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296 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEOBIOLOGY FIGURE 1.—A-E, Cross-sectional diagrams showing relationships of the tooth-bearing bone (unshaded), attachment bone (black), adult tooth (diagonal hatching), and replacement teeth (stippled): A, stem-reptiles (acrodont); B, earliest diapsid reptile (Petrolacosaurus); c, crocodilians and birds (thecodont with a groove); D, lizards (pleurodont); and E, "thecodonts" and dinosaurs (thecodont through superpleurodonty). F, cross section of a dentary of Troodon showing the replacement tooth standing lingual to its predecessor (modified from Currie, 1987, fig. Id). G, medial view of the maxilla of the theropod dinosaur Megalosaurus (modified from Charig, 1979:15), showing replacement teeth (rt), interdental groove (ig), and interdental plate (ip). sion of the labial margin of the tooth-bearing bones so that the teeth rest on a shelf (Figure IB). Replacement teeth form lingually to the teeth they replace, and this probably inhibits the formation of an inner bony wall. The teeth are attached to the bony shelf by a highly cancellous bone called "bone of attachment" (Tomes, 1923). Attachment bone also surrounds the developing teeth, which are able to migrate labially through it. Edmund (1969:126) briefly discussed attachment bone, saying that it "appears to be embryologically and histologically identical with the alveolar bone of mammals and thecodont reptiles. It develops from the dentigenous bone near the base of the new tooth, fuses with it, and is, in turn, resorbed in the process of shedding of the old tooth." It also attaches the roots of the teeth of lizards to the labial side of the jaw, thus forming the pleurodont condition (Carlson, 1990). In mammals the periodontal sac encloses the developing tooth and deposits bone (cementum) around the root using the mesenchymal tissues on its inner surface. Imbedded in the cementum are collagenous fibers from the periodontal sac, called periodontal ligaments, that also become imbedded in the bone laid down by the external surface of the sac (Carlson, 1990), which corresponds to bone of attachment. Mammalian teeth have a very limited replacement sequence and have dense, well-formed alveolar bone. Attachment bone of animals with continuous replacement is constantly being remodeled. It has the distinct porous (fibrous) morphology of bone that is subject to rapid resorption and regrowth. The tooth when embedded in the jaw is within the dental sac and thus can be surrounded by attachment bone. The dental lamellae form tooth papillae on the lingual side in an ordered sequence. This is generally tme for all vertebrates, and primitively much of the formation of a replacement tooth occurs lingual to the tooth it will replace. The tooth migrates through the easily reconfigured attachment bone and is always internal to the dense bone of the jaw. Because the tooth family is lingual, it is not obstmcted by a labial wall supporting the root. An outer wall helps the teeth to resist outward strain, but stabilizing the teeth to inward pressure is attained either by fusing the teeth (Figure ID) to the labial wall (pleurodonty) or by building an inner wall lingual to the tooth row (thecodonty). In the latter case, space for the tooth family must still be provided. Archosaurs evolved two solutions to the problem of building an inner wall. One method was to bring up the inner edge of each tooth-bearing bone to form a groove (Figure lC). In its most primitive stages this groove may not have contained complete septa, although it seems likely that the groove would have had some constrictions around the teeth. This is essentially the situation that we see in young crocodilians and in young birds. In these archosaurs, the required anteroposterior stabilization of the dentition is provided in part by expanding the roots of the teeth so that they nearly contact one another, and this also gives more surface for periodontal ligaments. The more advanced condition is seen in adult crocodilians. Here, lingual and labial projections meet to form septa, and teeth of adult crocodilians tend to have less bulbous roots than do the teeth in juveniles (Martin et al., 1980). An alternate solution is expansion of the attachment bone until it forms the lingual wall, which is found in several archosaur groups, including dino-

NUMBER 89 297 saurs (Figure 1E-G). This is not surprising when we consider that it is merely an elaboration of bone that was already involved with fixing the teeth to the jaw. In camosaurs, this expansion forms structures that have been variously termed "interdental rugosae" (Osborn, 1912), "interdental plates'' (Madsen, 1976), or "infradental plates" (Gardiner, 1982). In the mandible, these "plates" lie on top of the dentary and are slightly labially inset to the lingual wall. In the upper jaw, they lie beneath the maxilla and premaxilla, slightly labial to the lingual walls (Figure lF,G). They are generally bounded anteriorly and posteriorly by vertical grooves leading into foramina at the base of the plates. The foramina also are connected by a horizontal groove on the ledge at the base of the interdental plates. Each foramen is paired to one tooth site and commonly contains a developing tooth (Figure lG). The grooves and foramina may mark the sites for the dental lamellae, an interpretation that is consistent with their termination at the location of newly deposited tooth crowns. Because the grooves are at the tooth sites of the jaw, the flat attachment bone between them is "interdental." Interdental plates of this sort occur in most saurischians and in many thecodonts (Martin et al., 1980). The only significant variation we have seen in the morphology of interdental plates is the occasional obliteration of the vertical grooves in presumably older individuals. That the interdental plates are continuous with the interdental septae and distinct from the tooth-bearing bones themselves was observed by Osborn (1912) and Walker (1964). Each method of lingual wall formation is accompanied by a characteristic mode of tooth replacement. In fact, in the crocodilian mode of replacement, the new tooth has most of its formation in the pulp cavity of its predecessor. This mode of replacement also is facilitated by the expanded root and was described by Edmund (1960:114-115) thus: "The crown of a replacement tooth develops within the body of the old tooth, mainly below the neck separating the wider base from the narrower crown. In this way the diameter of the replacement crown can become greater than that of the crown of the tooth within which it lies." The signature feature of this type of replacement is a pit that completely surrounds the developing replacement tooth (Figure 2E,F), a feature that is absent in all of the many thousands of known dinosaur teeth. Edmund (1969:186) pointed out that saurischian dinosaurs differ from crocodilians in that the replacement tooth did not enter its predecessor's pulp cavity at an early stage, but seems to have been associated with progressive lingual resorption, with the resulting appearance of having dissolved its way into the lingual wall. The new tooth does not become central in the alveolus until it is about half grown, and much of its predecessor has been resorbed. Frequently a replacement tooth can be seen in the alveolus lingual to its predecessor, the latter being still perfectly functional. From the discussions of Edmund (1960, 1969), and from examination of many saurischian specimens, it is clear that the replacement teeth of saurischians form and continue in an upright position to their maturity. In camosaurs FIGURE 2.—A-D, Teeth of theropod dinosaurs thought by various authors to be especially close to birds: A, Mononykus (modified from Perle et al., 1993); B, Troodon; C, Saurornitholestes; D, Dromaeosaurus (C-D modified from Currie et al., 1990). Teeth showing constricted crown, replacement tooth tip, and expanded base: E, bird, Parahesperornis alexi Martin; F,G, crocodilian, Alligator; G, lateral cross section showing the tilted replacement tooth resorbing the root of its predecessor (modified from Edmund, 1962). the replacement teeth form rows on the lingual side of the mature tooth, and we have seen as many as three generations of teeth ranked side by side. In crocodilians, however, the replacement tooth prepares to enter the pulp chamber of its predecessor by first tilting toward it (Figure 2G). The developing crown then passes in and upward through a circular resorption window in its predecessor (Figure 2F). The teeth of crocodilians are attached by periodontal ligaments running from the jaw bones to the root cementum on the expanded roots (Miller, 1968). This mode of attachment has not been recognized in other diapsid reptiles, which also may lack the necessary root cementum.


FIGURE 1.—A-E, Cross-sectional diagrams showing relationships of the<br />

tooth-bearing bone (unshaded), attachment bone (black), adult tooth (diagonal<br />

hatching), and replacement teeth (stippled): A, stem-reptiles (acrodont); B, earliest<br />

diapsid reptile (Petrolacosaurus); c, crocodilians and birds (thecodont<br />

with a groove); D, lizards (pleurodont); and E, "thecodonts" and dinosaurs (thecodont<br />

through superpleurodonty). F, cross section of a dentary of Troodon<br />

showing the replacement tooth standing lingual to its predecessor (modified<br />

from Currie, 1987, fig. Id). G, medial view of the maxilla of the theropod dinosaur<br />

Megalosaurus (modified from Charig, 1979:15), showing replacement<br />

teeth (rt), interdental groove (ig), and interdental plate (ip).<br />

sion of the labial margin of the tooth-bearing bones so that the<br />

teeth rest on a shelf (Figure IB). Replacement teeth form lingually<br />

to the teeth they replace, and this probably inhibits the<br />

formation of an inner bony wall. The teeth are attached to the<br />

bony shelf by a highly cancellous bone called "bone of attachment"<br />

(Tomes, 1923). Attachment bone also surrounds the developing<br />

teeth, which are able to migrate labially through it.<br />

Edmund (1969:126) briefly discussed attachment bone, saying<br />

that it "appears to be embryologically and histologically identical<br />

with the alveolar bone of mammals and thecodont reptiles.<br />

It develops from the dentigenous bone near the base of the new<br />

tooth, fuses with it, and is, in turn, resorbed in the process of<br />

shedding of the old tooth." It also attaches the roots of the teeth<br />

of lizards to the labial side of the jaw, thus forming the pleurodont<br />

condition (Carlson, 1990). In mammals the periodontal<br />

sac encloses the developing tooth and deposits bone (cementum)<br />

around the root using the mesenchymal tissues on its inner<br />

surface. Imbedded in the cementum are collagenous fibers<br />

from the periodontal sac, called periodontal ligaments, that also<br />

become imbedded in the bone laid down by the external surface<br />

of the sac (Carlson, 1990), which corresponds to bone of<br />

attachment. Mammalian teeth have a very limited replacement<br />

sequence and have dense, well-formed alveolar bone. Attachment<br />

bone of animals with continuous replacement is constantly<br />

being remodeled. It has the distinct porous (fibrous) morphology<br />

of bone that is subject to rapid resorption and<br />

regrowth.<br />

The tooth when embedded in the jaw is within the dental sac<br />

and thus can be surrounded by attachment bone. The dental<br />

lamellae form tooth papillae on the lingual side in an ordered<br />

sequence. This is generally tme for all vertebrates, and primitively<br />

much of the formation of a replacement tooth occurs lingual<br />

to the tooth it will replace. The tooth migrates through the<br />

easily reconfigured attachment bone and is always internal to<br />

the dense bone of the jaw.<br />

Because the tooth family is lingual, it is not obstmcted by a<br />

labial wall supporting the root. An outer wall helps the teeth to<br />

resist outward strain, but stabilizing the teeth to inward pressure<br />

is attained either by fusing the teeth (Figure ID) to the labial<br />

wall (pleurodonty) or by building an inner wall lingual to<br />

the tooth row (thecodonty). In the latter case, space for the<br />

tooth family must still be provided.<br />

Archosaurs evolved two solutions to the problem of building<br />

an inner wall. One method was to bring up the inner edge of<br />

each tooth-bearing bone to form a groove (Figure lC). In its<br />

most primitive stages this groove may not have contained complete<br />

septa, although it seems likely that the groove would have<br />

had some constrictions around the teeth. This is essentially the<br />

situation that we see in young crocodilians and in young birds.<br />

In these archosaurs, the required anteroposterior stabilization<br />

of the dentition is provided in part by expanding the roots of<br />

the teeth so that they nearly contact one another, and this also<br />

gives more surface for periodontal ligaments. The more advanced<br />

condition is seen in adult crocodilians. Here, lingual<br />

and labial projections meet to form septa, and teeth of adult<br />

crocodilians tend to have less bulbous roots than do the teeth in<br />

juveniles (Martin et al., 1980). An alternate solution is expansion<br />

of the attachment bone until it forms the lingual wall,<br />

which is found in several archosaur groups, including dino-

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