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NUMBER 89 221<br />

Costae: Deformed fragments of four left ribs can be seen<br />

in the paratype. No processus uncinati can be detected.<br />

Sternum: Pieces of the sternum are preserved only in the<br />

paratype. They are badly crushed, covering as a thin layer parts<br />

of the ribs and femur.<br />

Furcula: The furcula is thin and U-shaped. There is no hypocleideum.<br />

In both specimens the dorsal ends of this bone are<br />

insufficiently preserved. The thickness of the scapus is continuously<br />

about 1 mm.<br />

Coracoideum: In the holotype, fragments of the coracoids<br />

are deformed past recognition. In the paratype they are in better<br />

condition. They have a slender shaft and a rather small extremitas<br />

omalis. The presence of a processus procoracoideus is uncertain.<br />

Unfortunately, the lateral and medial parts of the extremitates<br />

sternales are only partly preserved. What can be<br />

seen, especially from the left coracoid of the paratype, suggests<br />

abroad sternal extremity. Maximal length of the coracoid is approximately<br />

16 mm.<br />

Scapula: Parts of the left scapula of the holotype and of<br />

both scapulae of the paratype are preserved. All three bones<br />

have an even, ribbon-like shape, without any terminal enlargement.<br />

They are 1.6-1.7 mm broad. The cranial extremities are<br />

hidden by other bones.<br />

Humerus: All humeri have the cranial surfaces exposed.<br />

They are robust, slightly curved, and approach in shape the humerus<br />

of Anneavis Houde and Olson, 1992, but have the tuberculum<br />

dorsale and epicondylus dorsalis less prominent (fide<br />

Houde and Olson, 1992, fig. 8). The length is 21 mm and the<br />

midshaft width is 3 mm.<br />

Ulna: The ulna is stout, only slightly curved, and of the<br />

same length as the humerus or slightly shorter.<br />

Radius: The radius is straight and robust. The extremities<br />

are not well preserved.<br />

Os carpi radiale and o. c. ulnare: In the holotype a deformed<br />

ossicle attached to the distal end of the left ulna might<br />

be the o. c. ulnare, and both carpalia are preserved in the right<br />

hand of the holotype and in the left hand of the paratype. Their<br />

condition is so bad, however, that no useful details can be detected.<br />

Carpometacarpus: This is a robust bone. Apparently, the<br />

processus extensorius was only moderately protuberant. No<br />

processus intermetacarpalis is present. The proximal end of the<br />

os metacarpale minus has a rectangular flange projecting ventrally.<br />

A blurred structure in the paratype suggests that this<br />

flange might have been perforated, as in Coracias garrulus<br />

Linnaeus. The length is 14-15 mm, and the distal-end width is<br />

4.5 mm.<br />

Digitus alulae: In the holotype a small ossicle at the tip of<br />

the digit of the left hand very probably represents the second<br />

phalanx of this digit. The length of the first phalanx is 6 mm.<br />

Digitus major: The proximal phalanx is not fenestrated and<br />

approaches the shape of that of Passeriformes. Measurements<br />

are as follows: phalanx proximalis length 6 mm, distal-end<br />

width 3 mm; phalanx distalis length 6 mm.<br />

Digitus minor: The only phalanx is robust; it has a triangular<br />

outline and is about 3 mm long.<br />

Pelvis: The small fragments in the paratype suggest that the<br />

pelvis was rather wide. Inferring from the position of the femora,<br />

the distance between the acetabula was about 11-12 mm.<br />

Femur: No precise morphological details of this bone can<br />

be imparted. Its length is about 20 mm.<br />

Tibiotarsus: This is a slender, straight bone. In the holotype<br />

the cranial aspect of the right tibiotarsus is exposed; in the<br />

paratype the lateral side of the left tibiotarsus can be seen. The<br />

latter one is broken near the distal end, and both fragments<br />

have slipped together. In the holotype, part of the proximal end<br />

can be seen. Apparently, the cristae cnemiales were not very<br />

prominent, similar to the condition in Coracias. The distal end<br />

in both specimens is very deformed. The length is 30 mm, and<br />

the midshaft width is 3 mm.<br />

Fibula: Not preserved.<br />

Tarsometatarsus: The tarsometatarsus also is comparatively<br />

slender and straight. In the holotype both tarsometatarsi have<br />

the dorsal aspect exposed, the left one in a reversed position. In<br />

the paratype the left tarsometatarsus is exposed lateroplantarly.<br />

Although the bones are plastically deformed, it can be seen that<br />

they had a small hypotarsus and an unusually small trochleae.<br />

Both the distal and the proximal ends of the bone are only<br />

slightly broader than the shaft. The length is 20-21.5 mm.<br />

Ossa digitorum pedis: In the holotype the entire set of toes<br />

is preserved; in the paratype only the toes of the left foot can be<br />

seen in their plantar and partly lateral aspect. In the right foot<br />

of the holotype and the left one of the paratype, the toes are in a<br />

pamprodactyl position. In the left foot of the holotype, the configuration<br />

seems to be anisodactyl, but this might be an artifact<br />

because the toes are disarticulated from the tarsometatarsus.<br />

The most striking feature is in the proportions of the phalanges<br />

(p), as shown by the following measurements (in mm).<br />

digit Lpl, 4.5-5.5; p 2, 4.0-4.5<br />

digit II: p 1, 2.0; p 2, 6.0; p 3, 4.5-5.5<br />

digit III: p 1, 2.5; p 2, 2.5-3.0; p 3, 6.0; p 4, 5.0-6.0<br />

digit IV: p 1,2.0; p 2, 1.5-2.0; p 3, 1.5-2.0; p 4,6.0; p 5,5.5-6.0<br />

Feathers: There are some small remnants of feathers in the<br />

holotype (Figure 1), suggesting that the birds had quite long<br />

remiges or rectrices.<br />

Contents of the Digestive System: In the holotype at least 25<br />

densely packed seeds are preserved. Surely, this was the bird's<br />

last meal. It is difficult, however, to decide whether the seeds<br />

were in the stomach or in the crop. The seeds obviously belong<br />

to a dicotyledonous plant, but their identity is as yet unknown.<br />

Discussion<br />

Selmes absurdipes shows that not only the distribution but<br />

also the morphological range of the Sandcoleiformes is wider<br />

than initially presumed. The birds of this order are real taxonomic<br />

mosaics, having similarities with many other groups.<br />

For this reason it might be worthwhile to reflect on the defini-

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