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Humeral Rotation and Wrist Supination: Important Functional Complex for the Evolution of Powered Flight in Birds? John H. Ostrom, Samuel O. Poore, and G.E. Goslow, Jr. ABSTRACT To achieve a better understanding of the function of the M. supracoracoideus in extant birds, we measured the mechanical properties and actions of the supracoracoideus in the European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris Linnaeus) and a pigeon (Columba livia Gmelin). We performed three sets of acute in situ experiments by direct nerve stimulation. We measured length-active and length-passive tension, forces of humeral elevation and rotation (torque), and humeral excursion (elevation and rotation). The supracoracoideus is capable of generating a tetanic force 7-10 times the bird's body weight, imparts a torque about the longitudinal axis that is greater than its force of humeral elevation, and, when tetanically stimulated, elevates the humems a limited 50°-60° above the horizontal but rotates it through 80°. We conclude that the primary role of the supracoracoideus is high-velocity rotation of the humerus, a movement critical to achieving the upstroke portion of the wingbeat cycle. In addition, we propose that high-velocity humeral rotation may also serve to augment supination of the wrist during upstroke. A morphologically derived supracoracoideus to produce rapid humeral rotation and the skeletal features associated with it, an acrocoracoid, triosseal canal, and tuberculum dorsale, are not evident in Archaeopteryx or Sinornis. These features also appear undeveloped in Iberomesornis and Concornis, dirt unknown in Cathayornis, and apparently are not preserved in the most recent find, Confuciusomis. Introduction In order for a flapping wing stroke to be effective, the wing surface must be converted from an aerofoil to a "nonaerofoil" surface as the wing changes from the powered downstroke to the recovery upstroke, either powered or unpowered. The wing of birds is pronated and extended during the downstroke to provide maximum surface area for both lift and thrust, but it is supinated during the recovery upstroke so as to minimize the surface area and thereby reduce drag. The focus of this contribution centers around the M. supracoracoideus and its role in modem birds for augmenting supination at the wrist. These data provide a new perspective on the fossil record of birds. The statement written twenty years ago that "any consideration of the evolution of flight must start with Archaeopteryx" (Ostrom, 1976a:3) is more important today than when it was written. This is because more is now known about the anatomical details of Archaeopteryx, especially after publication of the last three finds (Wellnhofer, 1974, 1988, 1992, 1993), and because of advances in our understanding of bird flight mechanics (Gauthier and Padian, 1985; Ostrom, 1986, 1994, 1995; Jenkins et al., 1988; Rayner, 1988a; Dial et al., 1991; Vazquez, 1992; Pennycuick, 1993). This fact is brought home in a most compelling manner when the now seven nearly complete, articulated specimens of Archaeopteryx are compared with the often incomplete, solitary Mesozoic bird specimens {Iberomesornis, Sinornis, Cathayornis, Concornis, Otogornis, Confuciusomis, and others) that have been reported since the Eichstatt specimen was recognized. Recognition in the Eichstatt specimen of the maniraptoran-like semilunate carpal (Ostrom, 1976a, 1976b) resulted in a careful reevaluation of the hypothesis of the theropod origin of birds (Hecht et al., 1985; Schultze and Tmeb, 1991) and the origins of flight in birds (Padian, 1986; Gauthier and Padian, 1989; Bock and Buhler, 1995). These arguments aside, however, from a functional standpoint this same semilunate carpal was central to the maintenance of pronation during downstroke and to the execution of supination during upstroke. JohnH. Ostrom, Division of Vertebrate Paleontology, 170 Whitney Av­ After meticulous investigations of the morphology of the enue, P.O. Box 6666, New Haven, Connecticut 06511, United States. avian carpal-metacarpal complex and functional morphology Samuel O. Poore and G.E. Goslow, Jr., Brown University, Department of the pigeon carpometacarpus, Vazquez (1992, 1995) demon­ of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Box G-BMC 204, Providence, strated that the articular surface of the trochlea carpalis in mod­ Rhode Island 02912, United States. em birds acts to automatically supinate the hand upon wrist 301

Humeral Rotation and Wrist Supination:<br />

Important Functional Complex for the Evolution<br />

of Powered Flight in Birds?<br />

John H. Ostrom, Samuel O. Poore, and G.E. Goslow, Jr.<br />


To achieve a better understanding of the function of the M.<br />

supracoracoideus in extant birds, we measured the mechanical<br />

properties and actions of the supracoracoideus in the European<br />

Starling (Sturnus vulgaris Linnaeus) and a pigeon (Columba livia<br />

Gmelin). We performed three sets of acute in situ experiments by<br />

direct nerve stimulation. We measured length-active and<br />

length-passive tension, forces of humeral elevation and rotation<br />

(torque), and humeral excursion (elevation and rotation). The<br />

supracoracoideus is capable of generating a tetanic force 7-10<br />

times the bird's body weight, imparts a torque about the longitudinal<br />

axis that is greater than its force of humeral elevation, and,<br />

when tetanically stimulated, elevates the humems a limited<br />

50°-60° above the horizontal but rotates it through 80°. We conclude<br />

that the primary role of the supracoracoideus is high-velocity<br />

rotation of the humerus, a movement critical to achieving the<br />

upstroke portion of the wingbeat cycle. In addition, we propose<br />

that high-velocity humeral rotation may also serve to augment<br />

supination of the wrist during upstroke.<br />

A morphologically derived supracoracoideus to produce rapid<br />

humeral rotation and the skeletal features associated with it, an<br />

acrocoracoid, triosseal canal, and tuberculum dorsale, are not evident<br />

in Archaeopteryx or Sinornis. These features also appear<br />

undeveloped in Iberomesornis and Concornis, dirt unknown in<br />

Cathayornis, and apparently are not preserved in the most recent<br />

find, Confuciusomis.<br />

Introduction<br />

In order for a flapping wing stroke to be effective, the wing<br />

surface must be converted from an aerofoil to a "nonaerofoil"<br />

surface as the wing changes from the powered downstroke to<br />

the recovery upstroke, either powered or unpowered. The wing<br />

of birds is pronated and extended during the downstroke to provide<br />

maximum surface area for both lift and thrust, but it is supinated<br />

during the recovery upstroke so as to minimize the surface<br />

area and thereby reduce drag. The focus of this<br />

contribution centers around the M. supracoracoideus and its role<br />

in modem birds for augmenting supination at the wrist. These<br />

data provide a new perspective on the fossil record of birds.<br />

The statement written twenty years ago that "any consideration<br />

of the evolution of flight must start with Archaeopteryx"<br />

(Ostrom, 1976a:3) is more important today than when it was<br />

written. This is because more is now known about the anatomical<br />

details of Archaeopteryx, especially after publication of the<br />

last three finds (Wellnhofer, 1974, 1988, 1992, 1993), and because<br />

of advances in our understanding of bird flight mechanics<br />

(Gauthier and Padian, 1985; Ostrom, 1986, 1994, 1995; Jenkins<br />

et al., 1988; Rayner, 1988a; Dial et al., 1991; Vazquez, 1992;<br />

Pennycuick, 1993). This fact is brought home in a most compelling<br />

manner when the now seven nearly complete, articulated<br />

specimens of Archaeopteryx are compared with the often incomplete,<br />

solitary Mesozoic bird specimens {Iberomesornis,<br />

Sinornis, Cathayornis, Concornis, Otogornis, Confuciusomis,<br />

and others) that have been reported since the Eichstatt specimen<br />

was recognized. Recognition in the Eichstatt specimen of the<br />

maniraptoran-like semilunate carpal (Ostrom, 1976a, 1976b)<br />

resulted in a careful reevaluation of the hypothesis of the theropod<br />

origin of birds (Hecht et al., 1985; Schultze and Tmeb,<br />

1991) and the origins of flight in birds (Padian, 1986; Gauthier<br />

and Padian, 1989; Bock and Buhler, 1995). These arguments<br />

aside, however, from a functional standpoint this same semilunate<br />

carpal was central to the maintenance of pronation during<br />

downstroke and to the execution of supination during upstroke.<br />

JohnH. Ostrom, Division of Vertebrate Paleontology, 170 Whitney Av­<br />

After meticulous investigations of the morphology of the<br />

enue, P.O. Box 6666, New Haven, Connecticut 06511, United States. avian carpal-metacarpal complex and functional morphology<br />

Samuel O. Poore and G.E. Goslow, Jr., Brown University, Department of the pigeon carpometacarpus, Vazquez (1992, 1995) demon­<br />

of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Box G-BMC 204, Providence, strated that the articular surface of the trochlea carpalis in mod­<br />

Rhode Island 02912, United States.<br />

em birds acts to automatically supinate the hand upon wrist<br />


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