depressed 10° below the horizontal and the hand is pronated. During upstroke, the humerus rotates 80° on its longitudinal axis and elevates 55° above the horizontal, and the hand is fully supinated. Scale bar=l cm. we examined (see Figure 3), is a bipinnate muscle with relatively short but numerous fascicles. This architecture is favorable for high forces and limited excursion. Additionally, the tendon of insertion inserts circumferentialy on the long axis of the humems, further contributing to the role of the supracoracoideus as a humeral rotator. The moment arm of the tendon of insertion in both species is short; we estimate its maximum to be 2 mm in the starling and 4 mm in the pigeon. Although the mechanical advantage of the supracoracoideus is low, its high input force, particularly at the downstroke-upstroke transition, is favorable for the production of high-velocity movements at the distal portion of the wing. We predict that during the upstroke, the distal portion of the wing experiences extremely high rotation velocity. Although still to be determined, these rotary forces may act to augment supination at the wrist in addition to supination provided by the trochlea carpalis-cuneiform complex. THE FOSSIL EVIDENCE In view of the evidence for the role of the supracoracoideus during the wingbeat cycle in modem birds, the obvious question before us is, when did the supination/humeral rotation action of the supracoracoideus come into play? Rotation of the humems by the supracoracoideus is enhanced by the leverage provided by the tuberculum dorsale (external tuberosity), the derived site of insertion of the supracoracoideus (Figure 3). Reorientation of the supracoracoideus to this insertion on the humems is accomplished by the passage of the tendon through the triosseal canal and around the acrocoracoid. At what point in the fossil record can we recognize any of these features? None of these features have been noted in any of the specimens of Archaeopteryx (Figure 5). As reported by Sereno and External Tuberosity Head ARCHAEOPTERYX Deltopectoral Crest -————^—— Deltopectoral Internal Tuberosity Bicipital Crest CATHARTES Ectepicondyle FIGURE 5.—Comparison of the humeri of Archaeopteryx and a modem flying bird, the Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura (Linnaeus)), in dorsal aspect. Humeri are drawn to unit length for easy comparison; each scale bar equals 3 cm (external tuberosity=tuberculum dorsale). The humerus of Archaeopteryx is devoid of most of the tubercles and crests that are well developed in most modem birds. Most of these features are the attachment sites of muscles that retract and rotate the humerus. (After Ostrom, 1976a.)

NUMBER 89 307<br />

FIGURE 4.—Wing of the European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris Linnaeus) during<br />

upstroke in frontal view (after Dial et al., 1991) at the downstroke-upstroke<br />

transition (A), midupstroke (B), and upstroke position (c) at<br />

maximum humeral rotation and elevation. At the downstroke-upstroke position,<br />

the humerus is depressed 10° below the horizontal and the hand is<br />

pronated. During upstroke, the humerus rotates 80° on its longitudinal axis<br />

and elevates 55° above the horizontal, and the hand is fully supinated. Scale<br />

bar=l cm.<br />

we examined (see Figure 3), is a bipinnate muscle with relatively<br />

short but numerous fascicles. This architecture is favorable<br />

for high forces and limited excursion. Additionally, the tendon<br />

of insertion inserts circumferentialy on the long axis of the humems,<br />

further contributing to the role of the supracoracoideus<br />

as a humeral rotator. The moment arm of the tendon of insertion<br />

in both species is short; we estimate its maximum to be 2<br />

mm in the starling and 4 mm in the pigeon. Although the mechanical<br />

advantage of the supracoracoideus is low, its high input<br />

force, particularly at the downstroke-upstroke transition, is<br />

favorable for the production of high-velocity movements at the<br />

distal portion of the wing. We predict that during the upstroke,<br />

the distal portion of the wing experiences extremely high rotation<br />

velocity. Although still to be determined, these rotary forces<br />

may act to augment supination at the wrist in addition to supination<br />

provided by the trochlea carpalis-cuneiform complex.<br />


In view of the evidence for the role of the supracoracoideus<br />

during the wingbeat cycle in modem birds, the obvious question<br />

before us is, when did the supination/humeral rotation action<br />

of the supracoracoideus come into play? Rotation of the<br />

humems by the supracoracoideus is enhanced by the leverage<br />

provided by the tuberculum dorsale (external tuberosity), the<br />

derived site of insertion of the supracoracoideus (Figure 3). Reorientation<br />

of the supracoracoideus to this insertion on the humems<br />

is accomplished by the passage of the tendon through<br />

the triosseal canal and around the acrocoracoid. At what point<br />

in the fossil record can we recognize any of these features?<br />

None of these features have been noted in any of the specimens<br />

of Archaeopteryx (Figure 5). As reported by Sereno and<br />

External<br />

Tuberosity<br />

Head<br />


Deltopectoral Crest -————^——<br />

Deltopectoral<br />

Internal Tuberosity<br />

Bicipital Crest<br />


Ectepicondyle<br />

FIGURE 5.—Comparison of the humeri of Archaeopteryx and a modem flying<br />

bird, the Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura (Linnaeus)), in dorsal aspect. Humeri<br />

are drawn to unit length for easy comparison; each scale bar equals 3 cm<br />

(external tuberosity=tuberculum dorsale). The humerus of Archaeopteryx is<br />

devoid of most of the tubercles and crests that are well developed in most modem<br />

birds. Most of these features are the attachment sites of muscles that retract<br />

and rotate the humerus. (After Ostrom, 1976a.)

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